Hi, brothers.

First of all, I would like to make aware to all, the instagram page of brother Motaz Azaiza. I came across his page recently, and looked at the most distressing, heart-breaking footage of Gaza I have ever seen in my life. It is difficult to stomach.

It moved me to write something on here, in hope to spread his page to others (if you haven’t followed him already)

What is going on in Gaza is something beyond evil.

It is a real test of one’s faith. We don’t seem to see any justice. There’s growing pro-Palestine support in the world, which is a good thing. Though this is not enough.

How do other Muslim countries stand by while this is happening? This has been going on for too long and yet we have seen no redemption, no justice. Will there be justice?

submitted by /u/Plenty-Koala2237
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