Assalamu Alaikum:

As the title mentions, I'm looking for good resources, preferably videos, to learn about the beauty of Islam. Any recommendations you could suggest would be greatly appreciated!

My brother has type 1 diabetes, and as some may know, it can lead to severe depression later in life. I want him to understand his purpose better and find solace in Islam.

Thank you all for your time and support!

submitted by /u/lewar_kurdi
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from Islam https://ift.tt/9qsGy4d

Hi, brothers.

First of all, I would like to make aware to all, the instagram page of brother Motaz Azaiza. I came across his page recently, and looked at the most distressing, heart-breaking footage of Gaza I have ever seen in my life. It is difficult to stomach.

It moved me to write something on here, in hope to spread his page to others (if you haven’t followed him already)

What is going on in Gaza is something beyond evil.

It is a real test of one’s faith. We don’t seem to see any justice. There’s growing pro-Palestine support in the world, which is a good thing. Though this is not enough.

How do other Muslim countries stand by while this is happening? This has been going on for too long and yet we have seen no redemption, no justice. Will there be justice?

submitted by /u/Plenty-Koala2237
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from Islam https://ift.tt/KGx1E5W

So ill start work in these two months,its a good job not much,but im a good person i think? Idk i im genuine and have good qualities but i also feel so terrible about my self from my previous sins, sigh,what have i done to my self, what should i do? I feel like deep down i just wanna be safe, get a job and then find a secret home and just stay there for the rest of my life, i dont wanna burden anyone with my past

submitted by /u/Aware_Tour3255
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from Islam https://ift.tt/bxNfoMz

As the title says, I can't fake things, I can't pretend to be okay with someone if they did me wrong, I can't not speak up if I see someone trying to oppress me and so on... I try to be good and I'm careful with doing or saying the wrong thing to people.

I don't really know if this is good or bad in islam, I see a lot of people around just used to this and it makes me sick to my stomach, people would talk bad about others yet they would praise them in their faces

Is this normal, should we engage in these behaviors in order to survive in society?

Cause tbh I don't wanna

submitted by /u/Pitiful_Stuff12
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from Islam https://ift.tt/2IsAd7b

Bismi Allahi alrrahmani alrraheemi

allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā muḥammadin wa-ʾāli muḥammad

Asalam eayklum wa rahmatullah wa baraktuh.

I ask Allah to send His peace upon you all oh sisters of Islam.

I ask Allah to send His peace upon you all for you are our symbol.

I ask Allah to send His peace upon you all for in the different of the bodies of brothers and sisters of Islam are indeed reminders that Islam is the truth.

I ask Allah to protect you all and make you strong as a diamond, blooming as a flower and sharp as a sword for Islam came to make sisters and brothers strong soldiers of Allah.

I ask Allah to send His peace, protection and blessings upon you all sisters of Islam for Khadijah bint Khuwaylid is one of you and was the first to accept the message of Muhammad(peace be upon him, his family and companions) and helped Muhammad(peace be upon him, his family and companions) even when everyone else disbelieved in him. Who smashed stereotypes in an Islamic way! Who helped the prophet on the night he found out he is the last prophet of God. Who helped he find out that he was visited by an Angel and not a demon!

Oh sisters of Islam! Great is the blessing you are for the prophet said “Whoever has three daughters, or three sisters, and he fears Allah regarding them and cares for them, he will be with me in Paradise like this.”(Musnad Abī Ya’lá 3448). Indeed, you are our symbol! In this world of Kardashians, be a Khadijah! Verily! Having your feminine energy does not make you weak! Look at Zainab bint Haider(ealayha alsalam) who spoke like her father who ripped the door at Khaybar while fasting. Verily! In your chests and in the chest of every Muslim is indeed a lion. May Allah make you all strong as a diamond, blooming as a flower, sharp as a sword and standing as a lion!

submitted by /u/NewtongravityPhysics
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from Islam https://ift.tt/qr20fFK

So basically, I’ve been doing a specific sin a lot in the past, I promised my self that I won’t do it again, I even swore on the Quran. But unfortunately, I returned to it. I have asked Allah swt for forgiveness but I’m scared of the punishment on day of judgement. Please what shall I do and please make dua for me.

submitted by /u/Head-Satisfaction418
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from Islam https://ift.tt/SuTKDbt

So, i grew up in a muslim family but i was never thaught how to pray or anything, the word pray and its meaning just randomly spawned into my head. Im not trying to type much as it is raining right now, but i need a dua to guide my parents to pray, but i can find any. do any of you have a dua ????

submitted by /u/Voalinq
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from Islam https://ift.tt/S94vhqQ
What Red Pill Gets Wrong About Masculinity | Imam Tom & Hamza Tzortzis submitted by /u/theacceptedway
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from Islam https://ift.tt/ACBEior

Hello, I am a doctor who works in a predominantly Christian society. As part of my job, I work with people who are dying and those who are recently dead. When I care for Christian’s who die, I say a Christian prayer for their soul. When I care for a Muslim who dies I say the same prayer. Ideally I would like to say something that means more to them than this. What would you like a doctor to say after you die? Do you have a specific prayer or verse that you’d want me to say? I’d love to say something more relevant for my patient. Thank you!

submitted by /u/closeduntil
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from Islam https://ift.tt/Xqx7u6i

Hello, for the past couple weeks I’ve taken a lot of interest in the Quran and Allah but this morning I felt like I should keep my Christian faith. Does anyone have an opinion on why my sudden change of heart. Is it really wrong to be Christian?

peace be upon all my brothers and sisters! Have a great Sabbath (I think I read that right)!

submitted by /u/AnxietySweetie
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from Islam https://ift.tt/qc70Hnj
Famous Kazakhstan blogger cosplayed Zakir Naik in the "superhero cosplay" contest

Nazim Missanov, also known as @missanov participated in "superhero cosplay" contest. Firstly he thought to wear Spiderman's costume, but when he asked himself about who he consider as a hero, he made a choice for Zakir Naik.

"Your heroes save lives, but my hero save the souls".

And, to make it clear, he just imitate and respect Zakir, not make him an idol.

submitted by /u/Abbliboss
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from Islam https://ift.tt/l0ULaAH

Asalaam walikum, My experience with university has been mixed tbh. But one thing I’ll say for sure is that there is ALOT of fitnah. Alhamdulilah I’m so lucky that I actually don’t have a desire to indulge myself in it although that times it does look interesting. Always make sure to make duaa that Allah takes the desire of haraam out of your heart. My flat mates party until 3am and have guys over and the kitchen reeks of alcohol. What’s with the displaying the bottles things? Aside from being unhygienic it’s not even aesthetic. Anyways stay safe students :))

submitted by /u/himalayan_skies
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from Islam https://ift.tt/Fw6mf4O


Let’s take a child from Palestine who had just had their limbs amputated and now has to live their whole life on a wheelchair which leads to even more struggle (poverty, marriage etc)

And compare it to someone who’s a pious Muslim, rich, good looking, married, healthy children.

Yes everyone goes through hardships and is tested, whether with blessings or with difficulties, but these two scenarios aren’t even comparable.

Let’s say both make it to jannah-al firdous, how is it fair that one had to go through a…pretty much unbearable life?

submitted by /u/No-Refrigerator2605
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from Islam https://ift.tt/8z9jCyO
26:192-195 • The Qur'ân was revealed by Allah, the Lord of all that exists submitted by /u/mylordtakemeaway
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from Islam https://www.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/18o0yci/26192195_the_qurân_was_revealed_by_allah_the_lord/
26:146-152 • Ŝâliĥ and the People of Thamûd: A Reminder to Them of their Circumstances and the Blessings submitted by /u/mylordtakemeaway
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from Islam https://www.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/18m9s94/26146152_ŝâliĥ_and_the_people_of_thamûd_a/

Hello all. For some background, my boyfriend is muslim and I am not. We have been in a haram relationship for some time and have seriously discussed marriage. Since meeting him, he has taught me about islam and I have pushed him to become closer to god. In doing so, I've also become very interested in islam. I really connect with the religion, but although he knows better than me that our relationship is haram, I don't think he's had the guts to approach me about it. I don't want our marriage to be built on a haram foundation.

I've read that it is possible to make our relationship halal, but we need to stop speaking/meeting privately and seek ask for forgiveness for our sins. His family is also unaware of this haram relationship, as his mother did not accept me and he kept it a secret.

What steps do we need to take to ensure that our marriage will be blessed once we ask that our sins are forgiven? I have no problems leaving and reverting, not for him but for Allah. I do not want to carry on our relationship in a haram way.

submitted by /u/Mountain_Beginning53
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from Islam https://ift.tt/ZTdClP9

Idk what it’s called but my friend (a muslim) hits me with the eye he always wants to get better grades then me. Honestly it’s kind of scary, because this is the ninth grade and after that it’s high school and that will decide my future. I mean every time I tell him on Snapchat that I’m going to work hard on a test I fail it. Another thing that has happend to me, when I once cheated on a test (I’m not proud of it and I’m planning on stopping) i got caught. Never in my life did I get caught cheating. I mean never. He was also cheating with me but my cheat was presented much better because back then I liked to brag about how good I was in cheating. And guess what he did when he saw me getting caught? He started laughing really hard I was shocked. Another time I got an F on an exam. He started laughing really hard and told me I’m sorry but it just funny. I didn’t even say anything I just stood there shocked. A few weeks ago I told him that I was going to cheat on an exam. I cheated and handed in the papers a few days ago the teacher told me that I got an F on it. I couldn’t understand I answered almost every question. Even the other less smarter kids got an E. But what really made me angry and got me questioning if he really hits with the eye was when I did an essay and I told him that I was done with it. When I wanted to Send it to the teacher I couldn’t. I tried a lot of was but I just couldn’t. And when I was looking were the file was the computer told me that there was an error after that I stopped telling him about my grades and either lied about an e even if a got a better grade. Now for the question what should I do? Right now he is asking how much will you work? I told him a lot but he was like but how much? Should I tell him or what?

submitted by /u/Sweshish
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from Islam https://ift.tt/2Q1VWHa

A Christian father, wife and his 3 children.

The father converts to Islam after faithfully practising Christianity for 40 years. He has accepted Islam and now believes in Allah SWT only.

Should the Christian wife and children also convert, or what happens exactly?

submitted by /u/valkyriesoul92
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from Islam https://ift.tt/qGc3gWP

TW: . . . .


Hi friends.

so long story short my mom committed suicide when I was 1.5 due to struggling with PPD (post partum depression)

I've always been told that if you commit you are not granted heaven in the afterlife is this true? Is there an actual chance of forgiveness? I dream of getting to connect with my mom in the afterlife where she is not longer suffering but, with what I've been told it seems like that wouldn't happen.

I also, come from a family that isn't very practicing but more of a this is what we are, this is what we do for holidays so in most of my adult life I've always just told people I don't believe in religion but now I am opening myself more to religion and trying to find my own way into it but, this got me thinking if I would truly ever get to connect with my mom again.

If you've read this far thank you. 🤍

submitted by /u/Artistic_Cheetah_724
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from Islam https://ift.tt/XPIQ8H0

Im an incredibly new revert and I’m looking for some resources and advice/support. I need help with a few things.

My first problem is most of my shirts are short sleeve. My pants are all baggy and I have bandannas I can use to cover my hair, and I even bought a hijab. I just don’t have anything long sleeve, even sweatshirts, and I don’t have the money to buy any. I know there are organizations and stuff that ship out free Qurans (I requested one the other day!) and I was wondering if there was anything that could provide me with free abayas or something. I would even appreciate being able to get another hijab, as that was really expensive to get. (There is no Muslim community around me and I had to order online)

My second problem is I want to start wearing hijab but I still live with my family and they are incredibly islamaphobic. The way they talk about Muslims I’m sure they would disown me. I won’t even repeat what they’ve said because it’s very hurtful and I don’t want this post taken down either. I want to wear hijab so bad, I’m even interested in wearing niqab, but I’m so scared. I bought my hijab secretly and I like to wear it alone in my room, it makes me feel so happy and confident.

Third, I need some resources. I don’t know how to pray, what to read, what to trust, or any of that. I also know I’m gonna need to learn Arabic but I don’t know where to start. I don’t know where to start in my journey reverting, either.

Lastly, I have a hard time getting places out of my city, and the closest mosques are over 45 minutes out of my city. I’ve only ever seen one other (visibly) Muslim in my city and I really need community. I also did take Shahada, but I want to do it again in front of witnesses.

submitted by /u/illtbhcreature
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from Islam https://ift.tt/3SHtned
There has not been a genocide that the west hasn't supported.

The Bosnian Muslims in the 1990s are perhaps the model that some policy makers may desire. White Muslims, with Westernised names, dress codes and dietary habits and 60% inter-marriage rates between Muslims and Serbs, with 500 years of co-existence. Yet the Muslims were on the end of genocide fuelled by the rising tide of nationalism, anti-Muslim rhetoric and myths about Islamic extremism.

Surah Al-Baqra: Verse 120

And never will the Jews and the Christians approve of you until you follow their religion. Say, "Indeed, the guidance of Allāh is the [only] guidance." If you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, you would have against Allāh no protector or helper.

submitted by /u/Complex-Schedule-601
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from Islam https://ift.tt/utNYd8e

We know that the Dajjal will be that the Jews wait so much. He will be someone that will manage to decieve the world to have them on his side, he will cut food and water to his enemies and the only people who will fight him are Muslims. If I didn't tell you this was about the Dajjal, you'd think I was talking about Benjamin Netanyahu

I'm absolutely confident that if our generation lives long enough to witness his coming, most Muslim countries except Yemen and Palestine would totally follow the Dajjal because if they're too afraid to cut ties with someone like Netanyahu, then they'll never be ready for the Dajjal who will be far worse and more cunning. The USA, UK, France would of course give their whole lives to protect the Dajjal but perhaps Spain and Ireland would be against him considering their current stance.

Let's hope that when the Dajjal will come, Saudi Arabia will be at the very least will be back in shape because if imam Al Mahdi revealed himself today, the Crown Prince would do everything to silence him

submitted by /u/japanese_artist
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from Islam https://ift.tt/0LtQVfK

السلام عليكم

Unfortunately most of my family members aren’t religious at all, except the elder ones. Even for the elders like my aunties and uncles it’s just praying the five prayers and fasting Ramadan and reading Quran in Ramadan, even going to the mosque is not common, they visit the mosque only on Ashura( they are Shia, but I Alhamdulilah follow Ahl Al Sunnah). My brother and sister don’t pray and fasting Ramadan is mostly just for cultural reasons. Saying Assalam Alaykum to my friend infront of them is even weird, cuz that’s too much for them or they would make jokes about.

I maybe should also mention that I have a lebanese background and most of the lebanese are secular.

I am sure there are a lot of you who deal with something like that, so how do you live with this issue.

submitted by /u/No-Fly-6002
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from Islam https://ift.tt/S4BOXDK

Salam Alaikum everyone. just a doubt, ive recently started praying...all 5 prayers and tahajjud.

i am desperately making dua for many of the problems in my life to be fixed, the health of a loved one, and what not.
but once Allah (swt) answers my dua. is that all? do i stop doing tahajjud?
i feel like i wont because it would make me be unthankful in a way.
but i feel like now ill pray tahajjud forever.
it isnt a bad thing, Alhamdulillah..but id feel incredibly guilty to not pray tahajjud even one day.

submitted by /u/SlayerUnderSilence
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from Islam https://ift.tt/CDalGLr

Hello! I just want to know Islam is the truth. i want to *know*. Is it even possible to know? I hope it is.This dunya is not it even for the most successful imo. I want to live in a better world, fantasy world. Everyday so fun, and adventurous. This dunya i just have no interest and am slowly losing motivation. How to be sure Islam is the truth? How sure are you it is? My family is also sad and tired of this dunya which probably impacts my mood a bit too… pls anyone comment

submitted by /u/Tiredandlost483
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from Islam https://ift.tt/zwWZ3F0

Context: I’m a devout Roman Catholic with a deep interest in comparative religion, especially with Islam. I love reading about Islamic theology and culture.

I saw a post on this sub with Sura Al-Baqarah verse 153/Q2:153: “O believers! Seek comfort in patience and prayer. Allah is truly with those who are patient.”

As a genuinely curious Christian, is God with those who are impatient too?

This might sound like a bit of a leap. But I mean, more broadly… in my experience online, it seems common in Islam to say that God only loves those who do good, is only with those who are obedient, etc. I’ve even seen people say “Mothers likewise love their good children the most” as an analogy and like… hard pass, ya know? Sorry I’m digressing but you get my point I guess. Because then God’s love is conditional, not unconditional, which would be a very big difference between faiths and our perception of God and how God works.

Thank you! God knows best. :)

submitted by /u/sanctaecordis
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from Islam https://ift.tt/ur97653

New revert here, raised predominantly Christian so please forgive me if my question offends. It’s offered with the best of intentions. I want to make sure I am learning things correctly.

if Allah (SWT) forgives our sins when asking for sincere forgiveness, then on the day of judgement all our sins are weighed against our good deeds? Does Allah (SWT) forgive but not forget and holds us accountable for sins that were forgiven?

submitted by /u/Ok_Document4031
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from Islam https://ift.tt/P5yrIHK


I just wanted to make a quick post to request the community for one thing: my admission into a good medical college/the medical college of my choice.

I really want to be a doctor and I have the MCAT in my country but my merit/marks isn't/aren't high enough to get into any of the good universities, but nonetheless I believe in Allah to help me achieve it.

I don't want to go to a private uni because they're all pretty mid and very expensive and not really recognised. I worked really hard for my MCAT and was disappointed when the results came out but I believe in Allah's plan and mercy. Please do make dua that I get in, because I don't want to pursue anything else since I really like the healthcare field.

I would also want to request that if you could share your stories of the seemingly impossible, becoming possible, it would really help me trust the process a lot more.

Please also make dua for my piety, iman and forgiveness since I'm not as good in my deen right now as I would like to be.


submitted by /u/thenextzakirnaik
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from Islam https://ift.tt/tUjOvsP

Assalamu alaikum, dear brothers and sisters! I'm new to reddit, so I'm a little embarrassed to post here. But that's not the point. I am a schoolboy from Kazakhstan, and I study in high school with an emphasis on mathematics and physics. Praise be to Allah, I was born into a Muslim family, and Praise be to Allah, I am a Muslim. However, I, like a large number of other Muslims in our country, grew up in a family of “ethnic” Muslims. May Allah help us all and strengthen our Iman! (Say "Ameen")

But Alhamdulillah, I decided to start praying.

However, I have a small question: I am afraid that the school will take away my prayer time, because due to the emphasis on exact sciences and so on, we can have 8 lessons a day, and the longest break lasts 20 minutes. Of course, some of the prayers fall at this time. And I need advice on what to do in this situation, given the strictness of the teachers, as well as the very non-religious community of our school. Transferring to another school is hardly the best option, because I really like mathematics and physics, and there are few other such schools in my city.

Anyway, thanks in advance, may Allah bless you all!

P.s. Sorry for my English, I translated the text via google-translator because I was afraid of making a spelling mistake.

P.p.s. It's entirely possible that I'll delete this post someday because I have a social media phobia lol. But anyways, thanks for helping!

submitted by /u/JustSmile2-255
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from Islam https://ift.tt/JjFvxcm

So I would say that I'm in general a huge tech nerd and have a small business buying cheap broken laptops from scrapyards and other online marketplaces for stupid cheap and I repair them before selling them for a profit on places like ebay Facebook marketplace and mercari I myself absolutely love this business as I can fulfill my interests and at the same time make a decent income but... recently I've sort of been reconnecting to Islam (I left Islam in 2018) and I've sort of been wondering if my business is really halal since I rely heavily on Israeli technologies and Israeli backed companies for parts necessary for repairs though I have made an effort to use parts from others companies not known for supporting ethnic cleansing but sometimes it becomes necessary to use Israeli products such as Intel or Hewlett Packard (specifically Hewlett Packard since their computers before they become anti right to repair are stupidly easy to fix)

submitted by /u/soundcloudrapper67
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from Islam https://ift.tt/WITKP1V

As title says, is it haram to have a (somewhat platonic) nonsexual nor romantic friendship with the opposite gender? If it is, what do you think is the best way of ending it? Jazakum Allahu khiran.

submitted by /u/bootsinmyshoes3000
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from Islam https://ift.tt/Wb1E6Fv

Salam alakyium. I have been falsely accused and reported for harassment, something that I have never did. It’s a serious accusation that has in weeks affected my life very negatively, can barely sleep or eat, and I’ll face consequences if this goes further investigation. Im praying tahajjud and every mandatory prayer and stuff and asking Allah to rescue me from this trouble and hardship. But I feel helpless, I don’t have anyone in my family I could talk to.

What does this mean? Did Allah put me into a test? How can I go through this?

submitted by /u/AdPrimary4289
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from Islam https://ift.tt/Xm3uKki

Back story is I moved out from this city I’m living in atm and I was living in a another small city during the covid so I went back once I the pandemic was over but now I’m thinking I made a huge mistake by move back that lead me to this hardship and trouble I’m facing right now. I would be more better if I stayed at the previous city and didn’t change my life.

Should I stop these thoughts about “if” or what I could have done and instead think it’s Qadar and Allah wrote to happen to me?

I can’t help these thoughts coming up. I honestly regret so much for my decision I made for a 1.5 year ago. 😭

submitted by /u/AdPrimary4289
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from Islam https://ift.tt/bZ0vDuM

Hello everyone,

I am going to try not to get into specifics of my situation but hope that I can still get advice. To begin, I am a Muslim who has been talking with a person whom strong feelings have developed. Unfortunately, there is a huge issue which is religon. More specifically, I am Muslim but this person is neither muslim not religious for that matter. This person has told me that they could convert but they should be doing it from their own heart. As a result, their intentions and levels of interest in Islam are unclear. I am really conflicted because I have considered the possibility of cutting contact slowly. However, each time I try to make the effort I become emotionally hurt and feel unready to cut contact at least not yet. So I am really not sure what to do, maybe there are people who have been in such a situation who can help out? Any advice would be much appreciated. Also, when responding please refrain from harsh/rude comments as this is a tough situation for me. Thank you all in advance.

submitted by /u/DangerousAmbition597
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from Islam https://ift.tt/Yzy89iG

I have this friend. They’re a really nice person. I’ve known them for long enough to know that they’d never want anything bad for me. But the thing is whenever I say smth good that’s happened to me, or something good I’m expecting, it most of the time ends in shambles. Even if they say masha Allah or whatever it still goes haywire. After noticing it I’ve reduced how much I share with them but still it feels too little that I’m talking about being friends. Like for example last night I sent a video of my baby brother, they replied with awww why is he so cute masha Allah. Today morning he fell down and hit his head on the back really bad.

submitted by /u/Shrixq
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from Islam https://ift.tt/E9ezjyl

Salam everyone. I’m a 31 year old Moroccan, grew up with muslim parents but was never taught Islam.

Since a couple of weeks, I got more and more curious about Islam, to the point where I want to convert ( if that is the correct term).

I have a meeting tomorrow At the mosque of Montreal with the local Imam, it will be a 1 hour appointment to talk about it. Is there anything i should know?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/IIITHRIII
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from Islam https://ift.tt/JI9Q23s

Assalamu Al laikum! Can someone give me an explanation of this quote:

Abu Talib al-Makki (Allah have mercy on him) said, “Abdullah Ibn Masud would swear by Allah Most High saying, ‘No servant makes good their opinion of Allah Most High except that Allah will give him just that. This is because all goodness is in His possession, and when Allah grants the servant the ability to have good opinions of Him, then He has given the servant what he thought.’” [Ali Qari, Mirqat al-Mafatih]

Does this mean that when a servant genuinely believes in the goodness of Allah and maintains positive thoughts about Him, Allah is likely to fulfill those expectations?

submitted by /u/scoped12
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from Islam https://ift.tt/arjxsZU

My friend does not have a phone, so during breaks in college she will use my phone. I don’t mind this at all as i don’t really go on my phone but the problem is that all she does is listen to music. Now i’m wondering if i’m getting those sins as i am giving her access to this?

submitted by /u/random_muslimgirl
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from Islam https://ift.tt/Wq1EPno

I came across this Hadith when I saw a video on YouTube of Skaykh Al-Albani رحمة الله عليه crying because he remembered and read this Hadith.

A man kissed a woman (unlawfully) and then went to the Prophet (ﷺ) and informed him. Allah revealed: And offer prayers perfectly At the two ends of the day And in some hours of the night (i.e. the five compulsory prayers). Verily! good deeds remove (annul) the evil deeds (small sins) (11.114). The man asked Allah's Messenger (ﷺ), "Is it for me?" He said, "It is for all my followers."

Sahih Al-Bukhari 526 and Sahih Al-Tirmidi 3114.


submitted by /u/No-Fly-6002
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from Islam https://ift.tt/Q7ZPaDB

For example when I was a teenager, I used to have a screen time of only 1 hour a day but I felt that is way too little (especially for someone my age) and instead I would be just watching TV instead but that wasn't too different to watching on my Laptop. My parents were very strict and not understanding of how little this time really is. Would've this have been okay as it isn't considered a big thing to disobey parent for? And would it be fine if I did it for good reason as such to make money and learn?

submitted by /u/Responsible_Twist_83
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from Islam https://ift.tt/JYymMtb

Assalamu alaikum, I reverted to Islam and recently unfollowed a bunch of people that I grew up with that live their atheist lives in a way that I don’t want to be exposed to. A childhood friend just contacted me and said that she noticed that I unfollowed her and asked why.

The reason why is because I don’t want to see her way of living. I no longer live in my home country and we rarely speak and for the past 5 years we’ve met 1-2 times a year.

I know that my decision is right for me, but it feels awkward to get the question. I want to live my life the way I feel is best in this life, but I don’t know what to tell her.

When I think about it there’s a chance I didn’t tell her I reverted to Islam. What would you do in my position?

submitted by /u/Eclectic_Squirrel
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from Islam https://ift.tt/tLphZH0

For 4 weeks am i not allowed to get water in my eye do to having done a laser operation to fix my eye sight and i find it hard to do wudu for that reason. Is it permissible for me to simply wipe my face with water due to not being able to splash it on my face?

submitted by /u/Empty_Dogo
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from Islam https://ift.tt/ENXLPsp
  1. Is it ok to visit my family during mid-end of December and participate in their pre Christmas activites such as making cookies, family dinner, and being around all of the Christmas decorations?

  2. Is it ok to exchange gifts on the days leading up to Christmas and brand it as a holiday gift?

  3. Is it ok to participate in a secret Santa work gift exchange?

  4. What do you other reverts do?

Note: When my parents do Christmas gatherings, they don’t tie it to religion. Although some of my family does, but I won’t be participating in any prayers or religious discussions.

submitted by /u/Revert_trever
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from Islam https://ift.tt/hGZcmQF

Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah,

Some close friends have started a business in Madinah teaching arabic and Quran (at masjid nabawi). They really want brothers to experience Madinah. They are pretty clueless regarding social media and wanted some insight on how to improve their website, program and reach. If you all can be brutally honest and give advice it would be much appreciated. Walahi these are some of the most sincere and knowledgeable brothers and I really want them to succerd succeed. I'm not a business partner btw. www.nurinmadinah.com

submitted by /u/Certain-Cat390
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from Islam https://ift.tt/194bzLW

Hello everyone , I’d like to get some help on the topic of evil eye. I wonder if we can really protect ourselves from the evil eye, as Allah is the almighty and he decides everything. Which means that if I get evil eye, that’s because Allah permitted it. Then how are we supposed to protect from it ? As it is something that Allah decides.

submitted by /u/lovelythight
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from Islam https://ift.tt/XDGk2Rm

Assalamu Alaikum my brothers and sisters, I have a question about the punishments of hell in Islam. It is this: do we go to hell because of our separation from Allah, Most High, or do we go to hell because Allah punishes us with this torment? I learned within Christian philosophy that God, just like the water needed by fish, is necessary for us to live. In other words, when we deny God, it would not be he who punishes us, but we who move away from Him and thus damage ourselves. What is the Islamic view of this situation?

submitted by /u/DradoTheHobbit
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from Islam https://ift.tt/2RvWlSh

Alhamdulilah I became Muslim not too long ago after realizing Islam wasn't like what I was told growing up as a typical American. I initially researched Islam so I could criticize it even more only to end up feeling drawn to it and falling in love with Islam.

submitted by /u/AlisonTheMuslim
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from Islam https://ift.tt/Z45zFqr

Assalamu'alaikum everyone, I'm a 17 year old male and I'm a bit confused on who my (the man's) awrah can be shown to. I know it's different for sisters who can wear clothing depending who they're with but I've done some googling and I'm not sure what it is for men. (I know that it's from the naval to the knees).

The main reason for this question is that my younger brother and sister have realised that I've been working out for a few years and enjoy squeezing my arms etc. which is fine Islamically (I think). However, I bought my brother a batman action figure a month ago and it has a six-pack so now my brother and sister keep pestering me to show them my abdomen.

Even though it's not as prominent as Batman's and, a lot more importantly, above the boundaries of the awrah (my belly button) I'm wondering if I am allowed to show them it? I do sometimes flex my arms for them which I think is debatable on whether it's allowed or not but I think something like showing the area above my Awrah (for like twenty seconds) is likely to have a more definitive answer.

Thank you in advance!

submitted by /u/Smashallow
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from Islam https://ift.tt/NtsUP6w

assalamualaikum va rahmatullah va barakat.

(this post is not about suicide)

how would you respond to this?: "i have already become Muslim. i believe in the 6 pillar of faith and i uphold the 5 pillars of islam. so i have accomplished my purpose on the earth. why doesn't allah (Subhash va taala) take my life if i have no other reason to be alive?"

is the next test the test of how long you can keep up being alive and a Muslim? it's like completing a video game and there's nothing else to do. you'll eventually get tired of it and stop playing. but since"stopping to play" is a huge sin you have to keep playing.

i just can't see anything else to do. family is temporary. love is temporary. money is temporary. status is temporary. being respected is temporary. i have no desire of these things. what am i suppose to get motivated by? i can't lie and say i wouldn't enjoy having them but im saying what's the point of enjoying something temporary in the first place? these things don't motivate me. i want to do things because it makes Allah happy not because it makes me happy. for example i don't pray because it helps me and calms me and makes me happy (even though it does), i do it to have Allah satisfied with me and to fulfill my duty and ultimately reach salvation (ie jannah).

i have heard that Allah wants us happy too. for example the hadith that says "a strong Muslim is better than a weak Muslim" and how being intimate with your spouse is a form of worship. my problem is that i don't feel comfortable with me being happy. i have changed as a person after my conversion to islam and i hate and despise who i used to be. and who i used to be was a naive kid chasing after the next dopamine hit. this makes me hate being happy. everytime im happy i bite my tongue and remind myself that it was chasing happiness that made me headless of my purpose and made the worthless worldly things be important to me. i never "get lost in the moment" as if im never going to die. how am i suppose to please Allah by being happy when chasing worldy happiness was why i was bad?

please if you can shine light on this, help me. am i too extreme in this? where am i misunderstanding things? am i missing a view point? also please include hadith or Quran if you know.

submitted by /u/Background-Pipe-2635
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from Islam https://ift.tt/iyMhLm3

I come from a muslim village in the middle east but not a muslim country. I grew up in a very restricted way but also with a very close and big family and extended family.

I later moved to the capital city of my country which has a more open life and I started to stray away, all my friends were males and I lived in an unislamic way. I think I couldnt stand living with my mom who was abusive, but also a religion teacher and religion got associated with her personality for me.

I moved to the west three years ago still carrying on (dating women, alcohol,etc..). But since more than a year I start to connect to Islam again and Im more dedicated than ever . I currently live alone and know no people here, my question is: how can I create a social life that is aligned with islamic values in such a society? I spend most my time praying and learning more in deen and working (research) in other stuff. I don’t want to get into dating and I don’t know how to meet people otherwise. But Im absolutely isolated and also have grown far from old friends and family. I dont want to have casual male friends, I actually think there might still be a chance to get married and have kids. Im glad that I left in the first place and connected to God and not to the abusive image that I grew up with, I still pray God forgive me these years of sinful living and still dont see the way ahead. I miss the togetherness I felt growing up, the abundance of love and people

submitted by /u/Forward_Cover_5455
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from Islam https://ift.tt/27GfDwI

Welp, everyone out here is either pointing that a brand supports the occupation or defends it, but no body is talking about alternative (or I didn’t land there) which is what we most kinda need rn.

I’m new in UAE and I’ve came from sudan so I know war and there is no way that I back down on the boycott, but we need alternatives, like in software we have a great website alternativeto.net which can help you replace a software with equivalent, can we have a megathread or a sub for alt suggestions for X Brand ? Like I’ve struggled with a good soft drink, coffee and now pizza 🤦‍♂️

I know this is lame as ever but the tiny little things like this helps you keep up the boycotting you know 🤷‍♂️

submitted by /u/Secret_Jellyfish320
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from Islam https://ift.tt/Vz2KvGm

Narrated Anas bin Malik:

While I was with the Prophet (ﷺ) a man came and said, "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! I have committed a legally punishable sin; please inflict the legal punishment on me'.' The Prophet (ﷺ) did not ask him what he had done. Then the time for the prayer became due and the man offered prayer along with the Prophet (ﷺ) , and when the Prophet (ﷺ) had finished his prayer, the man again got up and said, "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! I have committed a legally punishable sin; please inflict the punishment on me according to Allah's Laws." The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Haven't you prayed with us?' He said, "Yes." The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Allah has forgiven your sin." or said, "....your legally punishable sin."

حَدَّثَنِي عَبْدُ الْقُدُّوسِ بْنُ مُحَمَّدٍ، حَدَّثَنِي عَمْرُو بْنُ عَاصِمٍ الْكِلاَبِيُّ، حَدَّثَنَا هَمَّامُ بْنُ يَحْيَى، حَدَّثَنَا إِسْحَاقُ بْنُ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ أَبِي طَلْحَةَ، عَنْ أَنَسِ بْنِ مَالِكٍ ـ رضى الله عنه ـ قَالَ كُنْتُ عِنْدَ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم فَجَاءَهُ رَجُلٌ فَقَالَ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ إِنِّي أَصَبْتُ حَدًّا فَأَقِمْهُ عَلَىَّ‏.‏ قَالَ وَلَمْ يَسْأَلْهُ عَنْهُ‏.‏ قَالَ وَحَضَرَتِ الصَّلاَةُ فَصَلَّى مَعَ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم فَلَمَّا قَضَى النَّبِيُّ صلى الله عليه وسلم الصَّلاَةَ قَامَ إِلَيْهِ الرَّجُلُ فَقَالَ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ إِنِّي أَصَبْتُ حَدًّا، فَأَقِمْ فِيَّ كِتَابَ اللَّهِ‏.‏ قَالَ ‏"‏ أَلَيْسَ قَدْ صَلَّيْتَ مَعَنَا ‏"‏‏.‏ قَالَ نَعَمْ‏.‏ قَالَ ‏"‏ فَإِنَّ اللَّهَ قَدْ غَفَرَ لَكَ ذَنْبَكَ ‏"‏‏.‏ أَوْ قَالَ ‏"‏ حَدَّكَ ‏"‏‏.‏


submitted by /u/Tricky_Cheesecake_87
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from Islam https://ift.tt/WHU7Mlw

![video](w6g6vmjvn50c1 " Ibn Al Qayyim رحمه الله commented on this saying, \"If one were to consider the death of a martyr (in the battlefield) as more difficult than the calamity of death upon the bed, then he is ignorant. Rather, the death of a Shaheed is from the easiest deaths, and it's most virtuous, and it's best.\" ")

Full video at Facebook.com/FarhanAbdulAzeez

submitted by /u/LaserBeam2001
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from Islam https://www.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/17ugoql/ما_يجد_الشهيد_مس_القتل_إلا_كما_يجد_أحدكم_مس/

Good evening everyone.

Let me preface this by assuring you I mean in no way disrespect or mockery. My questions may seem far fetched and dumb, but I feel like I may ask them here, since I just don't know any muslim. There is also no real muslim community where I live, too.

For my entire life, I have been basically living non-religious. Neither my family nor anyone in my social life practices a theist religion, or any religion for that matter. But over the period of the last couple of months, the weirdest thing has started happening to me. I feel drawn to Islam. I don't even know why. Maybe it's the Qur'ān, which I have had for 10 years now, since I have first gotten an interest in it. Probably it is my cynicism given all the suffering in the world. I feel like there is more to this life. Something I can't really grasp, but it's there.

So I know, I'll be digging deeper and learn, and, hopefully, eventually, become a muslim myself.

I do, however, have a hard time mixing my rational world view with this religious one.

For example, I have no doubt, that our species, us humans, have not been on this planet for longer than a couple of hundred thousand years. I also have no doubt that we share a common ancestry with animals that evolved differently, thus I have no doubt in evolution. I can also use my eyes and a telescope to see the vastness of the universe and so many stars which are essentially suns.

This knowledge combined is giving me a hard time.

Where is Allāh in all of this? Was Allāh before the modern human existed? When did he decide to create humankind? Do other (intelligent) animals maybe also have a religious duty? What is the reason for a god-created earth and humanity if the universe is so vast (and expanding)? Or is god focused on earth?

I apologize in advance if any of my questions/wording was inappropriate and/or disprespecting. I did not intend to be disrepectful or inappropriate.

I am trying to find the right way in what I consider a journey.

Thank you all

submitted by /u/aaaaaccccceeeee
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from Islam https://ift.tt/iW7XJeZ
validity of hadiths in islam

sorry i had to post a screenshot of what i typed cuz i was too lazy to type again but can anyone help clarify?

submitted by /u/Content-Pizza9790
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from Islam https://ift.tt/3rFzTiU

I got into some trouble and had some problems and I swore that I will never do a certain thing again and all was good for around 20 days but temptations were so bad and I did it again. I think this is a really big sin and i am so scared that I wont be forgiven for this

submitted by /u/Embarrassed-Item-989
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from Islam https://ift.tt/fjBdlWU

I have been diagnosed with OCD and General Anxiety Disorder and which is why I'm getting help from a professional but the ongoing genocide, horrific images and videos, Islamophobic people is seriously harming. Even meds aren't helping me calm down.I get thoughts of harming myself because I can't take it anymore. I know it sounds selfish because I have the privilege of feeling safe in my home, having food on the table, roof over my head. I want to stay strong and support the victims but I am failing miserably.

I don't have words to describe how I feel or am feeling just help if anyone can 😭💔🥀

submitted by /u/akhi_rahman15
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from Islam https://ift.tt/B0LWhiw

I am an 18 year old man looking to get married next year In shaa Allah. I will be going to uni the following year to pursue CS in the Netherlands, however, as you guys know there's so much fitna in Europe which has led me to search for a spouse and get married early. It's really hard for me to find someone righteous who is willing to get married, go to a different country with me, and their dad willing to pay their daughter's living expenses for 3 years as I wont be earning for 3 years of uni, but for what its worth I have made this post in hopes that I find someone. Can you advice me on how I can look for a match ? I don't even wanna consider using online matchmaking sites. On that note, if you do know someone, perhaps from your friends, family, or relatives willing to get married at this age then please send me a message. Just a few things, please make sure they are righteous, do hijab, and are not a deviant (bidah etc) very important.

submitted by /u/Forkings99
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from Islam https://ift.tt/LCr5fd3

I really really hate my life I despice it so much. No I'm not depressed but I really don't understand my life and I really hate it. Other people get miracles in their life, get a job, get good results in exams or what not but for me, my life straight up sucks ass I just hate it I wish suicide wasn't haram because this life is so shit. And no I'm not depressed it's just that I hate my life.......

I really don't know what to do and I had to let this text go from my mind..

What do you guys do when ur life is shit?

submitted by /u/SixEightAKS
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from Islam https://ift.tt/Ql96xOZ
Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette

Bronze Ecstasy

Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette ($36.00 for 0.14 oz.) is a new, limited edition neutral-leaning color story that included two semi-matte shades paired with three very shimmery shades. The formula was creamier across the board with the mattes having a smoother, more velvety texture (less like a traditional matte), and the shimmers being very cream-like and a touch thicker, though I had great wear, pigmentation, and experienced good application with all the shades.


Bronze Ecstasy

LELimited Edition. $36.00.
Pat McGrath Starlit Champagne EYEdols Eyeshadow

Starlit Champagne

Starlit Champagne is a very light and bright, peachy copper with an intense, sparkling metallic finish.

  • Opaque pigmentation
  • Smooth, emollient consistency, almost cream-like
  • Picked up well dry or dampened brush; applied evenly without fallout
  • Long-wearing (10 hours before fading visibly)

FURTHER READING: Formula Overview for details on general performance and characteristics (like scent).

Formula Overview

$25.00/0.04 oz. - $625.00 Per Ounce

Pat McGrath's eyeshadows are, generally, supposed to be "super-saturated" with "creamy, soft textures" and "extreme blendability and adherence without creasing." A lot of how well they perform (and to some degree, how they are supposed to be applied and marketed) depends on the type of shades, but by and large, the eyeshadows perform very much as they are described.

The brand released single eyeshadows in March 2019, and the shades have been consistent in quality, look, and feel. They are not removable, unfortunately, so one would have to depot like any other single eyeshadow--I tried using tweezers and lifting on several shades to no avail. The lids are held closed by a weak magnet, so I'm not sure they're as secure as most single eyeshadow compacts in my stash--I wish it really locked in, but there's definitely a magnet that pulls the lid down if it's within 2mm of the base.

The mattes are velvety, blendable, and dense without being thick or too heavy, and they have semi-opaque to opaque pigmentation where a little can go a long way with some of the deeper and richer hues. The satin and pearl finishes are smooth, lightly creamy, and firmer but not dense or thick with good pigmentation, blendability, and easy application. The more metallic finishes tend to be softer, creamy, and smooth with a bit more denseness and no powderiness. The sparkly/glittery shades are often designed to be applied wet for richer coverage or intensity, which has largely been my experience. Most of the shades last between eight and nine hours.

Browse all of our Pat McGrath EYEdols Eyeshadow swatches.

Starlit Champagne

LELimited Edition. $25.00.
Pat McGrath Merlot Mystique EYEdols Eyeshadow

Merlot Mystique

Merlot Mystique is a darker plum with subtle, warm undertones and a satin finish.

  • Opaque pigmentation
  • Smooth, velvety texture; finely-milled without being powdery
  • Applied evenly and blended out with little effort
  • Long-wearing (10 hours before fading visibly)

FURTHER READING: Formula Overview for details on general performance and characteristics (like scent).

Top Dupes

These are the dupes the editor has pulled but not yet rated and officially entered.

Formula Overview

$25.00/0.04 oz. - $625.00 Per Ounce

Pat McGrath's eyeshadows are, generally, supposed to be "super-saturated" with "creamy, soft textures" and "extreme blendability and adherence without creasing." A lot of how well they perform (and to some degree, how they are supposed to be applied and marketed) depends on the type of shades, but by and large, the eyeshadows perform very much as they are described.

The brand released single eyeshadows in March 2019, and the shades have been consistent in quality, look, and feel. They are not removable, unfortunately, so one would have to depot like any other single eyeshadow--I tried using tweezers and lifting on several shades to no avail. The lids are held closed by a weak magnet, so I'm not sure they're as secure as most single eyeshadow compacts in my stash--I wish it really locked in, but there's definitely a magnet that pulls the lid down if it's within 2mm of the base.

The mattes are velvety, blendable, and dense without being thick or too heavy, and they have semi-opaque to opaque pigmentation where a little can go a long way with some of the deeper and richer hues. The satin and pearl finishes are smooth, lightly creamy, and firmer but not dense or thick with good pigmentation, blendability, and easy application. The more metallic finishes tend to be softer, creamy, and smooth with a bit more denseness and no powderiness. The sparkly/glittery shades are often designed to be applied wet for richer coverage or intensity, which has largely been my experience. Most of the shades last between eight and nine hours.

Browse all of our Pat McGrath EYEdols Eyeshadow swatches.

Merlot Mystique

LELimited Edition. $25.00.
Pat McGrath Honey Nectar EYEdols Eyeshadow

Honey Nectar

Honey Nectar is a light copper with moderate, warm orange-leaning undertones paired with a highly-reflective, metallic finish.

  • Nearly opaque pigmentation
  • Smooth, emollient consistency, almost cream-like
  • Picked up well dry or dampened brush; applied evenly without fallout
  • Long-wearing (10 hours before fading visibly)

FURTHER READING: Formula Overview for details on general performance and characteristics (like scent).

Top Dupes

These are the dupes the editor has pulled but not yet rated and officially entered.

Formula Overview

$25.00/0.04 oz. - $625.00 Per Ounce

Pat McGrath's eyeshadows are, generally, supposed to be "super-saturated" with "creamy, soft textures" and "extreme blendability and adherence without creasing." A lot of how well they perform (and to some degree, how they are supposed to be applied and marketed) depends on the type of shades, but by and large, the eyeshadows perform very much as they are described.

The brand released single eyeshadows in March 2019, and the shades have been consistent in quality, look, and feel. They are not removable, unfortunately, so one would have to depot like any other single eyeshadow--I tried using tweezers and lifting on several shades to no avail. The lids are held closed by a weak magnet, so I'm not sure they're as secure as most single eyeshadow compacts in my stash--I wish it really locked in, but there's definitely a magnet that pulls the lid down if it's within 2mm of the base.

The mattes are velvety, blendable, and dense without being thick or too heavy, and they have semi-opaque to opaque pigmentation where a little can go a long way with some of the deeper and richer hues. The satin and pearl finishes are smooth, lightly creamy, and firmer but not dense or thick with good pigmentation, blendability, and easy application. The more metallic finishes tend to be softer, creamy, and smooth with a bit more denseness and no powderiness. The sparkly/glittery shades are often designed to be applied wet for richer coverage or intensity, which has largely been my experience. Most of the shades last between eight and nine hours.

Browse all of our Pat McGrath EYEdols Eyeshadow swatches.

Honey Nectar

LELimited Edition. $25.00.
Pat McGrath Twilight Taupe EYEdols Eyeshadow

Twilight Taupe

Twilight Taupe is a medium-dark taupe-brown with neutral-to-warm undertones paired with a matte finish.

  • Opaque pigmentation
  • Smooth, velvety texture; finely-milled without being powdery
  • Applied evenly and blended out with little effort
  • Long-wearing (10 hours before fading visibly)

FURTHER READING: Formula Overview for details on general performance and characteristics (like scent).

Top Dupes

These are the dupes the editor has pulled but not yet rated and officially entered.

Formula Overview

$25.00/0.04 oz. - $625.00 Per Ounce

Pat McGrath's eyeshadows are, generally, supposed to be "super-saturated" with "creamy, soft textures" and "extreme blendability and adherence without creasing." A lot of how well they perform (and to some degree, how they are supposed to be applied and marketed) depends on the type of shades, but by and large, the eyeshadows perform very much as they are described.

The brand released single eyeshadows in March 2019, and the shades have been consistent in quality, look, and feel. They are not removable, unfortunately, so one would have to depot like any other single eyeshadow--I tried using tweezers and lifting on several shades to no avail. The lids are held closed by a weak magnet, so I'm not sure they're as secure as most single eyeshadow compacts in my stash--I wish it really locked in, but there's definitely a magnet that pulls the lid down if it's within 2mm of the base.

The mattes are velvety, blendable, and dense without being thick or too heavy, and they have semi-opaque to opaque pigmentation where a little can go a long way with some of the deeper and richer hues. The satin and pearl finishes are smooth, lightly creamy, and firmer but not dense or thick with good pigmentation, blendability, and easy application. The more metallic finishes tend to be softer, creamy, and smooth with a bit more denseness and no powderiness. The sparkly/glittery shades are often designed to be applied wet for richer coverage or intensity, which has largely been my experience. Most of the shades last between eight and nine hours.

Browse all of our Pat McGrath EYEdols Eyeshadow swatches.

Twilight Taupe

LELimited Edition. $25.00.
Pat McGrath Enchanted Bronze EYEdols Eyeshadow

Enchanted Bronze

Enchanted Bronze is a cooler-toned, blackened-brown base with flecks of warmer, bronze sparkle throughout.

  • Opaque pigmentation
  • Smooth, emollient consistency, almost cream-like
  • Picked up well dry or dampened brush; applied evenly without fallout
  • Long-wearing (10 hours before fading visibly)

FURTHER READING: Formula Overview for details on general performance and characteristics (like scent).

Formula Overview

$25.00/0.04 oz. - $625.00 Per Ounce

Pat McGrath's eyeshadows are, generally, supposed to be "super-saturated" with "creamy, soft textures" and "extreme blendability and adherence without creasing." A lot of how well they perform (and to some degree, how they are supposed to be applied and marketed) depends on the type of shades, but by and large, the eyeshadows perform very much as they are described.

The brand released single eyeshadows in March 2019, and the shades have been consistent in quality, look, and feel. They are not removable, unfortunately, so one would have to depot like any other single eyeshadow--I tried using tweezers and lifting on several shades to no avail. The lids are held closed by a weak magnet, so I'm not sure they're as secure as most single eyeshadow compacts in my stash--I wish it really locked in, but there's definitely a magnet that pulls the lid down if it's within 2mm of the base.

The mattes are velvety, blendable, and dense without being thick or too heavy, and they have semi-opaque to opaque pigmentation where a little can go a long way with some of the deeper and richer hues. The satin and pearl finishes are smooth, lightly creamy, and firmer but not dense or thick with good pigmentation, blendability, and easy application. The more metallic finishes tend to be softer, creamy, and smooth with a bit more denseness and no powderiness. The sparkly/glittery shades are often designed to be applied wet for richer coverage or intensity, which has largely been my experience. Most of the shades last between eight and nine hours.

Browse all of our Pat McGrath EYEdols Eyeshadow swatches.

Enchanted Bronze

LELimited Edition. $25.00.
Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Starlit Champagne EYEdols Eyeshadow

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Pat McGrath Merlot Mystique EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Merlot Mystique EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Merlot Mystique EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Merlot Mystique EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Honey Nectar EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Honey Nectar EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Honey Nectar EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Honey Nectar EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Twilight Taupe EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Twilight Taupe EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Twilight Taupe EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Twilight Taupe EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Enchanted Bronze EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Enchanted Bronze EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Enchanted Bronze EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Enchanted Bronze EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Bronze Ecstasy 5-Pan Eyeshadow Palette

Pat McGrath Starlit Champagne EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Starlit Champagne EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Starlit Champagne EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Starlit Champagne EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Merlot Mystique EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Merlot Mystique EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Merlot Mystique EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Merlot Mystique EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Honey Nectar EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Honey Nectar EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Honey Nectar EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Honey Nectar EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Twilight Taupe EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Twilight Taupe EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Twilight Taupe EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Twilight Taupe EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Enchanted Bronze EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Enchanted Bronze EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Enchanted Bronze EYEdols Eyeshadow

Pat McGrath Enchanted Bronze EYEdols Eyeshadow

from Temptalia https://ift.tt/79t4z1M