Hi so im currently 22 (M) turning 23 and living in the uk, I am studying in university but am nearly finished i have about 1.5years remaining. However because I have been stuck in the matrix of university since 18 i wont be earning any proper income till about 24/25. However i have some goals i want to do after uni and focus on such as going abroad for a year or 2 to study arabic and going to an islamic university such as Madinah uni or ummul qura uni to study islam for a few years.

This is alongside other goals i want to achieve, but i also want to get married soon when i earn a proper income and am in a postion too however one part of me is telling me to go on that lonely grind to reach the best version of myself and peak performance and then be in a position where i have alot to bring on the table for marriage, but another part of me wants to get married young (around 24/25) so i can experience more and have kids at a younger age bi ithnillah.

For those who are married if you are focusing to achieve large goals is the wife a distraction?

submitted by /u/TerribleAddendum6046
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