TW: . . . .


Hi friends.

so long story short my mom committed suicide when I was 1.5 due to struggling with PPD (post partum depression)

I've always been told that if you commit you are not granted heaven in the afterlife is this true? Is there an actual chance of forgiveness? I dream of getting to connect with my mom in the afterlife where she is not longer suffering but, with what I've been told it seems like that wouldn't happen.

I also, come from a family that isn't very practicing but more of a this is what we are, this is what we do for holidays so in most of my adult life I've always just told people I don't believe in religion but now I am opening myself more to religion and trying to find my own way into it but, this got me thinking if I would truly ever get to connect with my mom again.

If you've read this far thank you. 🤍

submitted by /u/Artistic_Cheetah_724
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from Islam
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