assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

upon reading thr bible i stumbled across the well-known story of hagar and ishmael.

while the islamic tradition says hajar and ishmael landed in todays makkah, the well of zamzam was errected, the two mountains marwah and safah are the places of saee, and abraham came to visit / stayed with ishmael and hajar, the biblical narrative seems a bit more compelling:

the two were expelled to the desert of beer sheba, close to where abraham is residing. makkah is around 900km away from where the two were expelled. how would a mother and her young child travel such a distance with only a bit of water?

following up, if they did manage to, how did the 100 year old abraham traverse?

besides that, there are a lot of references to sela/petra which by islamic understanding is makkah, however that can't be true if we can't asses the questions i raised previously.

can someone more knowledgeable please shed light onto this matter?

submitted by /u/Ok-Donkey-4740
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