Hello all. For some background, my boyfriend is muslim and I am not. We have been in a haram relationship for some time and have seriously discussed marriage. Since meeting him, he has taught me about islam and I have pushed him to become closer to god. In doing so, I've also become very interested in islam. I really connect with the religion, but although he knows better than me that our relationship is haram, I don't think he's had the guts to approach me about it. I don't want our marriage to be built on a haram foundation.

I've read that it is possible to make our relationship halal, but we need to stop speaking/meeting privately and seek ask for forgiveness for our sins. His family is also unaware of this haram relationship, as his mother did not accept me and he kept it a secret.

What steps do we need to take to ensure that our marriage will be blessed once we ask that our sins are forgiven? I have no problems leaving and reverting, not for him but for Allah. I do not want to carry on our relationship in a haram way.

submitted by /u/Mountain_Beginning53
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