May peace be upon you So, I am 19 (M) and as expected from this age I do have some sexual thoughts pop here and there and these pop ups come in the form of episodes which typically last 2 or 3 days, within these days salat is pretty much a war of me trying to focus on salat and trying not to nullify my wudhu and I may aswell repeat a salat again.

The real problem is that my brain develops fear of nullifying wudhu and dreads doing salat, even though there aren't any sexual thoughts anymore, I am just stressed about nullifying wudhu from the moment that I enter the bathroom until the moment that I finish my salat which inturns actually nullifies it I am so exhausted by this I can't live out my day, I am really really tired and I don't know what to do

And yes I have talked to my family and a sheikh about this and they think that this is ocd and say that "I think that madhy comes out and I think that I smell it and in reality it doesn't happen as no male would constantly discharging

And I do think that this might be ocd as I notice that the stress wave goes down tremendously when I under no circumstances don't repeat my salat, but what is driving me insane is that I smell and feel madhy and then I start questioning if I am praying right or not

At this point, I just don't want solutions as much as I want to have somebody relate to this, please if you can offer help don't wait

submitted by /u/Akmal12340
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