Assalamualaikum, what the title says, I've grown up in a non-practicing muslim family, my father, may Allah bless him, has taught me how to offer Salahs, has also numerous times helped me read Qur'an, same for my mother, she's the one who's taught me all the surahs that I know, my parents appreciate me a lot now as I'm the only one in our family of 5 (parents and us 3 siblings) who offers Salah, I'm a teen, my parents are in their 50s, my father is reaching 60 Allahuma Barik, i love him with all my heart he's my Noor he's my everything, he's not at the best of his health due to his age, i do not intend for it but the thought of his death comes up too much in my mind, so much so that i get constant nightmares regarding his death (may Allah accept me and my family only at a time we're able to answer the almighty), I've sat my father and mother down too many times too nicely, esp my father, it's not like he's arrogant, he's the kindest man I've ever met, he loves Allah, he does verbal dhikr quite a lot, he just, doesn't pray? i once even tried to act all enthusiastic and said "Baba let's go pray" v casually so that he feels comfortable but he just keeps making excuses? idk if he feels very guilty because of him neglecting prayer all these years, but I've countless times reminded him that Allah has done so many favors upon us and that Allah keeps giving us a second chance till we wake up, what do I do? he just still doesn't pray, I'm so worried about him, he knows and acknowledges the punishment for the one who has neglected prayer, he's afraid of that, he feels hopeless, I've tried millions of time to tell him that Allah will forgive him, he just doesn't listen 💔

brothers and sisters, please advise me what to do, i feel so broken, i pray so much to Allah, i cry so much to Him begging Him mercy for my parents, i love Allah so much, i know the supreme King knows what lies in my heart, i also know He'll find a way for my parents, is there anything i can do though? i love my parents and siblings a lot, especially my father, please please don't ignore this.

submitted by /u/West-Calendar8896
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