March 2024
Is it okay to stamp this translated version of the Qur’an?

Hello everyone,

I work at a school library and I currently stamp books and put the sensitizing strips in them.

We received an English translation of the Qu’ran that has parallel Arabic text (I inserted a picture above) and I was wondering if it’s okay to stamp it with the school name? We usually have to stamp all of our books in five different places (the top, bottom, inside the front cover, inside the back cover, and on the title page).

I just want to make sure that I am being respectful when it comes to this translated version of the Qur’an. I’m not sure if stamping on it would be disrespectful. If anyone can tell me if this is okay or not, that would be great!

Note: the title is “The Qur’an: English Translation by M. A. S. Abdel Haleem (and) Parallel Arabic Text”

submitted by /u/weus_0830
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from Islam

Dear brothers and sisters, I have an anxiety disorder and I am very scared that I will see the dajjal at night to the point where I’m almost fearing Islam itself, if anyone could respond to this I would greatly appreciate it. (Also this comment said it was removed earlier so if I am repeating myself I apologise)

submitted by /u/Ok_Excitement_8496
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from Islam

Someone posed this as an evidence for "different texts" or "different versions" of the Quran, citing it as a double standard for when Muslims say the Bible has various versions.

Surah 2:10 in the Hafs Quran says "Yukzibuuna" (they lie), and the warsh Quran says "Yukazzibuuna" (they accuse)

What is the appropriate response as well as the history? From what I recall, after the Quran was completed, the Sahaba asked the Prophet for more, and so he taught them the different modes of recitation, as well as the narration of the Sahaba saying that they were taught in one way where the other was taught in another way, and when they asked the Prophet he confirmed that both ways are correct.

submitted by /u/JJosuke434
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from Islam

I am a little confused about the meaning of this passage. As for those who persist in disbelief, it is the same whether you warn them or not—they will never believe. Is this stating that some people are essentially doomed to a life of sin with no ability to repent, or in Islam, does man have free will to either follow or abandon Allah's teachings? Thank you, and apologies if I may have offended anybody. -Happy Ramadan

submitted by /u/B__D__A
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from Islam

Assalamualaikum, i hope everyone is doing well this ramadan.

I’m a revert and this is my first time fasting. I’ve learnt how to do taraweeh but i have some questions about it. Sometimes while praying, i have too much on my mind (which may Allah forgive me & bless me with focus in salah) & i forgot which rakat i’m in. So i usually redo that particular 2 rakat, but today i started thinking whether it’s invalid. As an example, I would do 8 rakat: 2 - 2(and if i forgot it here, i’ll restart this 2 rakat only without redoing the first 2 also) - 2 - 2.

I hope my question is understandable 😀 and pls do let me know whether it’s valid, i’ll really appreciate it

submitted by /u/Neither_Weekend_9983
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from Islam

I had an amazing job until recently. I have a family of 6 including myself. I worked in a place and made comfortable money, but a coworker always made me uncomfortable. I ended up having to quit because hr did nothing and reality hit me today.

I have no post high school education and no speciality. I depended on my employment until I retired since I never truly had a gift. I am an extremely slow learner.

I'm not sure what to do at this point and within a month have to take my family to stay at a shelter due to no income.

Please make dua for me. Please provide me with duas as I'm going through a moment of realizing what a failure of a father, and spouse I am and reaching the point of high level depression.

submitted by /u/Ok_Acadia_1335
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from Islam

We know that if a Muslim guides a non Muslim to Islam, they now get the reward of every good deed the new Muslims does. But how about if the way they went about giving dawah was haram? (Ie woman and man chatting privately) would that change anything in regards to the one giving dawah still getting rewarded? Cause like u did something good but displeased Allāh in the process, just a question I had

submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded-Ask8469
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from Islam

I’m really struggling I’m a student that lives on my own and I’m not getting paid until the end of the month I have been fasting since the beginning but now it is getting very tough as I have ran out food and I only have food what they give me at the mosque which means I don’t really have suhoor and any food after that. The food they give is only one packet of Bryani which I am grateful for but that’s it and then I don’t have anything else. I have been eating pasta which is now finished and I have only bread at home. Do I still need to fast as It it getting really hard for me.

submitted by /u/saifastic
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from Islam
Hollywood Actor Will Smith OPENS UP ABOUT THE QURAN he read in Ramadan T... submitted by /u/FreePalestineTexas
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from Islam

Wallahi, even in Ramadan, I don't feel the urge to come closer to Allah. Even as I'm writing this, I feel there is no point in trying to get closer to Allah SWT. Because every time I pray, I don't feel anything. Every time I pray and force myself to pray all the prayers for a week, I still don't feel anything. Every time I try to do tawbah and ask Allah for forgiveness, I don't feel like I'm sincere. Even when I try, it's like I don't even believe in what I'm saying and asking Allah for forgiveness. I should read the Quran. I should try to gain knowledge about who Allah is, to fear Him and to gain love for Him. But I don't know where to start. I have all the basic knowledge of how to pray. I know some hadith (mostly the typical ones). But wallahi, I only get a temporary boost when watching Islamic videos. I don't feel a genuine connection to Allah, and sometimes it's like Allah doesn't want me to come to Him at this time. I don't know, man. I know that Allah loves me, but why can't I love the Quran? And praying is so frustrating. If it's not in Ramadan, when will it be?

submitted by /u/YungAbukar
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from Islam

Thing is I am 27 (M) will be 28 in 1 year and currently single. I started working and earning at age of 24 due to some personal problems . I work as Software Engineer. Since last year April it was fine . But after that I have consistently face 2 lay offs in company , I was laid off by a company in October 2023 after 6 months of working and was laid off recently in a company after just 3 months of company . The reason for lay off is same that the company's stability is not fixed and they don't have further projects.

Since I am single and living in India where relationships and marriages are very common I am having thoughts of loneliness , I can't marry now because I don't have a stable job and also we are joint family living in 1 house , I have 3 brothers we hardly manage to make place in home forgot about me bringing spouse .

I am very much worried about my future , I have faith in Allah but sometimes doubt how things will become better when they are so negative .Also I have insecurity that no girl will like me because I am not that good financially currently and also not from a big or well known family.

I was rejected by people .

I don't know what to do. I am feeling hopeless please help , have some of you faced the similar situation please help me with it

submitted by /u/athar1996
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from Islam

Peace be upon you

I'm making my way through the Quran and it is very intriguing.

I just finished chapter 2.

I was surprised to learn that the story of Adam and Eve was in the Quran, and from my understanding Iblis is the equivalent to the Christian bibles Satan.

And also according to my quick Google research that only confuse me more, there are other Satan's?

I'd like to know the role this/these characters have in Islam.

When I was Christian I was taught that the Satan character was the source of all evil, and anything wrong in the world was his fault.

But the Quran is saying that everything in the world I Allah's doing.

So where does that leave Satan/the Satan's?

submitted by /u/KodiesCove
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from Islam

Has anyone here converted to Islam from Buddhism? I was raised going to a Buddhism and Taoist temple my whole life but in the last 6 months I have learn a little about Islam that I want to learn more and potentially convert? I'm sorried about my mom and how she would react but I feel like a calling that is hard to explain.

submitted by /u/medchemdust
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from Islam

My dad has been leading salah as long as I can remember. Few years ago I studied Quran and rectified my tajweed and that’s when I realized my dad has been making many many tajweed errors during his salah. I have gently told him but he didn’t respond to me and I have asked my sister to tell him as well. Im very scared of my dad and I fear that if I continue reminding him I will be in trouble. He also forgets a lot so I don’t know what to do.

Im thinking of just making dua for him, but is this enough?

submitted by /u/quirtyysl
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from Islam

Hi so I've been raised in an atheist household and have never really believed in any higher power. I have had christian friends all my life but never really had any interest in christianity. These last few years I have met more muslim people and have started to build an intense interest in islam. Last year during ramadan i just couldn't stop thinking about islam and kept having dreams (in which my friends showed me a mosque and I converted and things like that). Since then i keep thinking about islam and this year during ramadan i have this strong feeling that i should revert. Even though i have never felt any higher power or had any connection to any higher power. I just can't decide whether i can believe in an afterlife or if i still believe that there's nothing after we die. Also, i can't understand how i would feel any higher power or what that would feel like. I can't really express my thoughts and feelings but i hope some of you understand what i'm going through and can tell me how it was for them.

submitted by /u/Available-Yak4809
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from Islam

The Torah and Bible were both sent before the holy Quran. But why wasn’t the Quran sent first? I saw an answer online of someone saying each revelation was made for that specific time for that specific group of people, but the Quran is for all of mankind forever. However, the Bible says Jesus is the son of God and the holy trinity, which are concepts not supported by the Quran. So why would Allah send a revelation that would later not align with the Quran? Why would Allah reveal the Bible in the first place if many things written in the Bible about Jesus and God do not line up with Islamic beliefs?

submitted by /u/Mrh451
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from Islam

I thought of sexual thoughts the other day, but i didn’t feel anything coming out of my vagina but just to make sure i went and did ghusl, a few minutes after ghusl i thought of sex again but i also didn’t feel anything coming out, once again.

Does this require ghusl?

I would also like to add that in the moments i thought of sex, i didn’t have any desires and i wasn’t sexually excited, i just thought of it.

submitted by /u/memety10012
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from Islam

Salam Walaikum everyone i’m a revert. i’m the only practicing muslim in my family. i’m trying my best. but at times i put off prayer. and im trying to read the quran but im slow and have classes scheduled for ramadan but im still very discouraged by my self honestly. last ramadan wasn’t hectic for me. i can’t focus on anything because there’s so much going on in my personal life and caring for family members etc. i feel like my hands and legs are tied with duniya’i matters and nothing deeni, i want to drop out because i cant get time to sit and work on college work either. just really low start to a beautiful month for me. any advice is appreciated. please don’t judge me, please pray for me.

submitted by /u/Culturalg
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from Islam

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Today taraweeh prayer started here from where I am and after isha i quickly prayed voluntary prayers and then imam stood up for taraweeh and so did all of us. When surah-fatiha completed in the first rakah and the imam started with surah-bakarah and when he said الٓمٓ ١ , i couldn't hold my tears and thanked Allah ﷻ in my heart for bringing ramadaan back and keeping me alive to stand for him in taraweeh and supplicate to him. I am going through a heartbreak right now but wallahi, today's prayers put peace in my heart. The emotional void in our hearts we are trying to fill by haram means doesn't make happy at all. Some are stuck in a haram relationship, some are stuck with addictions, some are stuck with riba based debts. Nothing is gonna make you happy until you give up everything for the sake of Allah and do things that please Almighty Allah ﷻ.

I just wanted to say, whatever haram you're involved in right now, it won't make you happy. Yes, you, I'm talking to you. Whatever you're trying to do, being so desperate about it, it isn't worth it. When the time is right, it will come to you. If you do it now, it will only lead to haram. Come back to Allah, repent, repent, repent. All this ramadaan, make sure you keep saying استغفرالله (Astagfirullah) continuously. This month is a glorious month and a mercy from Allah. Give up everything for the sake of Allah and repent for indeed in him you will find happiness.

جزاك الله خيرا

submitted by /u/Belgium_Butterscotch
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from Islam

I know I'm going to get judged badly for this but let's try regardless So I couldn't go Taraweeh today since I have my period But I will have to go eventually and I'm not in my country atm I'm in KSA and as dumb as it sounds no one is coming with me nd I have horrible social anxiety so I'm scared of going cuz of it how do I cope? Especially since most of the time when I went in my home country I went with my family or friends

submitted by /u/jcole_on_top
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from Islam

Ramadan Mubarak to everyone.

I’ll begin by saying I understand it’s better to recite the Quran, and live according to it, instead of just reciting Surahs (and doing nothing else). I am definitely trying to find a balance.

So for example, Surah Al-Mulk recitation at night will intercede for a man until he is forgiven (the Hadith/source was Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 2891; Abu Dawud, 1400; Ibn Majah, 3786), while recitation of Surah Al-Kahf on Fridays will cause a believer to have a light shine from him till the next Friday (Narrated by al-Hakim, 2/399; al-Bayhaqi, 3/249. Ibn Hajar said in Takhrij al-Adhkar that this is a hasan Hadith, but stronger report), the ‘light’ referring to blessings amongst other things.

So are there any other Surahs you know of, or recite, with specific virtues, which a Muslim should be aware of?

If possible; please include sources. I have tried my best to include the ones above. I think this may be beneficial to a lot of us, especially since Ramadan is starting.

Jazakallah Khairan for your time and effort to read this post.

submitted by /u/adhesive_pendulum
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from Islam

Blessings be upon you

I am new to Islam.

One of the reasons I am interested in Islam is the Pillar of Charity, as I already am a charitable person.

I'd like some more clarity of the Pillar of Charity, and want to know if more than just monetary donations count. I feel silly asking this, but that's what the pamphlet on The Five Pillars of Islam talks about(monetary donations) and my Imam didn't talk about charitable deeds when he went over the five pillars(but it was also our first meeting, and I haven't been able to go back to the Mosque)

I ask because I'm disabled and on a fixed income. Unfortunately donating monetarily isn't always possible. But I am always crocheting scarves for the homeless in my area and I do either donate money directly, or donate items a charity or organization needs. It's just hard to maintain constant monetary donations with bills and life changes lately. I only recently got on disability, so there's a lot of financial catching up to do.

submitted by /u/KodiesCove
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from Islam

Regarding who leads salah in a group of people:

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The people should be led in prayer by the one who has most knowledge of the Book of Allah; if they are equal in knowledge of the Quran, then by the one who has most knowledge of the Sunnah.” (Narrated by Imam Muslim, 1530)

Me and my friend always pray Dhuhr in school, he has about 3 juz memorized more than me, though we both agree I have more knowledge of the Quran.

So what I want to know is who should lead our salah, the Hadith says “the one who has the most knowledge of the Book of Allah”, I have heard a scholar say this means who has more memorized, but I’m not sure about that as it says “knowledge” not “memorization”.

So does the Hadith mean who has more Quran memorized or who has more knowledge of the Quran

submitted by /u/Enwassi
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from Islam

ive been struggling a lot with islam. i was born a muslim but recently started praying but i always feel like im doing something wrong or im gonna go to hell. Ive changed a lot of my bad behaviour and stopped most of my bad habits but whenever i try to learn more about islam i always get misguided or get lost. i used to reject hadiths due to my parents also rejecting them due to everyone having a different opinion on the internet but now i believe it and im so scared of everything and feel like im not even a muslim due to my lack of information and i dont know where to start. i feel like most of the muslims are so harsh and judgmental as well which i understand but i just feel so worthless because of my current situation and i legit dont know what im even suppose to do to be a good muslim. i try to pray as much as i can, i give zakat with the money which my mom gives me as my school moneyl, i try to help the homeless people, i try to change my bad habits which i sometimes struggle but i always ask for forgiveness in the end of the day or after my obligatory prayers, i believe in allah only, quran, all the angels and prophets, i always thank allah for everything, i try not to back bite, i always apologise and right now i try not to do the haram which is written in the quran since i havent started reading the hadiths and the only sin which i can admit is not wearing a hijab but all of my clothes are baggy and i try not to wear tight clothes. All i can do now is cry and beg allah to guide me but i feel like my time will cut short and i will embarrass myself infront of allah and be sent to hell. i cant get any help from scholars since i live alone in italy and italy isnt a muslim country so im trying to do what i can by reading stuff from the internet which isnt helping at all. i dont know why its so hard for me to be successful like other muslims and fear everything considering my familys and my fate. please i beg anyone to help me and apologise for my bad English but im really in a bad place and i dont even think that this is a test from allah and think that im just not good enough to be a muslim

submitted by /u/rxtten_barbie
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from Islam

i’ve been like this almost my entire life? animals and children are attracted to me, cats are much friendlier with me and babies & toddlers hug me out of nowhere, even my family says this, that animals and children really love me. this also happens with people, even though i’m not social and i’m very anxious around people and i barely speak, my relatives and people around me love me, my mom says that a lot. is this from allah?

i know that if people love you and respect you then its a sign that allah loves you, but idk about animals and children. and tbh i always feel like tearing up when people say it, the creator of this universe and the one who made me loves me? i’m small and fragile and i’m doing my best to please allah so i cry when i hear allah loves you.

submitted by /u/deadflowers1
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from Islam

assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

upon reading thr bible i stumbled across the well-known story of hagar and ishmael.

while the islamic tradition says hajar and ishmael landed in todays makkah, the well of zamzam was errected, the two mountains marwah and safah are the places of saee, and abraham came to visit / stayed with ishmael and hajar, the biblical narrative seems a bit more compelling:

the two were expelled to the desert of beer sheba, close to where abraham is residing. makkah is around 900km away from where the two were expelled. how would a mother and her young child travel such a distance with only a bit of water?

following up, if they did manage to, how did the 100 year old abraham traverse?

besides that, there are a lot of references to sela/petra which by islamic understanding is makkah, however that can't be true if we can't asses the questions i raised previously.

can someone more knowledgeable please shed light onto this matter?

submitted by /u/Ok-Donkey-4740
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from Islam