Context: I’m a devout Roman Catholic with a deep interest in comparative religion, especially with Islam. I love reading about Islamic theology and culture.

I saw a post on this sub with Sura Al-Baqarah verse 153/Q2:153: “O believers! Seek comfort in patience and prayer. Allah is truly with those who are patient.”

As a genuinely curious Christian, is God with those who are impatient too?

This might sound like a bit of a leap. But I mean, more broadly… in my experience online, it seems common in Islam to say that God only loves those who do good, is only with those who are obedient, etc. I’ve even seen people say “Mothers likewise love their good children the most” as an analogy and like… hard pass, ya know? Sorry I’m digressing but you get my point I guess. Because then God’s love is conditional, not unconditional, which would be a very big difference between faiths and our perception of God and how God works.

Thank you! God knows best. :)

submitted by /u/sanctaecordis
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from Islam
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