I come from a muslim village in the middle east but not a muslim country. I grew up in a very restricted way but also with a very close and big family and extended family.

I later moved to the capital city of my country which has a more open life and I started to stray away, all my friends were males and I lived in an unislamic way. I think I couldnt stand living with my mom who was abusive, but also a religion teacher and religion got associated with her personality for me.

I moved to the west three years ago still carrying on (dating women, alcohol,etc..). But since more than a year I start to connect to Islam again and Im more dedicated than ever . I currently live alone and know no people here, my question is: how can I create a social life that is aligned with islamic values in such a society? I spend most my time praying and learning more in deen and working (research) in other stuff. I don’t want to get into dating and I don’t know how to meet people otherwise. But Im absolutely isolated and also have grown far from old friends and family. I dont want to have casual male friends, I actually think there might still be a chance to get married and have kids. Im glad that I left in the first place and connected to God and not to the abusive image that I grew up with, I still pray God forgive me these years of sinful living and still dont see the way ahead. I miss the togetherness I felt growing up, the abundance of love and people

submitted by /u/Forward_Cover_5455
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