Thing is I am 27 (M) will be 28 in 1 year and currently single. I started working and earning at age of 24 due to some personal problems . I work as Software Engineer. Since last year April it was fine . But after that I have consistently face 2 lay offs in company , I was laid off by a company in October 2023 after 6 months of working and was laid off recently in a company after just 3 months of company . The reason for lay off is same that the company's stability is not fixed and they don't have further projects.

Since I am single and living in India where relationships and marriages are very common I am having thoughts of loneliness , I can't marry now because I don't have a stable job and also we are joint family living in 1 house , I have 3 brothers we hardly manage to make place in home forgot about me bringing spouse .

I am very much worried about my future , I have faith in Allah but sometimes doubt how things will become better when they are so negative .Also I have insecurity that no girl will like me because I am not that good financially currently and also not from a big or well known family.

I was rejected by people .

I don't know what to do. I am feeling hopeless please help , have some of you faced the similar situation please help me with it

submitted by /u/athar1996
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