Below is a thought experiment I did on the fly and wanted y'all's opinion on it inshAllah.

Let's say every human has free will. And if a human has the ability to choose what he/she does then an idea of an all knowing/power being does not make sense. This is true unless we say that the all knowing entity does in fact know what choice you will make 100% of the time. In that case, how can we say we have free will if all the decisions are pre destined? The only way to work around this would be to say our choices are a real option for us to try and make the right decision, but it is more of an illusion to what the All knowing entity wants us to perceive. The question then is why? Why provide the "choice" instead of fast tracking to make the decision for us? My opinion on the matter is based on real life examples of experiencing goodness and evil. Appreciation for goodness is seen when evil is the comparison. If there was only goodness in the world and evil did not exist then there is no value as it is the standard unit that can never go below the line. Similarly, experiencing this life with a level of choice and feeling the right emotions of positivity and goodness would be the goal the all knowing entity would want us to experience. In turn, once the test is over we have a greater appreciation for the reward as we have a bench mark for the hard work it takes to earn it. To conclude Free will must exist to the capacity in which we truly experience a choice that we make, but the all knowing entity, Allah, has full knowledge of these choices and only allows what will come to pass according to his will.

submitted by /u/OneTrash
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