Bismi Allahi alrrahmani alrraheemi

allāhumma ṣalli ʿalā muḥammadin wa-ʾāli muḥammad

Asalam eayklum wa rahmatullah wa baraktuh.

I ask Allah to send His peace upon you all oh sisters of Islam.

I ask Allah to send His peace upon you all for you are our symbol.

I ask Allah to send His peace upon you all for in the different of the bodies of brothers and sisters of Islam are indeed reminders that Islam is the truth.

I ask Allah to protect you all and make you strong as a diamond, blooming as a flower and sharp as a sword for Islam came to make sisters and brothers strong soldiers of Allah.

I ask Allah to send His peace, protection and blessings upon you all sisters of Islam for Khadijah bint Khuwaylid is one of you and was the first to accept the message of Muhammad(peace be upon him, his family and companions) and helped Muhammad(peace be upon him, his family and companions) even when everyone else disbelieved in him. Who smashed stereotypes in an Islamic way! Who helped the prophet on the night he found out he is the last prophet of God. Who helped he find out that he was visited by an Angel and not a demon!

Oh sisters of Islam! Great is the blessing you are for the prophet said “Whoever has three daughters, or three sisters, and he fears Allah regarding them and cares for them, he will be with me in Paradise like this.”(Musnad Abī Ya’lá 3448). Indeed, you are our symbol! In this world of Kardashians, be a Khadijah! Verily! Having your feminine energy does not make you weak! Look at Zainab bint Haider(ealayha alsalam) who spoke like her father who ripped the door at Khaybar while fasting. Verily! In your chests and in the chest of every Muslim is indeed a lion. May Allah make you all strong as a diamond, blooming as a flower, sharp as a sword and standing as a lion!

submitted by /u/NewtongravityPhysics
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