I was born in a Muslim Family. I have basic knowledge about Aqeeda and Fiqh.

Don't have any bad addictions.

All praise be to Allah for his blessings upon me.

The problem is that, I haven't been a practicing Muslim consistently. I have had my periods here and there. 2 months here, 3 months there but then I go back to the bad lifestyle. Skipping the 5 Daily Prayers, talking to girl, Missing fasts in Ramadan (I only missed 1 fast during the last Ramadan (2023) but have missed many Ramadan fasts before that).

My manners are also not the best. I tend to be arrogant, despise normal people, have problems with perfectionism, use curse words.

I have family members, friends and relatives who are not good Muslims, being with them never made me a better Muslim, rather it made me worse.

My relationship with my Father is dead, I don't even talk to him and I avoid him. (I guess I have these problems with him because of his behaviour during my teenage years).

What do I do? How do I change these things?

  1. How do I start praying 5 times everyday no matter the circumstances, no matter where I am, no matter what the weather is.

  2. How do I stop being arrogant and looking down at people?

  3. What do I do with the relationship with my family members (especially my Father), don't care about my relatives.

  4. How do I find religious friends? Is there any hope for me?

May Allah reward you if you help me. Your words could help me a lot.

submitted by /u/OddRim
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