السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Today taraweeh prayer started here from where I am and after isha i quickly prayed voluntary prayers and then imam stood up for taraweeh and so did all of us. When surah-fatiha completed in the first rakah and the imam started with surah-bakarah and when he said الٓمٓ ١ , i couldn't hold my tears and thanked Allah ﷻ in my heart for bringing ramadaan back and keeping me alive to stand for him in taraweeh and supplicate to him. I am going through a heartbreak right now but wallahi, today's prayers put peace in my heart. The emotional void in our hearts we are trying to fill by haram means doesn't make happy at all. Some are stuck in a haram relationship, some are stuck with addictions, some are stuck with riba based debts. Nothing is gonna make you happy until you give up everything for the sake of Allah and do things that please Almighty Allah ﷻ.

I just wanted to say, whatever haram you're involved in right now, it won't make you happy. Yes, you, I'm talking to you. Whatever you're trying to do, being so desperate about it, it isn't worth it. When the time is right, it will come to you. If you do it now, it will only lead to haram. Come back to Allah, repent, repent, repent. All this ramadaan, make sure you keep saying استغفرالله (Astagfirullah) continuously. This month is a glorious month and a mercy from Allah. Give up everything for the sake of Allah and repent for indeed in him you will find happiness.

جزاك الله خيرا

submitted by /u/Belgium_Butterscotch
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