I am a revert. I love a Muslim guy and praying for him to be my husband from last 7 years. Nobody except him and Allah tala knows that I am a revert, not even my family. I wanted to live in a Muslim family and embrace Islam. I wanted to go to Mecca Medina with him (Idk whether it was right or not to even think about it), Ramadan, Iftari, Sehri, Namaz I wanted to everything with him. He never forced me or even tried to influence me to accept Islam. I accepted Islam because that guy is such a gentleman, kind, someone with good intentions, always always helps the poor and needy, his personality and beliefs made me me curious to learn about Islam. He used to say "I am doing this for my Allah, I am doing this because my Nabi used to do this" n that's when I understood - he is a nice man because his religion made me like that. I didn't accept Islam because I loved him, I accepted Islam because at some point I realised there's only Allah and wanted to practice it with him. There was a hope in my heart that it would be him and me in the end. All my dreams and hopes were shattered when he got engaged to someone else and is now going to marry her in 2024. Just the thought of watching him with someone else, living the life I dreamt of is so so heartbreaking. I always try to distract my mind by keeping myself busy, I try to stay calm by reminding myself that Allah is the best planner, I ask Allah SWT to give me more n more sabr but sometimes I lose it all. It becomes difficult to even breathe, it hurts me so muchh that my hand starts shivering. I just don't know what to do. What I can do to just forget him and move on on in my life? I can forget a person, but the hope I had in my heart to live a life in a Muslim family is now broken and this is making it even worse. How can I deal with it?

submitted by /u/judgesahabb
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