Blessings be upon you

I am new to Islam.

One of the reasons I am interested in Islam is the Pillar of Charity, as I already am a charitable person.

I'd like some more clarity of the Pillar of Charity, and want to know if more than just monetary donations count. I feel silly asking this, but that's what the pamphlet on The Five Pillars of Islam talks about(monetary donations) and my Imam didn't talk about charitable deeds when he went over the five pillars(but it was also our first meeting, and I haven't been able to go back to the Mosque)

I ask because I'm disabled and on a fixed income. Unfortunately donating monetarily isn't always possible. But I am always crocheting scarves for the homeless in my area and I do either donate money directly, or donate items a charity or organization needs. It's just hard to maintain constant monetary donations with bills and life changes lately. I only recently got on disability, so there's a lot of financial catching up to do.

submitted by /u/KodiesCove
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