Is it okay to stamp this translated version of the Qur’an?

Hello everyone,

I work at a school library and I currently stamp books and put the sensitizing strips in them.

We received an English translation of the Qu’ran that has parallel Arabic text (I inserted a picture above) and I was wondering if it’s okay to stamp it with the school name? We usually have to stamp all of our books in five different places (the top, bottom, inside the front cover, inside the back cover, and on the title page).

I just want to make sure that I am being respectful when it comes to this translated version of the Qur’an. I’m not sure if stamping on it would be disrespectful. If anyone can tell me if this is okay or not, that would be great!

Note: the title is “The Qur’an: English Translation by M. A. S. Abdel Haleem (and) Parallel Arabic Text”

submitted by /u/weus_0830
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