February 2024

Im an Orthodox Christian. And instead of my fasting this year for lent. I said i would do Ramadam with my friend. I will attend the Masjid too for talks etc. And if comfortable to pray.

The advice im looking for is i am heavily tattooed. My hands. Fingers. Neck. And two small tattooed on my "sideburn, in front of ear towards the face". Can i wear a hood up inside the Masjid? to cause the least amount of scandal possible? My friend will give me the long tradicional clothes of Morroco. But a hoody over it was my plan.

I have a beard too so was hoping that would help with a hood.

We live in Spain

submitted by /u/saltwater_beard
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from Islam https://ift.tt/mADqbkI

I know there are organisations you can donate to for them to build a Mosque (and you get the reward), but suppose a rich person wanted to build a small Mosque himself/herself. How exactly is this done step-by-step?

I am guessing the "before process" is:

  1. Buy land or a pre-existing building
  2. Apply for planning permission to build/convert
  3. Build (including wudu facilities, office room, security cameras, etc)
  4. Give up ownership (as, from what I understand, a Mosque cannot belong to a private individual)

I am guessing the "after process" is:

  1. Set up Mosque committee/board (no idea who is responsible for doing this?)
  2. Obtain insurance
  3. Hire an Imam
  4. Open to public

I am guessing the following are ongoing:

  • Costs (utility bills, salaries, cleaning & maintenance, etc)
  • Finding ways for the Mosque to serve the community and be profitable (Madrasah, marriage & funeral services, etc)
  • Fundraising
  • Promotion & community outreach

I don't know if the person who built the Mosque can have a say in how it is run (the name of the Mosque, which school of thought will be followed, who is on the committee, staff hiring... and even the smaller decisions like the color of the carpet!)?

Any other steps I am missing (big or small)? Anything else a person would need to know?

submitted by /u/artmalique
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from Islam https://ift.tt/UYAaNJb

Pronouncing Arabic words takes too much energy because Arabic words have difficult pronunciations. My mouth develops saliva, and I am almost breathless when I recite surahs. This situation makes it difficult for me to pray. How do I prevent myself from getting out of breath while reciting?

submitted by /u/NotOk11
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from Islam https://ift.tt/tEYP4Ih

I work 12hr night shift 6pm to 6am. What is your recommendation for how to participate? Would I need to make up every day that I work after Ramadan? (Fasting).

**also If there are any English resources for pronunciation of salah, I would like to request it. I know I can get it done before the start inshallah **

submitted by /u/Arcane-Apotheosis
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from Islam https://ift.tt/tbzh9yk
Miraciyye tradition from Ottoman in Istanbul.

assalamu aleikum. this is a tradition from Ottoman Empire’s waqf culture for 300 years which is a poem about with Prophet Muhammed. today’s one was the last event for this year, held in Taksim Mosque. i wanted to listen it. just wanted to share with you. hope you find peace. fi emanillah.

submitted by /u/pearlsbutnotfancy
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from Islam https://ift.tt/elwAhIj

Someone please take out some time to read this.

I am walking on thin eggshells at home due to verbal abuse by my parents and occasional (mild) physical abuse by my mother. I feel so unexplainably lonely. I'm currently getting the silent treatment by my mom and it isn't helping anything. Every time they say or do something hurtful, they give me the silent treatment for a while and then laugh it off or make me feel guilty. Either way, it always ends up being my fault. I know suicide isn't the solution to everything but I just can't... I contemplate it every single day and it's been quite a while now. I feel like it's going to affect my studies very soon. I admit that I've been getting mad at my mom lately but it's only recently started because of all the things they're saying to/about me. Because of this, they say that they're "scared of me" and that's why they don't talk to me (again, making it seem like it's just my fault) I can hear them saying hurtful things about me in the other room while I'm studying. My relatives came over to stay a few weeks ago and my mom would even say bad things about me or reveal personal things about me to them that I clearly didn't want anyone other than her to know-- either to keep the conversation going or to get a good laugh from them. I cried a lot one day in front of my parents because of her talking about me with the relatives. Here she is doing it again with my dad and grandma...it just feels worse because I can hear her talking about it when I'm studying in my room and the way she says everything always makes her look like the only victim.

I wrote a suicide letter a week ago and it's still in my school bag. Not essentially suicide but I've also been thinking about just walking away one weekday when school gets over. The only thing that's kind of giving me hope is that I might move to another country for university next year (which they're also trying to convince me to stop trying for) (I'm in 11th grade now) and I'm trying my absolute best to get into a good university there that offers a full scholarship so my parents can never threaten to "stop my education" anymore. I barely sleep or get any free time because I'm studying/working on research papers and extracurriculars and I will most definitely continue doing so if it means I can go away from them.

I'm so very lonely right now and I really don't know what to do. And no, I can't "talk to them" because I clearly have and it's always meaningless and just ends up making me drained.

Please I hope someone takes their time to read this, please.

submitted by /u/Proud-Egg-5154
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from Islam https://ift.tt/W2kqCZn

I’m graduating college this semester and I want to go for umrah after I finish inshallah. I don’t even know where to start though, I’ve never traveled by myself let domestically let alone internationally. What are the steps I need to do to prepare for It? Like I know I have to buy a plane ticket, book hotels, and get a visa but not much else. Also is there a place where all this information might be?

submitted by /u/umarm4171
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from Islam https://ift.tt/gxETIPc

So I have this friend who was a religious christian when I met her, but as we became friends and I told her and teached her more about islam she’s really fallen in love with islam and is really close to converting, but she keeps telling me that there’s a voice in her head that tells her “what if this is a test and u should still stick to Christianity” but in her heart she knows she wants to become a Muslim. She does believe that the Bible is corrupted and nothing in Christianity makes sense to her unless it’s in Islam point of view of Christianity. But she’s still not a 100% and I don’t what I should do to convince her fully and I hope somebody who’s reading this has gone through the same so they can give some advice on how they were truly convinced to convert to Islam

submitted by /u/Beneficial-Rest9656
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from Islam https://ift.tt/8bU4l5i

Salam everyone, I had a question for married couples regarding intimacy with your spouse and any struggles couples face with Ghusl.

I've seen online that many women do not like to wash their hair everyday, and most do it every 4-7 days out of convenience + hair health and some other factors.

This had me wondering, if I was to be intimate with my wife (I'm not married) everyday, this would require her and I to do Ghusl at least once a day. Meaning, she would have to wash her hair daily as part of Ghusl. I know that only the roots of the hair must be touched with water, but I imagine it can be difficult to avoid getting the majority of the head soaked. This makes me feel bad because I've read online and heard from others that washing your hair daily can be damaging, and also a big struggle for those with longer hair so it could be frustrating. Even if my wife were to say it's not a big deal, in the end it's her who has to compromise more than I would.

I guess I can avoid this if I'm only intimate with her every 2-3 days, but that also upsets me (lol).

I was wondering how any of you married people have dealt with this? The last thing I want to do is inconvenience my wife just so I can be happy, so I'd be willing to suppress my needs but the idea of that kind of upsets me. Don't mean to sound selfish, but just being open with my thoughts. Thank you.

submitted by /u/indanightihearemtalk
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from Islam https://ift.tt/5c6gYkN

I’m not Muslim but I would like to be able to read the Quran in Arabic. I have the clear Quran in English but I can tell by reading it that it’s just not the same as it would be in its original language. Also I’d like to learn another language because it would be nice? I already speak Spanish (im mexican) and I was thinking I’d learn Italian because I like how it sounds and I can understand it pretty well already. But Arabic is nice too and I like Islam.

I googled it and it says Egyptian is the most common dialect and can be understood pretty well by other Arabic speakers. Is this true? Thank you.

submitted by /u/everythangspeachie
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from Islam https://ift.tt/rntIwYT

Please don't think I'm ignorant or oblivious. I am a nurse in an area with a large Muslim population, and quite often, I find myself caring for elderly Muslim patients who don't speak English and who don't respond to our interpreter services. Family isn't always available to translate or help the patient either, so I figured I would ask here for any advice or any cultural considerations you can offer to me. Things within reason, of course.

I do ensure that dietary services don't serve them pork, and I put signs up on my female patients' doors that male doctors, nurses, housekeepers, etc. should knock or talk to me before going into the room.

Is there anything else I can do to make these patients more respected and comfortable?

submitted by /u/poppurplepuff
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from Islam https://ift.tt/pSDzkWC

In my family and even the muslim youth around me they don't practicing Islam, they don't pray and some they don't know even how to pray. This is so sad. I want to help them, I don't know how to start? Wallahy I'm worried about theyre akhira.

If someone can help me, to understand how to start.
They are young and influenced by the western mindset. I want them to understand that Islam is the truth, I'm actually trying to find a method to help them (online), here's there is no Islamic speaker like in UK ecc. And they don't know very well Arabic and English.

Pls if someone can help me with advices, materials etc. May Allah reward us.

submitted by /u/Wild-Whereas-8073
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from Islam https://ift.tt/wlryu4q
Egypt has constructed and reinforced their wall with Gaza, so no refugees can enter. submitted by /u/PillowCharms
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from Islam https://ift.tt/3rRVf5K

I feel sick, I miss salah on purpose.. And then later regret it.. As far as I know Allah doesn't forgive the sins that r purposely made.. I try to pray but.. I just don't... I sleep through fajr and then think that whats the point if I miss one salah.. Or will Allah even accept my other salah if I missed the first... I am becoming selfish.. Allah gives me anything I need and I act like this when it comes to giving him his salah... Idk what to do.. I am ashamed to ask anything.. I am ashamed to ask for forgiveness.. I keep sinning Idk what to do... But I wanna try one more time... Is there any dua for asking for forgivnes for purposely done sins...

submitted by /u/2_Moonbabe_2
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from Islam https://ift.tt/h2MScVk
Abortion a sign before the hour

It’s statement of a sahabi, but since it’s about the unseen, it is understood that he heard it from the Prophet ο·Ί.

submitted by /u/I-Love-Al-Ashari
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from Islam https://ift.tt/T1GmR6B

Ill keep this short. Simply put im 16 and rapidly growing suddenly, always feeling tired and upped my caloric intake. I have always fasted ramadan. But last ramadan I have lost 6kg. Plus, it says online fasting is bad for growth/ for teens. Im not trying to avoid fasting and inshallah Iw ill, I just wanted to ask for your thoughts

submitted by /u/SnooTomatoes5729
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from Islam https://ift.tt/1YRIub2
Using The Old testament as a "True" source?

I'm reading 'Stories of the Prophets' and came across this paragraph. Why do they use the Old Testament, considering that Allah informs us that the book (the Old Testament) is corrupted?


submitted by /u/Prestigiousmali
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from Islam https://ift.tt/oBLXb8p
Ramadan schedule for Quran

Forgive me for ignorance but I found this on Instagram for Ramadan Quran schedule . Is there any source of this? so reading these certain ayah/surah on the certain days and can I follow this ?

submitted by /u/sabrheart
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from Islam https://ift.tt/1m0FbWt

Alsalam alaikum. I see many (Arabic) channels posting Quran in YT shorts. They all have titles like “Stop! This will only take a minute of your life!”, “It’s sinful to ignore the Quran!”, etc.

But to me, it feels like they’re trying to use Islam to capitalise on view time, which the algorithm really likes. Is this okay or should I put not interested on these videos?

submitted by /u/ZuzuAKAurDADDY
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from Islam https://ift.tt/UAcJMdm

So recently I have become very close to Allah and alhamdulillah, I no longer doubt so much. But a question I keep getting is what death feels like? I know that the quran explains different things that happen to you, but not what it feels like as far as I know. For example, will it feel no different to our current bodies, or will it be different somehow? If there are any resources I could read or watch, with backing from the quran and hadith I would very much appreciate it.

Thank you!

submitted by /u/AccordingInflation23
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from Islam https://ift.tt/kU9pwIQ

Assalamou alaykoum wa rahmatoullahi wa barakatouh everyone. I wanted to ask you to pray for me, I have a job interview for a remote job (very convienient because of studies + Niqab) but there are many applicants and I have no prior experience in that particular position ^^'

So Duas are very welcome, thank you & JazakAllah khayr <3

submitted by /u/Visual-Ad-6168
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from Islam https://ift.tt/QZOhcBl

Salam aleikum, brothers and sisters!

This year will be my first Ramadan as a muslim, and I have some questions and am looking for advice in general.

  • when I am on my period, the fasting is invalid or I can still fast if I feel good? If I don’t fast during that time, how can I make up the missed days?

  • I know couples might abstain from intercourse, but what about soft kisses and hugs?

  • what can I do to make sure I will be physically prepared to fast and still work?

  • silly question, but can I taste the food when I’m preparing the meals to break the fast?

Any other help and advice is welcome!

submitted by /u/kjanemx
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from Islam https://ift.tt/NOmo03d
Looking for a similar Quran

Assalamualaikum I'm looking for a Quran Warsh recitation to download as a pdf or an app that is divided as such song with simple explanation at the end Thank you Note: I am well aware of the views on the topic, I only ask for a way to find it, and thank you again

submitted by /u/Mammoth_Code8190
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from Islam https://ift.tt/9GeDvpj

﷽ "Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu,

As a male teenager living in a predominantly Muslim state, I find myself grappling with feelings of attraction towards individuals of the same gender. As I mature, I am keenly aware of the responsibility to shape myself into the man I aspire to become in my elder years. However, I acknowledge the sin of homosexuality and am committed to overcoming it. Despite my best efforts, I struggle with maintaining resolve and often engage in behaviors that diminish my faith. I feel isolated in addressing this issue, as discussing homosexuality openly is taboo in my community. Therefore, I am reaching out for guidance from the Internet so that I can form some kind of answer based on the teachings of Allah ο·» and his Messanger ο·Ί ‎

I understand that experiencing such urges is not inherently sinful, but acting upon them is. Could you please advise me on practical steps I can take to navigate and ultimately resolve this internal conflict? Any guidance you can provide would be deeply appreciated.

Thank you for your time and consideration, and ofcourse Allah knows best. (PS: Sorry for poor English, It’s not my first Language. My age is also young so I still do not know how to master languages at this age aswell.)

submitted by /u/Old-Coconut1672
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from Islam https://ift.tt/5vnMeRU

I bought two items and the guy behind the counter charged me with the normal price of those items but they are always discounted. I was really tired and just wanted to get out of there, so didn't pay attention to how much I payed. When I got home, I checked the receipt and noticed I had payed more than I should, they made a mistake. I know it's haram to both give and take riba, and was wondering if this would fall under riba because they got more money off me than they should. Would it be fard or wajib on me to request back the money, so that the exchange is like for like? Anybody knows?

submitted by /u/WanonymousX
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from Islam https://ift.tt/JoQMC8u

Hi everyone!

So, a friend of mine, she's a Muslim and honestly, for the past few weeks, I've been drawn towards her faith and I am trying to do my research regarding the religion.

Here's my background: I am an atheist since I turned 16 and I am currently 24, so getting into organized religion is something I am not into, especially since I have been born into a country which thrives on organized religion. My parents follow Hinduism and I am a strong atheist. My brother married a Muslim woman and the two are now very pious Hindus.

One of the reason I admire Islam is because, well, due to the way my friend conducts herself. She's very pious, doesn't drink or smoke or hook up unlike me and for some reason, that life seems more... peaceful. She holds onto her hijab so tightly and where we're from, it's amazing.

It might seem like I am 'jealous' of her but not in the slightest. I love my life and whatever I do in that but there's this unreasonable 'attraction' towards Islam I have. Like the way she conducts herself, has a meaning to live... it genuinely fascinates me.

Now, see, I don't have a reason to live. I am just here to enjoy life and it's been incredible but I lack purpose. And if I were to convert to Islam, I dunno if I'd have to give up somethings in my past:

I am an OnlyFans creator and I've made a ton of money on it, selling some of my pictures of course. I still have a fairly large portion of savings from it and I was wondering if I am allowed to use that money. From my understanding, the earnings from this is 'haram' as anything immodest is not permissible according to Islam. If I am wrong here, can I continue my OnlyFans and its related businesses I run?

Which leads to my second question: I've hooked up with a ton of guys and girls and I am bisexual. Is this still permissible? I am no longer a virgin as well. Would that be an issue should I choose

Is hijab mandatory? I am scared of wearing a hijab in my country sometimes and I am afraid it might cause some issues to my hair as well.

I don't know much about Islam and I've only learnt these stuff from my Muslim friend. My friend is aware but she never asks or talks to me when I am with other guys.

Thank you all for the guidance!

Salam! (I hope that's right. πŸ₯Ή)

submitted by /u/teateateaaditi
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from Islam https://ift.tt/dtuHDbw

The past is something i struggle a lot with.

Its not just i keep ruminating on memories. In my mind, i also stuck at the same place and never move on.

I stay the same and in my mind everyone stay the same. But in reality, everyone move on with life and are at new place. Everyone grow and become better but i stay the same.

The past simply doesnt exist anymore but my mind tells me otherwise.

Prayers help me the most with staying present. But it only helps for a while and then i fall back.

I have no idea what to look for in the future. I dont know what to do in the future. No goals ,no dreams.

To be honest, i dont know how to move forward aswell.

Putting my mind in the present is what im struggling with.

Friends/ people that are no longer in my life ,i no longer recognise them since they've changed and grow so much.

I dont know whats wrong with my head.

Time gonna slip through if i dont wake up to reality.

submitted by /u/SleepyAsh2
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from Islam https://ift.tt/kiSaKBp

I’m really tired of this dunya, it’s been 2 years and a half of short comings with my education am 18 years old and in college majoring in cybersecurity faculty of computer science, In high school I did my best and didn’t get the marks I want( and events happened that was out of my control that led me to fail.) same thing in college I did well on 5 subjects out of 7 these 2 dropped my gpa from 3.5 really heavy am a freshman still starting second term tomorrow, the two subjects were also out of my control,and now things are just getting more exhausting I can’t help but overthink and worry for my future and see talks about how my career is oversaturated,I’m trying to keep my prayers up and on time but I sleep for hours and hours…and even in application for the subjects it’s all so tiring… please someone help me wallahi I’ve never been this burnt out to the point that the smallest misconvenience ruins my day, I feel anxious and worried in my heart but at the same time all of this I got closer to my deen and I prayed that Allah helps my dad and it did and it calmed my soul, I just needed to vent to someone.

submitted by /u/Temporary_Client2457
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from Islam https://ift.tt/zSUmtFV

Things aren't going well with me since a long time. I had an athiestic mindset for a long time years back, learnt more & more on world religions, read other religions etc and finally came to conclusion that its either Islam or Agnosticism. I chose the former since its more rational.

1) Why did I chose Islam?

- Islam builds families, protects kinship, keep women feminine, and makes boys- men, society beautifies, creates a sense of brotherhood, puts a motto in people, and so on, and Most importantly, the Oneness of God.

-The sense of Gheerah, Haya, are 2 beautiful examples on how Islam makes people better.

2) Why do I want to switch to agnosticism now?

- Nothing can be recreated to prove Islam is the truth. Hundreds of duas mentioned in Sahih Hadiths, even duas for very specific situations like Anxiety, etc, but the problem is that none of these work. People say we need to put in the effort ourselves and make dua too, yes but how is that any different than a Hindu chanting some Mantra and putting in the effort anyways?

- Lets say a Muslim, a Xtian, a Hindu, and an Athiest got fever. The thiests pray to their gods & take medicine > fever reduces

- Now an Athiest takes medicine > Fever reduces

- So, is the praying part negligible? If not then the Xtian, Hindu and Athiest would never get better?

-I can compare the same example with businessess, hundreds of Athiestic businessess all doing strong with 0 faith or dua. Heck some of the most richest are Athiests which Muslims cannot even come close to?! Elon Musk for example.

-Now a Xtian, Hindu and a Muslim all pray and establish their businessess which grow. But the difference is that they thank god, not their efforts. But we can clearly see for majority of cases duas or prayers donot mean anything, but its the peoples own efforts that change the circumstances.

"Allah doesnt change the circumstances unless they change themselves"

-Then what is the point of dua or asking help of Allah if someone can change their circumstances anyways?

3) Things I find confusing / overlapping:

- Hindus, Xtian, Muslims, Jews, all pray and say "we got what we wanted all thanks to god"

- which doesnt make sense in and itself, because Islam is supposed to be the only truth, our Prayers were supposed to be the only prayers answered.

- Not that i am any saint, but I donot find any difference in doing anything ( work, business, studies ) with or without duas. Its just same each time.

- there are some very specific duas like Duas or dhikrs for anxiety which doesnt work. "OKay it may be answered later" - Why do I want my anxiety eased outisde of my anxiety episode?

submitted by /u/ChangeRedditNigge_r
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from Islam https://ift.tt/JzVZXx4


we tell new reverts to take things step by step and tell them not to overwhelm themselves. we shouldn't expect people to go from 0 to 100 right away.

but i want to know how to avoid accidentally trivializing sins to reverts.

there's some reverts that haven't have started prayer for a whole year. isn't that more than enough time to start to pray? (this isn't a retorical question. im actually asking)

is there clear line where we can distinguish a new revert from a normal Muslim?

(also if my presumptions are not correct at the first place please tell me.)

submitted by /u/islam___
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from Islam https://ift.tt/ODoWIkm

People find it funny to keep repeating “Salaamu alaikum” to me without initiating any meaningful conversation.

Its really frustrating.

Can I ignore them on purpose if they are doing this to belittle and mock?

I dont wan’t to return salaam to someone who isn’t actually giving salaam or meaning to.

submitted by /u/RaLK2719
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from Islam https://ift.tt/Ppk643Q

Assalaam walikum guys

This is something that has been bothering me and I need advice brothers and sisters I made an account just for this. Sorry for the long post.

I come from an extremely strict family and I have never ever talked to a guy in real life , neither have I unnecessarily looked at one.

I have always lowered my gaze because that’s what my parents taught me and I follow hijab -like I wear an abaya and a hijab.

Things had been a bit hard for me for some time and I had become extremely lonely. I do not use Reddit except for following the productivity and discipline subReddits . Even then,I do not use this app at all and just avoid using my phone.

Recently a person DMed me and initially I thought it was a girl but it turned out to be a Muslim guy who was also lonely so we talked for some time and I got extremely attached and obsessive. We just talked for a few days but for three hours at a time.

I do not know what has gotten into me but I became extremely infatuated , maybe because of my loneliness and I would think of this person all the time.

Throughout all this I have been full of so much guilt it’s been eating me up on the inside.

There has been a Voice in the back of my head telling me that - why did I turn to a guy and not to Allah in this time of loneliness?!

The guy and I never talked haraam inappropriate stuff and it was just talking. We talked for less than a week and I realised I am obsessed and had become too emotionally dependent on him.

I had never ever talked to a guy beside my brothers and it was the first time.

I stopped talking to him ., But I am tempted to text him and I’m afraid that in a moment of weakness, I might reach out again.

I just want to know that is it haraam to unnecessarily chat online wit a person of the opposite gender if there is absolutely no possibility of haram?

I will most probably not talk to him again .. And I think it was the right thing to do.. But I am just so confused and a small part of me is tempted to text him because nothing haraam happened and there is a 0% probability of it. I don’t understand what to do.

This thing has been disturbing me so much that I couldn’t sleep at night. Any kind of advice would be welcome.

submitted by /u/anonymous134127
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from Islam https://ift.tt/pujBe7K

Assalamualaikum warahmatulahi wabarakatu.

For context, I am a 16 year old Pakistani Muslim brother living in the suburbs of Dallas, Texas. I'm currently sick and staying home today instead of going to school, but allhamduillah I received some great news today. I have a friend whom I've met online in some other online community. (It rhymes with... discord). He's 22 years old, a Mexican guy living in the Houston area. He grew up in a Christian household but was agnostic for a few years, before last year becoming religious again, at which point he was drawn to Islam. He credits myself partially for this, though I probably didn't play that big of a role, but mashallah he took his shahada at the Masjid today. So the question is, where should he go from here? What role should I play? What should I say, teach him, advise him, or be hands off? Just trying to do best for my brothers.

And if I can extract a little nugget of wisdom: Much of what drew him to the truth was simply the passive kindness, considerateness, thoughtfulness of other Muslims he spoke to on the internet (that he's told me of) and of the people he met at the Masjid. So if there's one thing I learn from the factors that drew him towards Islam, it's this: Dawah in this world is not drafting a PhD dissertation-length refutation of another religion's theology. Dawah in the world we live in is exemplifying and embodying the traits and quality that our Prophet Muhammad PBUH taught us, and that the Holy Quran decreed for us. Be good, stay firm, and inshallah, those with open minds and pure hearts will follow. I credit not myself, nor the other people he found, but Allah alone for guiding us all to the straight path. Allhamduillah.

Back to the initial question, any general input, or specific advice? Thank you, and Allah knows best.

submitted by /u/deliriousbozo
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from Islam https://ift.tt/WlvjXya
Ex-Muslim Girl Leaves Islam For LGBTQ!? Muhammed Ali submitted by /u/theacceptedway
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from Islam https://ift.tt/avlU1Vz

Feel like I be overthinking this and will probably get scolded when my manager finds out but I have to ask for a peace of mind. I work at a general restaurant where everything is served. The main ingredients of dishes are listed on the menu. Sometimes customers specifically ask for no pork anyways just in case. But some ask whether if the dish is “halal.” I learned a while ago that halal also includes specific slaughter/prep method. Those are“halal certified” and marketed as such. We do not buy specifically halal certified meat. It’s just chicken or whatever meat from a general grocery store. And in cases of premade brand made materials like Pillsbury's Pie Crust—it has lard but literally no one is looking at their ingredients list that closely, so I don’t think my coworkers—or even the Muslim customers even know.

I mean we try our best to accommodate customers but still, from multiple handlings, it’s not an 100% guarantee that different meat/ingredients has not touched each other. So when customers ask me if something is halal, I can only say that as far as I know it contains no haram ingredients but it is not halal certified. Then refer them to the halal certified restaurant next to us (but I honestly question them ngl). Some customers get confused when I say that so am I doing too much?

Basically, if a dish contains nothing haram, can I just answer that it’s halal?

submitted by /u/zsaszagabor
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from Islam https://ift.tt/JCoGpH2

I have been practising on my prayer citation and have been going to introduction to Islam classes. My partner (born Muslim) and I are getting married next month and we decided that I would take my Shahada before that.

My partners family friend is an Imam who they have known for a long time (over 70 years of age). He sent me an 'Introduction to Islam' book to read which was around 60 pages. I was told to read that before the Shahada.

To the day of the Shahada. Went to the local mosque with my partners family and prayed with everyone there. Over 100 people approx. Before we prayed the Imam asked me if what my new name was going to be. For which I said I didn't know (but I have no desire to change my name). He then said he would ask me two questions regarding the introduction to Islam book (hoping he would ask me in private...)

After we finished the maghrib prayer, I went to the front with the Imam to begin the Shahada with everyone still in attendance watching. Before we started he introduced me to everyone and then said he has two questions regarding the book I read. I began to panic.

He asked me a question for that I can't really recall other than it was around the first chapter in the book. I read that around 2-3 weeks before this and with over 100 people looking I really began to panic and started rambling about the pillars of Islam, but that wasn't the answer to his question. He questioned why I didn't know as it was an important part of the book.

He then went to the second question for which I still don't know what he asked as he had a strong accent and I was really in full panic mode by this stage. I said I don't know the answer and then he said that we will have to postpone the Shahada til next week...

I was distraught. My partners dad and her brother was in the front row and they were protested along with others that the Shahada should still go ahead. After some convincing I did take the Shahada (in English translation). Everyone was very nice afterwards and I shook lots of brothers hands.

This experience has left me with an extremely bad taste and it's been hard to forget about. My parents (who are not religious at all) are pretty upset too and have lots of questions on why this happened.

submitted by /u/Fluffy-Professional5
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from Islam https://ift.tt/IptHPRA

I love you my muslim brothers and sisters for the sake of Allah may Allah increase you guys in rahma may Allah forgive you guys for our shortcomings may Allah make us of those people who enter Jannah through his mercy may Allah bless you guys Say this dua for us to ask for jannah Allahumma inni asluka jannah x3 Oh Allah i ask for paradise Jazak Allah khair my brothers and sisters

submitted by /u/Super-Significance37
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from Islam https://ift.tt/0OMizK4

If the trial has caused you to improve your character, what a blessing.

If the trial has caused you to improve the quality and quantity of your worship, what a blessing.

If the trial has caused you to become a obedient servant of Allah, what a blessing.

If the trial has caused you to increase in closeness to your Rabb, there is no bigger blessing. Alhumdulillahi ala kulli haal.

If you want to know your value with your creator. Look to how he is using you and what actions he has kept you busy with.

Whoever tasted the sweetness of tawbah, will recognize the bitterness of sins.

Speak in such a way, that others LOVE to listen to you.

Listen in such a way that others LOVE to Speak to you!

Use your words wisely, for the POWER of the Tongue is sharper than a knife.

Encourage & Push one another to doing good & staying positive!

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Allah Almighty says: I am as My servants expects of Me. If he thinks good of Me, he will have it. If he thinks evil of Me, he will have it.

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Ibn Ḥibbān 639

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Arna’ut

‘Amr ibn ‘Abasah reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Allah Almighty said: My love is a right upon those who befriend each other for my sake. My love is a right upon those who defend each other for my sake.

Source: al-Mu’jam al-Ṣaghīr 1092

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani

‘Ubadah ibn al-Samit reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said:

Allah Almighty said: My love is a right upon those who love each other for my sake. My love is a right upon those who visit each other for my sake. My love is a right upon those who sit together for my sake. My love is a right upon those who maintain relations for my sake.

Source: Musnad Aḥmad 21575, Grade: Sahih

submitted by /u/Elegant_Berry_1432
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from Islam https://ift.tt/PmlZO0h

😨😨😨 I am a revert and I reverted for 2 years and did my shahada on the 11 of January 2024. I downloaded Muslim Marriage apps such as Salams, Muzz, and Inshallah. I liked Salams better because they are more people I find attractive and I match with more people. So I match with a guy and he was Pakistani πŸ‡΅πŸ‡° and I am African American. We chat πŸ’¬ for a bit, but it was real late like around 12 am. I told him I was tired and he’s very dominant and demanding and he told me that I will have to get use to talking to him this late. I was like ok so it’s like that. He said yea. I loved how dominant and assertive he was. For some reason I love dominance and I am very sensitive and shy πŸ™ˆ. But I love it for some reason. We then talked about how will I please him as a husband. I answered by saying I will cook because I am a very good cook and I cook very versatile. I told him that his tummy will be full everyday. I said we will pray together read the Quran and make dua for each other. I then told him I will give him physical affection, such as hugs πŸ€—, cuddles πŸ₯°, and kisses 😘. He said so that’s it and I said what else you want. He said I need you to be obedient to me of everything I say. I was like yes I would if you a great Muslim man that knows his priorities.

We then got to the topic about our race. He thought πŸ’­ I was Nigerian which yea my ancestors are Nigerian but I am African American. I then told him I am a revert and didn’t commit bad actions. I was a good girl, I never went clubbing, partying, drinking, smoking, committing z!na, and dated. He then ask me did I kissed a guy. I said I never kissed a guy. I was very honest with myself and I come out to him. He then ask me is my family converts/reverts. I said no and he then unmatched me. I was so heartbroken πŸ’” because I was getting very into him. Please guys I need some reassurance and help. I am a very good Muslim I pray five times a day, go to my jummah prayers, modest, read Quran, fast, give zakat, and make dua. I really want to talk to him again but once someone unmatched you, you can’t talk to them again. 😭😭😭 I wanted to tell him that you are marrying me not my family. This is a hard thing for reverts and it’s hard for us to get married even though we have good qualities. Please him anyone πŸ₯ΊπŸ₯ΊπŸ₯Ί I really want to get married. It is my only goal. I don’t ask for much but marriage is like the only thing I want to complete half of my deen.

submitted by /u/brownbeans24
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from Islam https://ift.tt/bOsnepx
Im not sure what I'm seeing at night.


Most nights when I go to sleep I see a black cloud in the corner of my room. It's as if someone has taken a black pen or maker and scribbled vigorously creating this cloud. No soft edges, only sharp jagged edges. Kinda like a sea urchin? Anyway, I see it distinctively in the corner of our room when I'm falling asleep. I suddenly wake up and see it near my babies cot or my bed and once I acknowledge it, it retracts back into the corner. Sometimes if it's too far away from the corner it goes into the wall.

Someone commented on my previous post and said it's a mental disorder. I feel offended lol. I'm not crazy, I have been able to see things supernaturally in the past. I'm not sure if maybe this is a form of nazr or hasad? Maybe it's anxiety? I do get anxious sometimes but it's not severe and I'm not on any medication or anything like that.

Any comments, advice or personal experience will be appreciated. I've attached a Pic to help you guys visualize what it is I'm seeing. It looks exactly like this.

submitted by /u/luxeluv
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from Islam https://ift.tt/fIUEals

Below is a thought experiment I did on the fly and wanted y'all's opinion on it inshAllah.

Let's say every human has free will. And if a human has the ability to choose what he/she does then an idea of an all knowing/power being does not make sense. This is true unless we say that the all knowing entity does in fact know what choice you will make 100% of the time. In that case, how can we say we have free will if all the decisions are pre destined? The only way to work around this would be to say our choices are a real option for us to try and make the right decision, but it is more of an illusion to what the All knowing entity wants us to perceive. The question then is why? Why provide the "choice" instead of fast tracking to make the decision for us? My opinion on the matter is based on real life examples of experiencing goodness and evil. Appreciation for goodness is seen when evil is the comparison. If there was only goodness in the world and evil did not exist then there is no value as it is the standard unit that can never go below the line. Similarly, experiencing this life with a level of choice and feeling the right emotions of positivity and goodness would be the goal the all knowing entity would want us to experience. In turn, once the test is over we have a greater appreciation for the reward as we have a bench mark for the hard work it takes to earn it. To conclude Free will must exist to the capacity in which we truly experience a choice that we make, but the all knowing entity, Allah, has full knowledge of these choices and only allows what will come to pass according to his will.

submitted by /u/OneTrash
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from Islam https://ift.tt/OJKUvuR