
I'm a born Muslim and have been praying for the majority of my life.

I do not speak Arabic so all the surahs I know (the basic ones you learn as a child, nothing too long) I know because I learned them by heart. I can slowly read the Qur'an but I'm still to learn the tajweed.

I've said all of this because now I am working on regularly praying again, after I had a few years period of depression during which I didn't pray 80% of the time, even though salah was on my mind daily.

And I noticed that my prayers are very mechanic. I pray, recite the surahs I always recite, try not to distract myself while I pray, mechanically make dua (God please give health to my family, friends, all those who need it and thank you for everything - this kind of dua) and that's it.

I'm ashamed to say it but I feel no joy, excitement, peace, hope or anything I should feel when praying and making dua afterwards. That's affecting me and my imaan so much since now salah is something I just need to do and that's all. I crave connection to it and Allah, I just don't know how to get there.

Thank you and sorry for the long text.

submitted by /u/hablaht
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from Islam
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