January 2024
Is Visiting a Mazaar Shirk ?

Visiting Mazaars is a common practice in South Africa amongst the muslim community.

If you’re unfamiliar with what a mazaar is you’re free to do your own research for a more clear answer but from my understanding its basically a place where a “saint” is buried.

My family has done it for years. It’s something thats been passed down and my grandparents advised my parents to do it as well. My parents have done it a couple times but have stopped for years now. The older i got, the more i felt it wrong and saw it as maybe Shirk. Note that i was under 10 years old when we used to visit and im much older now.

On our visit to the Mazaar we usually purchased a Green cloth (to cover the body of the saint), sweets and money which were made to be offerings. You then get “blessed” by a man who comes around with peacock feathers and fans you with it. When leaving we were told to walk out backwards because you aren’t allowed to “turn your back” on the Mazaar.

I’ve made Muslim friends from different countries and they don’t have any knowledge of this and also consider it shirk.

If it is Shirk, why isn’t anyone advising those who have been misled ?

I have attached a picture of a Mazaar I found on TikTok

submitted by /u/MostDoor9276
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from Islam https://ift.tt/wAFrby5

I have very stubborn muslim parents and idk what to do. They’re coranists and say that the hadith books were created by a guy that wasn’t even arab 200 yrs after the revelation of the qur’an, they say the hijab was fake (I have no problems with non hijabis it’s not my business don’t get me wrong) and my mom believes in astrology. My mom prays but my dad stopped praying a while ago due to some trauma in france. He never spoke about it to me or my mom but thats none of my business I get it but I have to problem with that, they also smoke, and my dad drinks but not atp he gets drunk he just gets beers with a very low % of alcohol. Will they end up in the hellfire forever and idk how to tell them my beliefs isn’t exactly like theirs.

submitted by /u/Direct_Resource_1746
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from Islam https://ift.tt/vnj5Gl3

So I have seen people question about what the Quran say about the dinosaurs, so I wondered what the Quran said about the start of earth (a.k.a precambrian/Devonian era) and if Allah decided to evolve the walking fish (A.k.a the ancestors of every mammal, reptile and amphibian)

Do keep in mind, this is could be a massive flop, since I just mentioned the 'what does the Quran say about the dinosaurs' question

submitted by /u/Gboon7
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from Islam https://ift.tt/1QXBxyp

So there is this one specific country i’ve been wanting to move to for uni and there has been many instances where it was almost possible but something occurred and it never happened. I know we’re told that if something wasn’t written for us, no matter what we do, there’s no way we can get it. But what we’re also told is to make continuous duas about our desires and have full hopes that Allah will accept them. So should i still make dua for it? It’s very contradictory and I’m confused as well as desperate so please.

submitted by /u/ryuMins
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from Islam https://ift.tt/mfH4kdZ


So I live in America and have met someone who lives about 4 hours away from me. We have been talking for a few months and think we are a match for each other. Issue is that she works and is refusing to move to where I live for a few years atleast due to her position at work that she doesn’t want to sacrifice, she could easily work for that same company where I live but only have to change sector, she wants to marry and stay apart for a a year in terms of where we live and then when she does everything she wants to with work then move, she seems to believe that I am stopping her from reaching her ambitions at work and am moving her for my own selfish reasons, what do you guys think?

submitted by /u/CoconutCommercial401
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from Islam https://ift.tt/O70Sl6s

I wear hijab of course but my hair is bothering me and it's hard to wash and I just wanna know how short I can make it. I heard you're allowed to cut it to chins length but also heard that the length doesn't matter as long as it's not a haircut for men. So whats the right opinion on this?

submitted by /u/dubiousthoughts11
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from Islam https://ift.tt/S0aBErg

Why were Islam or any other religion revealed only a few years ago when before these books, there were no other monotheistic religions? Why did they not appear at the time when humanity began?

Is there anything that the Quran says about this? Is there a reason for the appearance of these books only now and not at the very beginning of history?

submitted by /u/Infinite-Magazine714
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from Islam https://ift.tt/n41Mua2


I'm a born Muslim and have been praying for the majority of my life.

I do not speak Arabic so all the surahs I know (the basic ones you learn as a child, nothing too long) I know because I learned them by heart. I can slowly read the Qur'an but I'm still to learn the tajweed.

I've said all of this because now I am working on regularly praying again, after I had a few years period of depression during which I didn't pray 80% of the time, even though salah was on my mind daily.

And I noticed that my prayers are very mechanic. I pray, recite the surahs I always recite, try not to distract myself while I pray, mechanically make dua (God please give health to my family, friends, all those who need it and thank you for everything - this kind of dua) and that's it.

I'm ashamed to say it but I feel no joy, excitement, peace, hope or anything I should feel when praying and making dua afterwards. That's affecting me and my imaan so much since now salah is something I just need to do and that's all. I crave connection to it and Allah, I just don't know how to get there.

Thank you and sorry for the long text.

submitted by /u/hablaht
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from Islam https://ift.tt/tWxTEIm
Those who persecute the believing men and women

Those who persecute the believing men and women and then do not repent will certainly suffer the punishment of Hell and the torment of burning. Surely those who believe and do good will have Gardens under which rivers flow. That is the greatest triumph.

submitted by /u/PowerfulAd944
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from Islam https://ift.tt/YTMriet

Assalamualaikum, what the title says, I've grown up in a non-practicing muslim family, my father, may Allah bless him, has taught me how to offer Salahs, has also numerous times helped me read Qur'an, same for my mother, she's the one who's taught me all the surahs that I know, my parents appreciate me a lot now as I'm the only one in our family of 5 (parents and us 3 siblings) who offers Salah, I'm a teen, my parents are in their 50s, my father is reaching 60 Allahuma Barik, i love him with all my heart he's my Noor he's my everything, he's not at the best of his health due to his age, i do not intend for it but the thought of his death comes up too much in my mind, so much so that i get constant nightmares regarding his death (may Allah accept me and my family only at a time we're able to answer the almighty), I've sat my father and mother down too many times too nicely, esp my father, it's not like he's arrogant, he's the kindest man I've ever met, he loves Allah, he does verbal dhikr quite a lot, he just, doesn't pray? i once even tried to act all enthusiastic and said "Baba let's go pray" v casually so that he feels comfortable but he just keeps making excuses? idk if he feels very guilty because of him neglecting prayer all these years, but I've countless times reminded him that Allah has done so many favors upon us and that Allah keeps giving us a second chance till we wake up, what do I do? he just still doesn't pray, I'm so worried about him, he knows and acknowledges the punishment for the one who has neglected prayer, he's afraid of that, he feels hopeless, I've tried millions of time to tell him that Allah will forgive him, he just doesn't listen 💔

brothers and sisters, please advise me what to do, i feel so broken, i pray so much to Allah, i cry so much to Him begging Him mercy for my parents, i love Allah so much, i know the supreme King knows what lies in my heart, i also know He'll find a way for my parents, is there anything i can do though? i love my parents and siblings a lot, especially my father, please please don't ignore this.

submitted by /u/West-Calendar8896
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from Islam https://ift.tt/yGOmiSk
And he found you lost and guided[you].. [Q 93:7] submitted by /u/Ok-Professional-
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from Islam https://ift.tt/Z2HtSI6

I would appreciate if could please take 10-15 seconds out of your day to make dua for me. I have semester grades come out tomorrow at a very crucial point in my life, and I really want good grades to please my parents and for the sake of ٱللَّٰه, . Please make dua for me as I am really stressed about my results. May ٱللَّٰه, elevate your ranks and accept all of your dua''s !!


Abu Darda reported: The Messenger of ٱللَّٰه, , peace and blessings be upon him, said, “No Muslim servant supplicates for his brother behind his back but that the angel says: And for you the same.”

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2732

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Muslim

عَنْ أَبِي الدَّرْدَاءِ قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ‏ مَا مِنْ عَبْدٍ مُسْلِمٍ يَدْعُو لأَخِيهِ بِظَهْرِ الْغَيْبِ إِلاَّ قَالَ الْمَلَكُ وَلَكَ بِمِثْلٍ

صحيح مسلم كتاب الذكر والدعاء والتوبة والاستغفار باب فضل الدعاء للمسلمين بظهر الغيب 2732

submitted by /u/DearAd9474
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from Islam https://ift.tt/gT25Okn

So what is gonna happen to the people who aren't Muslim But are genuinely good people? Don't tell me they'll go to hell. Because I know really nice,Smart people who might be Christian. And they genuinely have a good heart and want to help people, but they believe in Christianity, not Islam, or maybe they have some other spirituality. Are they really gonna go to hell?

submitted by /u/SomoneUsingReddit
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from Islam https://ift.tt/gakUxhl

My iman is low, and i’m trying so hard to hold my deen. I live in a country where the first religion is christianity, I’m still trying to build my deen, to become more religious. But beauty standards, school, classmates , and some members of my family aren’t helping me and I feel suffocated that sometimes I just want to disappear. I’m on a period when my iman is so low, and I’m not leaving Salah, never. I always keep in mind “If you leave Salah you’re done” , by leaving Salah I know that I will lost my self, and ofc I don’t want to. I feel like I’m not doing enough, and my iman is still low. Any help? Fasting can strengthen my iman? I know it’s good for health, and for spiritual reasons, but I don’t know where to start

submitted by /u/That-Attorney-9299
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from Islam https://ift.tt/9X71UJy

A grief-stricken child reached the court of Rahmat-e-Alam (peace be upon him) and started crying; He said, O Messenger of Allah! Such a person has taken over my palm garden by force and does not give me anything. Hearing the cry of the child, the Prophet (peace be upon him) immediately ordered this person to appear in the Prophet's court. In a short time, that person appeared. And both of them presented their cases in the Prophet's court. The Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, carefully listened to the statements of both and after being satisfied in every way, he gave his decision. The decision of the Messenger of God was against the orphan child, his After hearing the decision against the orphan, he started crying, but could not say anything with his tongue. Seeing the orphan crying, the heart of the Messenger of God was filled and he also started crying, then he said to this person; Brother, the garden has been decided in your favor and the garden is yours, but how good it would be if you gave your garden to this orphan! God will give you an eternal garden in Paradise in return. At that time, Hazrat Abu Al-Dahdah (RA) was also present in the Prophet's court. If I give my so-and-so garden in exchange, will you hand over your garden to me? He said why not. The man immediately agreed, because the garden of Abu al-Dahdah was much better and more valuable than his garden. I want, the Messenger of God started smiling and said, Ask! Abul Al Haddah (RA) said, O Messenger of Allah! The garden that you wanted to bring to this orphan child, if I see him in that garden, I will get a garden in heaven instead? The Prophet's face began to shine with happiness, and while smiling, he said in a loud voice full of faith, "Yes, yes, it will be found." Abu Walad Haddah, may God be pleased with him, jumped up and said, "O Messenger of God! I have taken that garden from that person in exchange for one of my gardens, and now I am giving that garden to this orphan child, Messenger of God! Be a witness that I have done this only for the pleasure of God. After making a deal, he returned from the Bar of the Prophet full of happiness, may God bless him and grant him peace.

Scattered pearls 39/10

submitted by /u/deensikho
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from Islam https://ift.tt/jdltfwQ

Brothers and sisters, ٱلسَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ ٱللَّٰهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

🤔 I am just curious about which surahs have the most impact on people.

So I have a question-

What is your favorite surah, and why?

submitted by /u/Arcane-Animus
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from Islam https://ift.tt/CsYM4XV

I'm not great at english sorry, but I've been had a doubts about the religion like a lot of things make me feel illogical like a lot of questions in grave and deos angels ask questions to those who died blast or something and never found the body. It's not only about grave questions I just said what came to my mind. Soo what are the explanations for surreal things for me.Am I saying anything wrong by saying "surreal"🥲🥲I'm sorry

submitted by /u/TutorConfident9110
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from Islam https://ift.tt/CEfuWL9

Salaam alaikum wrwb,

As a Ummah, we all should strive to give Dawah to Muslims and especially non-Muslims. Give Dawah according to the law in the Shariah and you will find a great example in how the Prophet (SAW) and the righteous Salaf used to give Dawah.

Our brothers and sisters are dying in Gaza right now insha'Allah as martyrs, but at the same time the world is being exposed to the genocide that is being committed on our Muslim Ummah and how the Western media is trying to justify this murder. People's eyes are being opened and they begin to see that us Muslims are the ones who are being attacked on for no reason and they want to side with us. Islam was created for all of mankind, even for the worst of the worst people, Allah guides whom he wills.

Look what Allah S.W.T. says about giving Dawah in Surah Fussilat (41:33):

" And whose words are better than someone who calls ˹others˺ to Allah, does good, and says, “I am truly one of those who submit.”? "

Do you know what reward you get for helping to get someone to Islam?

Abu Mas’ud reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a reward like one who did it.

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1893

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Muslim

Imagine, how much more benefit there would be if there would be more of us, UK already has access to privileges like Halal Mortgages, Halal Banking etc. Do you know how much countries don't have this yet? So much people are getting caught up in this Dunya and I was one of them. Some are doing drugs, some are fornicating, some do all of these things and they still don't feel happy yet, because there is a void in their heart that only Islam will fill.

The more of us that there are, the more that will speak against the issues like now, but also later cause this is certainly not the first fitna and it will not be the last.

Spread the beauty of Islam by living according to the Quran and Sunnah

Non Muslims don't read the Quran, they don't read the Hadith, they read you and your character. So be a good ambassador of Islam. Let them see the Quran and Sunnah in you and your manners.

The best Dawah you can give are your manners and the best of manners can be found in our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The best Naseeha is your example and also by living it.

Do you know how much people simply become interested in Islam purely because of the way Muslims treat non-Muslims? I'm talking about the hospitality they receive when they talk to a Muslim in a respectful manner. Or the effect of fasting, the spirituality of our Deen, the oneness of Allah S.W.T. , there are so many ways in which Allah guides. I was one of them, I got interested in Islam because of brother Andrew Tate and eventually converted Alhamdullilah.

Do not give Dawah about things you have little to no knowledge in, and incase you do be honest that you are not experienced and don't lie or come up with a answer, but give Dawah in how much you know about Islam. So start spreading Dawah for the sincere intention of pleasing Allah and Allah alone and gaining his reward.

Umar ibn al-Khattab reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, deeds are only with intentions, and every person will have only what they intended."

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 54, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1907

Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi (authenticity agreed upon) according to Al-Bukhari and Muslim

Imagine on your scale of good deeds, that you will enter Paradise through the mercy of Allah, purely because your intention in giving Dawah to your neighbour/stranger/friend/brother/sister/mother/father or any other human being was so sincere that Allah purely lets you enter Jannah because of that one good deed, that's how merciful Allah is.

So brothers and sisters, a better time than a time full of fitnah and a time where our Muslim brothers and sisters deaths are being shown as truth to people that we are not the oppressors, but the West are the opressors, what better time to give Dawah than now, what better time to give Dawah before you enter your grave and you beg Allah to bring you back so you can do one more good deed.

May Allah make us among the pious men and women of the Ummah of our beloved Prophet (SAW) and accept our good deeds and forgive our shortcomings.

submitted by /u/dokkanspecialist
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from Islam https://ift.tt/XhixUg4

I am a revert. I love a Muslim guy and praying for him to be my husband from last 7 years. Nobody except him and Allah tala knows that I am a revert, not even my family. I wanted to live in a Muslim family and embrace Islam. I wanted to go to Mecca Medina with him (Idk whether it was right or not to even think about it), Ramadan, Iftari, Sehri, Namaz I wanted to everything with him. He never forced me or even tried to influence me to accept Islam. I accepted Islam because that guy is such a gentleman, kind, someone with good intentions, always always helps the poor and needy, his personality and beliefs made me me curious to learn about Islam. He used to say "I am doing this for my Allah, I am doing this because my Nabi used to do this" n that's when I understood - he is a nice man because his religion made me like that. I didn't accept Islam because I loved him, I accepted Islam because at some point I realised there's only Allah and wanted to practice it with him. There was a hope in my heart that it would be him and me in the end. All my dreams and hopes were shattered when he got engaged to someone else and is now going to marry her in 2024. Just the thought of watching him with someone else, living the life I dreamt of is so so heartbreaking. I always try to distract my mind by keeping myself busy, I try to stay calm by reminding myself that Allah is the best planner, I ask Allah SWT to give me more n more sabr but sometimes I lose it all. It becomes difficult to even breathe, it hurts me so muchh that my hand starts shivering. I just don't know what to do. What I can do to just forget him and move on on in my life? I can forget a person, but the hope I had in my heart to live a life in a Muslim family is now broken and this is making it even worse. How can I deal with it?

submitted by /u/judgesahabb
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from Islam https://ift.tt/ITKHDnC

Hi so im currently 22 (M) turning 23 and living in the uk, I am studying in university but am nearly finished i have about 1.5years remaining. However because I have been stuck in the matrix of university since 18 i wont be earning any proper income till about 24/25. However i have some goals i want to do after uni and focus on such as going abroad for a year or 2 to study arabic and going to an islamic university such as Madinah uni or ummul qura uni to study islam for a few years.

This is alongside other goals i want to achieve, but i also want to get married soon when i earn a proper income and am in a postion too however one part of me is telling me to go on that lonely grind to reach the best version of myself and peak performance and then be in a position where i have alot to bring on the table for marriage, but another part of me wants to get married young (around 24/25) so i can experience more and have kids at a younger age bi ithnillah.

For those who are married if you are focusing to achieve large goals is the wife a distraction?

submitted by /u/TerribleAddendum6046
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from Islam https://ift.tt/lZcD8vd

It's probably a stupid question. But I've just been wondering that if I teach someone what islam is about that I might be making their chance of going to hell higher.

I heard from someone before that if someone didn't bother to learn about islam they will go to hell and if they did learn but just didn't believe they will go to hell. And someone else said that that was wrong and it's if they believe but refuse to submit to Allah out of arrogance etc. Which is correct?

submitted by /u/plumbutterfly
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from Islam https://ift.tt/KecWr4i

Is it possible for a Muslim to become so distant from Islam that their heart prevents them from engaging with the Quran? I'm reflecting on whether this might be connected to irregular prayer habits, limited to Fridays, and excessive engagement with mobile phones, the internet, and pornography addiction. I've been grappling with these challenges during my two-month semester break. Daily struggles with watching porn and intensified internet use have become apparent, coupled with difficulty in reading Arabic. I'm a 23-year-old male, concerned about the immediate steps I should take. Issues with my eyes and significant weight gain have arisen in the past two months, and with the semester break ending in 10 days, practical steps are a growing worry. Seeking consultation isn't feasible in my country. This struggle has affected my motivation to study and interact with others. Despite praying three to four times before the break, I find myself making excuses to avoid listening to Quran recitation. Even though I engage in Muslim-related debates, my actions seem inconsistent with my beliefs. I often ask Allah for help in moments of fear, but the fear of sin diminishes in moments of happiness. I'm genuinely concerned and seeking guidance to prevent further harm to my life.

submitted by /u/MixingReality
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from Islam https://ift.tt/ldLyVuQ

سلام عليكم

Can I, as the “head of the family” relocate my own family to a different continent just to be with my future wife? I would not be dependent on her and would move her into my own property in her country.

I’m willing to relocate as my circumstances are weird. My parents are not together and live separately. While they are not together, they are still legally married. He will not divorce her. They’re in different continents. My mother has a limited social circle and my father refuses to marry me, tells me I’m too young.

I’ve struggled to find someone I click with personally, from the Muslim marriage subreddit and other apps.

The ones I do click with are located in USA and Canada etc. I’m in the UK and they don’t want to move. I’m willing to move and so is my family.

I’d be moving my mother and siblings too as they’re dependent on me.

In my culture and extended family, this will be seen as a feminine thing to do. Is it unIslamic?

submitted by /u/Real_Code112
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from Islam https://ift.tt/ayr9cSK

May peace be upon you So, I am 19 (M) and as expected from this age I do have some sexual thoughts pop here and there and these pop ups come in the form of episodes which typically last 2 or 3 days, within these days salat is pretty much a war of me trying to focus on salat and trying not to nullify my wudhu and I may aswell repeat a salat again.

The real problem is that my brain develops fear of nullifying wudhu and dreads doing salat, even though there aren't any sexual thoughts anymore, I am just stressed about nullifying wudhu from the moment that I enter the bathroom until the moment that I finish my salat which inturns actually nullifies it I am so exhausted by this I can't live out my day, I am really really tired and I don't know what to do

And yes I have talked to my family and a sheikh about this and they think that this is ocd and say that "I think that madhy comes out and I think that I smell it and in reality it doesn't happen as no male would constantly discharging

And I do think that this might be ocd as I notice that the stress wave goes down tremendously when I under no circumstances don't repeat my salat, but what is driving me insane is that I smell and feel madhy and then I start questioning if I am praying right or not

At this point, I just don't want solutions as much as I want to have somebody relate to this, please if you can offer help don't wait

submitted by /u/Akmal12340
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from Islam https://ift.tt/pfVwkZX

I was born in a Muslim Family. I have basic knowledge about Aqeeda and Fiqh.

Don't have any bad addictions.

All praise be to Allah for his blessings upon me.

The problem is that, I haven't been a practicing Muslim consistently. I have had my periods here and there. 2 months here, 3 months there but then I go back to the bad lifestyle. Skipping the 5 Daily Prayers, talking to girl, Missing fasts in Ramadan (I only missed 1 fast during the last Ramadan (2023) but have missed many Ramadan fasts before that).

My manners are also not the best. I tend to be arrogant, despise normal people, have problems with perfectionism, use curse words.

I have family members, friends and relatives who are not good Muslims, being with them never made me a better Muslim, rather it made me worse.

My relationship with my Father is dead, I don't even talk to him and I avoid him. (I guess I have these problems with him because of his behaviour during my teenage years).

What do I do? How do I change these things?

  1. How do I start praying 5 times everyday no matter the circumstances, no matter where I am, no matter what the weather is.

  2. How do I stop being arrogant and looking down at people?

  3. What do I do with the relationship with my family members (especially my Father), don't care about my relatives.

  4. How do I find religious friends? Is there any hope for me?

May Allah reward you if you help me. Your words could help me a lot.

submitted by /u/OddRim
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from Islam https://ift.tt/QBJLRxe

One day while I was eating breakfast, my mom randomly told me she got me a job in which I would teach 2 younger kids the Quran. I have a workbook that I’m bringing to them and I also don’t have any prior experience teaching kids the Quran except my little siblings, nieces/nephews. And the way I’m teaching these kids is different than the way I was taught.

I was taught the alphabet of the Quran by memorizing and also writing, but the mom who contacted me told me to teach them how to read. For both kids, I only have thirty minutes to teach

Is there any advice you can give?

submitted by /u/Sequence8_Theclown
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from Islam https://ift.tt/KqPaSt1

I am a revert and when someone who is Muslim in my life is going through a hard time I always want to keep them in my prayers. But is that the correct way to think? Can I say “I will pray for you” or should I only say “I will make dua for you” as a Muslim?

submitted by /u/Financial-Spirit-295
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from Islam https://ift.tt/TjfXqsZ

Hi! So I want to read the quran in English, but I don't trust any random pdf to do the job, so can you guys suggest quran translation pdfs, preferably with like, little notes that explain context and everything, thank you<3 (Also just wanted to say that mashallah I've learned how to pray now:) )

submitted by /u/multi-shipping4life
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from Islam https://ift.tt/a7YKr0V

I call myself a muslim for almost a year now. I live in non muslim country, 100km to nearest mosque. I have to pray secretly, most of the time on unused attic. I haven’t met any muslim personally. I struggle with ADHD and it makes praying really hard. Forgetting salah, being distracted constantly while praying and very often not praying at all because of ADHD paralysis. I want to be great muslim but after few days I just feel burnt out. I don’t want to take medication for ADHD since it’s most of the time amphetamine. I want to be close to Allah but it’s so hard. What are my options?

submitted by /u/sznaucerro
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from Islam https://ift.tt/sfgoSM5

I have quite a few friends that are muslim

I am American. I did a local google search on places to eat that are halal. Slim pickings on halal places to eat. How do american muslims or muslims on vacation eat out when the choices are so slim?

I just assume they say either : alhamdulillah, subhanallah, or bismillah then start eating or drink something nonalcoholic or both.

Yes I care a lot about my muslim friends :)

submitted by /u/Floofarnabun
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from Islam https://ift.tt/1Xwx2MG

I see a lot of muslims and trinitarians debate trinity. These conversation lead to a lot of invalid assumption and playing of words.

When trinitarians refer to God they refer to the trinity. They will give analogies like a 3-headed dog (I know it's not the most respectful analogy) to explain that God is "one" in 3 persons/heads so 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 3/3. The "what" is God and the "whos" are the three persons so they claim it refers to the same "what" i.e God. This arguments makes it seem like there is no contradiction between creator and created. Why? Because they already define God as being created and coeternal with those parts.

From invalid premises anything follows. God is defined in parts by trinitarians. Parts only pertain to objects. What's an object? A material thing. So can we define God like we define material things?

No. God made material. God made matter. Even time was created so it can't be eternal. Every thing and being (time, space, energy) was created by God. He is the root cause and there is no cause to the root cause.

Even for God to do something like his attributes (forming a union with "the flesh" or being a part with something) there has to be an object/thing to do it too. Therefore, no thing or being can be coeternal and uncreated with God.

submitted by /u/logic_unavaiable
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from Islam https://ift.tt/f80736K

I work in special education, and I have a family who wants their child to learn more about their religion. The area they are from is mostly Sunni; however, there’s always a chance they are not, so I don’t want to make any assumptions.

Would it be inappropriate to ask them which sect they follow so that I can make sure I’m teaching the correct things?

submitted by /u/grad_throwaway1059
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from Islam https://ift.tt/TImOkKJ


I am curious…

About me: I am 30 year old revert and a student of master in islamic studies Iam saving money for hajj but because of my tuition it is very hard to save. may I know if there is an available discount for person with disability (i am legally blind) for the hajj?

submitted by /u/AmbitiousSolid4023
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from Islam https://ift.tt/60MaWJf

🌼 Duas

"O Allah, I seek refuge in you from worry and sadness. I seek refuge in you from weakness and laziness. I seek refuge in you from cowardice and miserliness. And I seek refuge in you from being overwhelmed by debt and the tyranny of men" (Sunan Abī Dāwūd 1555)

"O Allah, nothing is easy but what You make easy, for You ease the grief of whomever You will." (Ṣaḥīḥ Ibn Ḥibbān 974)

"Allah is sufficient for me. There is no god worthy of worship except Him. I have placed my trust in Him only and He is the Lord of the Magnificent Throne." (Ibn al-Sunnī 71)

🌼 Verses

"Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear." (2:286)

"So do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are [true] believers." (3:139)

"O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient." (2:153)

"And they will say, “Praise to Allah, who has removed from us [all] sorrow. Indeed, our Lord is Forgiving and Appreciative." (35:34)

"Whoever puts his trust in Allah; He will be enough for Him." (65:3)

"Indeed, After hardship, there is ease." (94:6)

"No misfortune ever befalls except by permission of Allah. And whoever has faith in Allah – He will guide his heart. And Allah is Knowing of all things." (64:11)

"Your Lord has proclaimed, “Call upon Me, I will respond to you..." (40:60)

"And the next life is certainly far better for you than this one." (93:04)

"Surely in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find comfort." (13:28)

🌼 Hadith

Hudhaifah said: When anything distressed the Prophet (ﷺ), he prayed. (Sunan Abi Dawud 1319)

Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri and Abu Huraira: The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor hurt, nor distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, but that Allah expiates some of his sins for that." (Sahih al-Bukhari 5641, 5642)

Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas reported: I said, "O Messenger of Allah, which people are tested most severely?" The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "They are the prophets, then the next best, then the next best. A man is put to trial according to his religion. If he is firm in his religion, his trials will be more severe. If he is weak in his religion, he is put to trial according to his strength in religion. The servant will continue to be put to trial until he is left walking upon the earth without any sin." (Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2398)

Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "If Allah wills good for someone, He afflicts him with trials." (Sahiih al-Bukhari 5645)"

submitted by /u/Hopeful-Caramel-911
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from Islam https://ift.tt/TJ7B9Ok

Want to get this off my chest. I am 20. I am in tears writing this, I love Allah. Everytime won something, I said praise to Allah, I won because he wanted. Every time I lost, It was because Allah wanted to teach me something.

Every step I take, I believed Allah was watching me, everything will turn out for the best If i kept believing in him. But now... everything seems to be crumbling,my imaan, I am trying to fix it, crying to allah to help me. I still believe him, but imaan is at the weakest now.

Its not like I am sinless, I stopped attending namaaz about 6 months ago after a consistency of years. Reason? I felt like it was interfering with my studies because that was when everything was going wrong, I was anxious and scared.. (Yes I know I am dumb, I must not have. I have sinned) Although I still attend friday prayers regularly. Also, I was the youngest in my family to perform namaaz. And until recently was amongst only the few in my peers who consistently didnt miss namaaz.

Sometimes I stayed in the mosque until last so I could cry to Allah for forgiveness and help. Nothing seems to be falling in place.

All I want to know is "what does Allah want?" What shall I do for him to accept me back?

submitted by /u/EquipmentJunior16
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from Islam https://ift.tt/NkAJH1j