سلام عليكم

Can I, as the “head of the family” relocate my own family to a different continent just to be with my future wife? I would not be dependent on her and would move her into my own property in her country.

I’m willing to relocate as my circumstances are weird. My parents are not together and live separately. While they are not together, they are still legally married. He will not divorce her. They’re in different continents. My mother has a limited social circle and my father refuses to marry me, tells me I’m too young.

I’ve struggled to find someone I click with personally, from the Muslim marriage subreddit and other apps.

The ones I do click with are located in USA and Canada etc. I’m in the UK and they don’t want to move. I’m willing to move and so is my family.

I’d be moving my mother and siblings too as they’re dependent on me.

In my culture and extended family, this will be seen as a feminine thing to do. Is it unIslamic?

submitted by /u/Real_Code112
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