My iman is low, and i’m trying so hard to hold my deen. I live in a country where the first religion is christianity, I’m still trying to build my deen, to become more religious. But beauty standards, school, classmates , and some members of my family aren’t helping me and I feel suffocated that sometimes I just want to disappear. I’m on a period when my iman is so low, and I’m not leaving Salah, never. I always keep in mind “If you leave Salah you’re done” , by leaving Salah I know that I will lost my self, and ofc I don’t want to. I feel like I’m not doing enough, and my iman is still low. Any help? Fasting can strengthen my iman? I know it’s good for health, and for spiritual reasons, but I don’t know where to start

submitted by /u/That-Attorney-9299
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from Islam
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