I have very stubborn muslim parents and idk what to do. They’re coranists and say that the hadith books were created by a guy that wasn’t even arab 200 yrs after the revelation of the qur’an, they say the hijab was fake (I have no problems with non hijabis it’s not my business don’t get me wrong) and my mom believes in astrology. My mom prays but my dad stopped praying a while ago due to some trauma in france. He never spoke about it to me or my mom but thats none of my business I get it but I have to problem with that, they also smoke, and my dad drinks but not atp he gets drunk he just gets beers with a very low % of alcohol. Will they end up in the hellfire forever and idk how to tell them my beliefs isn’t exactly like theirs.

submitted by /u/Direct_Resource_1746
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