Good evening everyone.

Let me preface this by assuring you I mean in no way disrespect or mockery. My questions may seem far fetched and dumb, but I feel like I may ask them here, since I just don't know any muslim. There is also no real muslim community where I live, too.

For my entire life, I have been basically living non-religious. Neither my family nor anyone in my social life practices a theist religion, or any religion for that matter. But over the period of the last couple of months, the weirdest thing has started happening to me. I feel drawn to Islam. I don't even know why. Maybe it's the Qur'ān, which I have had for 10 years now, since I have first gotten an interest in it. Probably it is my cynicism given all the suffering in the world. I feel like there is more to this life. Something I can't really grasp, but it's there.

So I know, I'll be digging deeper and learn, and, hopefully, eventually, become a muslim myself.

I do, however, have a hard time mixing my rational world view with this religious one.

For example, I have no doubt, that our species, us humans, have not been on this planet for longer than a couple of hundred thousand years. I also have no doubt that we share a common ancestry with animals that evolved differently, thus I have no doubt in evolution. I can also use my eyes and a telescope to see the vastness of the universe and so many stars which are essentially suns.

This knowledge combined is giving me a hard time.

Where is Allāh in all of this? Was Allāh before the modern human existed? When did he decide to create humankind? Do other (intelligent) animals maybe also have a religious duty? What is the reason for a god-created earth and humanity if the universe is so vast (and expanding)? Or is god focused on earth?

I apologize in advance if any of my questions/wording was inappropriate and/or disprespecting. I did not intend to be disrepectful or inappropriate.

I am trying to find the right way in what I consider a journey.

Thank you all

submitted by /u/aaaaaccccceeeee
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from Islam
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