A grief-stricken child reached the court of Rahmat-e-Alam (peace be upon him) and started crying; He said, O Messenger of Allah! Such a person has taken over my palm garden by force and does not give me anything. Hearing the cry of the child, the Prophet (peace be upon him) immediately ordered this person to appear in the Prophet's court. In a short time, that person appeared. And both of them presented their cases in the Prophet's court. The Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, carefully listened to the statements of both and after being satisfied in every way, he gave his decision. The decision of the Messenger of God was against the orphan child, his After hearing the decision against the orphan, he started crying, but could not say anything with his tongue. Seeing the orphan crying, the heart of the Messenger of God was filled and he also started crying, then he said to this person; Brother, the garden has been decided in your favor and the garden is yours, but how good it would be if you gave your garden to this orphan! God will give you an eternal garden in Paradise in return. At that time, Hazrat Abu Al-Dahdah (RA) was also present in the Prophet's court. If I give my so-and-so garden in exchange, will you hand over your garden to me? He said why not. The man immediately agreed, because the garden of Abu al-Dahdah was much better and more valuable than his garden. I want, the Messenger of God started smiling and said, Ask! Abul Al Haddah (RA) said, O Messenger of Allah! The garden that you wanted to bring to this orphan child, if I see him in that garden, I will get a garden in heaven instead? The Prophet's face began to shine with happiness, and while smiling, he said in a loud voice full of faith, "Yes, yes, it will be found." Abu Walad Haddah, may God be pleased with him, jumped up and said, "O Messenger of God! I have taken that garden from that person in exchange for one of my gardens, and now I am giving that garden to this orphan child, Messenger of God! Be a witness that I have done this only for the pleasure of God. After making a deal, he returned from the Bar of the Prophet full of happiness, may God bless him and grant him peace.

Scattered pearls 39/10

submitted by /u/deensikho
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