Salaam alaikum wrwb,

As a Ummah, we all should strive to give Dawah to Muslims and especially non-Muslims. Give Dawah according to the law in the Shariah and you will find a great example in how the Prophet (SAW) and the righteous Salaf used to give Dawah.

Our brothers and sisters are dying in Gaza right now insha'Allah as martyrs, but at the same time the world is being exposed to the genocide that is being committed on our Muslim Ummah and how the Western media is trying to justify this murder. People's eyes are being opened and they begin to see that us Muslims are the ones who are being attacked on for no reason and they want to side with us. Islam was created for all of mankind, even for the worst of the worst people, Allah guides whom he wills.

Look what Allah S.W.T. says about giving Dawah in Surah Fussilat (41:33):

" And whose words are better than someone who calls ˹others˺ to Allah, does good, and says, “I am truly one of those who submit.”? "

Do you know what reward you get for helping to get someone to Islam?

Abu Mas’ud reported: The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever guides someone to goodness will have a reward like one who did it.

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1893

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Muslim

Imagine, how much more benefit there would be if there would be more of us, UK already has access to privileges like Halal Mortgages, Halal Banking etc. Do you know how much countries don't have this yet? So much people are getting caught up in this Dunya and I was one of them. Some are doing drugs, some are fornicating, some do all of these things and they still don't feel happy yet, because there is a void in their heart that only Islam will fill.

The more of us that there are, the more that will speak against the issues like now, but also later cause this is certainly not the first fitna and it will not be the last.

Spread the beauty of Islam by living according to the Quran and Sunnah

Non Muslims don't read the Quran, they don't read the Hadith, they read you and your character. So be a good ambassador of Islam. Let them see the Quran and Sunnah in you and your manners.

The best Dawah you can give are your manners and the best of manners can be found in our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The best Naseeha is your example and also by living it.

Do you know how much people simply become interested in Islam purely because of the way Muslims treat non-Muslims? I'm talking about the hospitality they receive when they talk to a Muslim in a respectful manner. Or the effect of fasting, the spirituality of our Deen, the oneness of Allah S.W.T. , there are so many ways in which Allah guides. I was one of them, I got interested in Islam because of brother Andrew Tate and eventually converted Alhamdullilah.

Do not give Dawah about things you have little to no knowledge in, and incase you do be honest that you are not experienced and don't lie or come up with a answer, but give Dawah in how much you know about Islam. So start spreading Dawah for the sincere intention of pleasing Allah and Allah alone and gaining his reward.

Umar ibn al-Khattab reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, deeds are only with intentions, and every person will have only what they intended."

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 54, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1907

Grade: Muttafaqun Alayhi (authenticity agreed upon) according to Al-Bukhari and Muslim

Imagine on your scale of good deeds, that you will enter Paradise through the mercy of Allah, purely because your intention in giving Dawah to your neighbour/stranger/friend/brother/sister/mother/father or any other human being was so sincere that Allah purely lets you enter Jannah because of that one good deed, that's how merciful Allah is.

So brothers and sisters, a better time than a time full of fitnah and a time where our Muslim brothers and sisters deaths are being shown as truth to people that we are not the oppressors, but the West are the opressors, what better time to give Dawah than now, what better time to give Dawah before you enter your grave and you beg Allah to bring you back so you can do one more good deed.

May Allah make us among the pious men and women of the Ummah of our beloved Prophet (SAW) and accept our good deeds and forgive our shortcomings.

submitted by /u/dokkanspecialist
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