I see a lot of muslims and trinitarians debate trinity. These conversation lead to a lot of invalid assumption and playing of words.

When trinitarians refer to God they refer to the trinity. They will give analogies like a 3-headed dog (I know it's not the most respectful analogy) to explain that God is "one" in 3 persons/heads so 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 3/3. The "what" is God and the "whos" are the three persons so they claim it refers to the same "what" i.e God. This arguments makes it seem like there is no contradiction between creator and created. Why? Because they already define God as being created and coeternal with those parts.

From invalid premises anything follows. God is defined in parts by trinitarians. Parts only pertain to objects. What's an object? A material thing. So can we define God like we define material things?

No. God made material. God made matter. Even time was created so it can't be eternal. Every thing and being (time, space, energy) was created by God. He is the root cause and there is no cause to the root cause.

Even for God to do something like his attributes (forming a union with "the flesh" or being a part with something) there has to be an object/thing to do it too. Therefore, no thing or being can be coeternal and uncreated with God.

submitted by /u/logic_unavaiable
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