Im an incredibly new revert and I’m looking for some resources and advice/support. I need help with a few things.

My first problem is most of my shirts are short sleeve. My pants are all baggy and I have bandannas I can use to cover my hair, and I even bought a hijab. I just don’t have anything long sleeve, even sweatshirts, and I don’t have the money to buy any. I know there are organizations and stuff that ship out free Qurans (I requested one the other day!) and I was wondering if there was anything that could provide me with free abayas or something. I would even appreciate being able to get another hijab, as that was really expensive to get. (There is no Muslim community around me and I had to order online)

My second problem is I want to start wearing hijab but I still live with my family and they are incredibly islamaphobic. The way they talk about Muslims I’m sure they would disown me. I won’t even repeat what they’ve said because it’s very hurtful and I don’t want this post taken down either. I want to wear hijab so bad, I’m even interested in wearing niqab, but I’m so scared. I bought my hijab secretly and I like to wear it alone in my room, it makes me feel so happy and confident.

Third, I need some resources. I don’t know how to pray, what to read, what to trust, or any of that. I also know I’m gonna need to learn Arabic but I don’t know where to start. I don’t know where to start in my journey reverting, either.

Lastly, I have a hard time getting places out of my city, and the closest mosques are over 45 minutes out of my city. I’ve only ever seen one other (visibly) Muslim in my city and I really need community. I also did take Shahada, but I want to do it again in front of witnesses.

submitted by /u/illtbhcreature
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