We know that the Dajjal will be that the Jews wait so much. He will be someone that will manage to decieve the world to have them on his side, he will cut food and water to his enemies and the only people who will fight him are Muslims. If I didn't tell you this was about the Dajjal, you'd think I was talking about Benjamin Netanyahu

I'm absolutely confident that if our generation lives long enough to witness his coming, most Muslim countries except Yemen and Palestine would totally follow the Dajjal because if they're too afraid to cut ties with someone like Netanyahu, then they'll never be ready for the Dajjal who will be far worse and more cunning. The USA, UK, France would of course give their whole lives to protect the Dajjal but perhaps Spain and Ireland would be against him considering their current stance.

Let's hope that when the Dajjal will come, Saudi Arabia will be at the very least will be back in shape because if imam Al Mahdi revealed himself today, the Crown Prince would do everything to silence him

submitted by /u/japanese_artist
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