August 2024

This was the best one imo, the least biased and swayed by traditional tafsirs. It had the most translation, with minimal interpretation. Its removal from has a stench of sectarianism to it. Then again, it could have been the decision of the author or rights holders to withdraw it from the website.

submitted by /u/momo326
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from Islam
Question regarding Surah Kahf .

Asalamualaikum , as today Friday and i also love to read this Surah in general because of the stories mentioned in it . But one thing caught my eye , in the last lines of this verse it says “Had you looked at them, you would have certainly fled away from them, filled with horror” . I would like to get opinions on what was in that cave that would make one filled with horror.

submitted by /u/No-Cantaloupe-9668
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from Islam

How can I cultivate a closer relationship with God and ensure he hears my prayers? I deeply value every response may God bless you all Please don't just say (wear a hijab)I know it's a rule and I understand the importance of wearing a hijab but I'm not ready rn, but i'm confused anyway thank you all

Hope you all have a great day or night

submitted by /u/Selenana_
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from Islam

i have no muslim friends i want to make it i made dua many times and pray always my prayer but I cant talk i have social anxiety and I am very shy so I have no one to go with to masjid and I am always alone to my way to school I am very depressed anyone can give me advice?

submitted by /u/Delicious-Sir-7640
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from Islam
Cheap Tafseer recommendation

Assalamu Aleykum Wa rahmatulahi wa barakathu. I have a quick, but for me important question. I want to unterstand the Quran better so I decided to buy a Tafseer. Some Brothers recommended me the Tafseer of Ibn Kathir but all 10 volumes are over 200€, way to expensive for me to buy it. Can anyone recommend me another good Tafseer that is not that expensive?

Jazakallahu Khairan❤️

submitted by /u/StepDirect5869
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from Islam

I am struggling. I recently had a child and have been panicking about what the future holds for her. Between climate change, AI and all this misinformation that spreads so easily on the internet. I feel like I don't know how to protect her. The world is turning into such a different place than what I grew up with. I want to have trust in Allah that her presence here has a purpose and to just keep hope. Please help me. My anxiety is robbing me from being present with her everyday.

submitted by /u/redanibas
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from Islam

Salaam you all brothers and sisters

I am deaf mute muslim brother and use sign language. I believe in Allah.

Quran said Allah has ordered all muslim brothers and sisters must five times prayer if they love Allah so much.

Few times I did pray salaah and jummah salaah most times in my home, not mosque because due to my personal problem, Allah knows everything about my personal problem. I know I did pray salaah in my home and will get low points and mosque are high point.

I ask you few questions.

  1. Will Allah happy and accept me will pray salaah in my home?

  2. Do five times salaah every days will receive ticket to Jannah? That correct?

  3. Do muslim sisters and brothers who have five times salaah for a long time then certainly they will happy meet Allah in Day of Judgement and better than other muslims don’t bother five times salaah prayer and their result will failed? That correct?

I am looking forward to your comment will answer, In Sha Allah.

May Allah reward all brothers and sisters’ good deeds, In Sha Allah.

JazakAllah Kheir

A Deaf Mute Brother

submitted by /u/River20401
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from Islam

I do not believe in religion and would say I am largely against Abrahamic religions, this is mainly for my strong belief in science and my hatred of pedophilia and organizations that uphold/justify it (Catholic church and Judaism respectively). This my question, I have heard people say Islam can work with science and that the things said about it regarding pedophilia are lies, is this true and if so why do people say these things and how do they gain traction?

submitted by /u/anonymously494
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from Islam

Can I reject my naseeb at the beginning and start developing feelings for him after? Is this possible ? My friend of 10+ years, confessed his feelings for me last year. He is such a nice guy, loves his deen, he is respectful and cares for me. At the beginning I was very confused because of my feelings towards him, because I wasn’t sure how I feel about him. We never met that often in these years of our friendship, maybe 4-5 times in all of those years. Last year he told me he has strong feelings for me and is in love with me and wants to marry me one day. But I don’t feel the exact same way. I love him deeply and I can’t imagine him being with another women, but it’s a different kind of love. Sometimes i feel attracted to him sometimes not, but I love his character and his fear of the almighty and his love to our deen. When i don’t see him for a period of time, I really miss him, but when I meet him i have an uncomfortable feeling inside me. Its so confusing. I can’t express this feeling. I have never gave him the chance to date me, because i wasn’t ready at the beginning. And I’m single since birth, I was never touched or kissed or even held by the Hand by anybody before. After a whole year of on-off contact, because he wasn’t letting me go, I decided to give him a chance. I didn’t want to regret it later and cry over him for many years because I lost my chance to marry such a nice guy. Then we started dating but a really really bad gut feeling started to plague me. It was so bad that I cried every time i went on a date with me, even though there was nothing wrong with him. But you also have to know that I am a very indecisive person and overthink everything and I hate new situations and new beginnings, i was single forever and now this guy wants to marry me. Maybe I’m just anxious about the whole situation or overwhelmed? Idk. As we started dating he took great care of me and was very respectful. But this gut feeling made me break up with him after a very short time. I was relieved at first because I felt that this gut feeling came from Allah and he wanted to protect me from something, maybe he wanted to warn me not to enter into a haram relationship. But I was still not relieved, I had such a sadness inside me because I also wanted him to my husband one day, and in all these years I haven't met a man except him. Is this perhaps a sign? I feel so bad I can't eat, I feel sorry for him because I hurt him so much. But at the same time I don't want to rush myself in anything, because I'm still not sure about my feelings. What do you think Allah is trying to tell me with this gut feeling? I also ended the relationship for the sake of Allah because I don't want to enter into a haram relationship and commit sins because I am very afraid of it. I also have the fear that we are just so enormously emotionally attached, that we both think we can’t live without each other. But this is the consequenc of a haram relationsship right ? I fear that we think that this is love but in reality we are facing the punishment of Allah, because we were commiting sins, in form of chatting and meeting occasionally. Can we run into each other again later and get married? What does Allah want to tell me with this gut feeling ? I urgently need help and advice

submitted by /u/Good_Store_6397
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from Islam

I have a non-Muslim friend who has been my closest companion for the last five years. We spent our entire bachelor's degree together, and he's truly my best friend. Over the past year, l've been abroad, so our friendship has mostly been online, but the bond is still strong.

The thing is, whenever I think about how he might go to Jahannum forever, it makes me want to cry. When I was with him, l was far far away from Islam. That's how I spent four years with him, doing haram things. I've been trying to get closer to my deen, Alhumdulillah, and my connection with Allah has become much stronger. But despite that, I can't shake the sadness when I think about my friend's fate.

I know we are expected to distance ourselves from those who don't share our faith, and I understand and trust in Allah's justice completely. I don't have an ounce of doubt in Islam, but I still feel this deep sadness. I want to do something, but I'm not sure what to do.

submitted by /u/Beginning-Chain-8324
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from Islam

I have started to do salah again but 2 rakats fajr takes me a long time to, around 15 minutes, while 4 rakats fardh takes me 30 minutes. I try hard to focus on Allah and continuously repeat the verses in Surah Fatiha. I know the meaning behind each ayahs and I feel that if I don’t have the right intention then my salah won’t count because I’m not focusing. I especially focus on the verse ‘To You (Allah) we worship’ because I’m trying to make sure that my intention is to Him alone. Is there any way I can reduce this time?

submitted by /u/not_a_stem_major
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from Islam

Struggling to Strengthen My Family’s Iman

Hey everyone,

I’m really struggling with something and could use some advice. My family and I are all Muslims, but the level of faith, the iman, is extremely weak in my household. It’s like we’re all on different wavelengths when it comes to actually living by Islamic principles.

For instance, my dad is religious in his own way, but it’s frustrating because he doesn’t really talk about Islam, and sometimes he’s a bit hypocritical in his actions. My brother, on the other hand, doesn’t even try to live as a Muslim. He swears a lot, and so do others in the family. They’re involved in bid’ah, and they do and say things that are haram. Even when they joke, it’s often in ways that feel haram to me.

My mom is someone who prays five times a day, so she’s committed in that sense, but when I try to talk to her about Islamic beliefs, it just confuses me even more. I ask her simple questions about faith, like about Jesus (عليه السلام), and her answers are all over the place. When I try to correct or guide her, she just dismisses me, saying she’s older and knows better.

It’s hard because I’m not in control of the house, and I see things that go against what I believe is right, but I feel helpless. The only religious people I can really relate to are my two siblings in America, but until they’re back, I’m stuck here trying to navigate this alone.

This house feels like it’s filled with influences that aren’t good—like Shaytan or Iblis could be at play. I really, really want my family, especially my mom, to be guided more strongly in Islam. May Allah guide us all. But I’m lost on how to keep trying without pushing them further away. How do I stay patient and keep my own faith strong when I’m surrounded by this?

Any advice or solidarity from those who’ve been in similar situations would really help. Thanks for listening.

submitted by /u/No-Professional-5855
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from Islam
Went for a walk today

I wasn’t sure about going for a walk today I’ve been lacking exercise this week I went out yesterday and had fun so I decided again today I even was thinking of going the other way then my usual route but I decided to do my normal and found this, I’ve always looked into religion and especially since my grandmother and grandfather passed and I don’t believe in luck and coincidence I’ve got too many coincidences in my life to believe all of it is so I’ve always though there is a higher power and now seeing this made me want to open the door to Islam

submitted by /u/Reasonable_Monitor28
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from Islam

I have been given anti depressents due to frequent bipolar episodes.

I have no deep relationship with anyone. Not even with my parents. They dont take this seriously and think I just annoy them. I dont have siblings and my parents have a terrible marriage since the start. I have not talked to anyone since 2 years and only talk to my parents or anyone when I really have to. I am really scared anything could trigger my manic episode and then would sweat and lose my senses. I feel suffocated on edge most days almost nauseous with stomach pain. Being an overachiever, most people look by this side of mine. The only reason I was an overachiever was because of being able to learn at an insane speed near deadlines. Most of the time I feel pain in my body due to high testosterone levels (i have done blood tests). I am starting college soon.

My question is can I ever maintain a relationship or get married ever. I usually have to submit myself to the hospital when I feel losing control of myself. It usually goes away in a day or maximum a week (never happened). Right now I cant even maintain dealing with my brain. If this does not go away I dont want to ever ruin another life by marrying because of my condition. I would rather die miserably alone like this and hope for better in jannah. I dont want to run into decisions right now but if this condition does not improve is it okay if I dont marry even though having a high libido. Its not haram right? The antidepressent help lower the libido.

I need a clear cut answer, not your sympathy.

submitted by /u/Evening_Minute2195
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from Islam
Have a question on how to properly pronounce this in Fatiha

As-salamu alaikum

The " an-amta" it's written with a "a" at the end but I heard some say it with a "e" at the end and some with a "a" so which is correct

submitted by /u/itistare
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from Islam

Just curious what others experiences are! I’m halfway through the Quran and have started practicing prayer, not drinking and no pork and still haven’t formally taken my shahada.

Did you take yours right away? Did you wait a while? Did you learn to pray first or after?

submitted by /u/Marilikescows
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from Islam

Assalamu alaikum we rahmetullah. Since we all are from different parts of the world with different time zones, I will write down some morning adhkar and evening adhkar.

Morning and evening: 1 It was narrated from Abu Salam, the servant of the Prophet (saas), that :the Prophet (saas) said: "There is no Muslim - or no person, or slave (of Allah) - who says, in the morning and evening: 'Raditu billahi Rabban wa bil-Islami dinan wa bi Muhammadin nabiyyan رَضِيتُ بِاللَّهِ رَبًّا وَبِالإِسْلاَمِ دِينًا وَبِمُحَمَّدٍ نَبِيًّا (I am content with Allah as my Lord, Islam as my religion and Muhammad as my Prophet),' but he will have a promise from Allah to make him pleased on the Day of Resurrection."

2 Muslim (2692) narrated that Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: Whoever says in the morning and in the evening: ‘Subhan Allah wa bi hamdihi (Glory and praise be to Allah)’ one hundred times, no one will come on the Day of Resurrection with anything better than what he has done, except one who said something like what he said, or more than that

3 Muslim (2709) narrated from Abu Hurayrah that he said: A man came to the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and said: O Messenger of Allah, I was stung by a scorpion last night. He said: “If you had said, when evening came, A‘udhu bi kalimat-Illah it-tammati min sharri ma khalaq عُوذُ بِكَلِمَاتِ اللَّهِ التَّامَّاتِ مِنْ شَرِّ مَا خَلَقَ (I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah from the evil of that which He has created), , it would not have harmed you.”

May Allah bless and save all Muslims who will exist till the day of Judgement

submitted by /u/VerumestonReddit
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from Islam

I know im not supposed to recite the arabic verses from the physical Quran, but can I read the english translation on my phone? Im not even necessarily reading it for good deeds, but just to further educate me. Not finding a clear answer online.

submitted by /u/poeticbedhead
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from Islam

Salam all, A christian man wants to know several things about islam and he get info from whatever resources and really think Quran isn’t true and so on.

He sent me this link but tbh i don’t have the enough knowledge to answer so please i will leave the link here and please who have a solid islamic knowledge and christianity knowledge too help me to make islam clear for him hopefully he accepts Islam.

submitted by /u/PoolEnvironmental898
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from Islam

Salam aleykum,

I have an opportunity to join a voluntary group where I’ll be working in a team with both men and women, who are also Muslims. This experience could help me gain skills for my future business. However, I’m unsure if working in this mixed environment is halal or haram. By the way I’m a female.

Can anyone advise me on this?

Jazakum Allah khairan.

submitted by /u/Reasonable-Hold-3450
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from Islam

When I was younger, I was very invested and would pray regularly. The more I grew up the more distant I got with Islam. Suddenly it dawned on me that I need to start taking my deen seriously and I want to start praying as from the next prayer time. It will be my first prayer in years. I know it will be a difficult path but I am determined. So if anyone has advice and tips on how to pray regularly and on how to ask for forgiveness from Allah I appreciate it. I know that I messed up for being distant for so many years but I want to start afresh. If anyone has gone through same, can you share how you managed to find yourself?

submitted by /u/Imaginary_Act_4502
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from Islam

I’m a revert and I have a Christian friend group (we’ve been friends before I accepted Islam Alhamdulillah) My friends are devote Christian and it’s obvious they have many misconceptions about Islam, so when I told them I reverted needless to say that they were shocked but they still accepted me. My friend asked me a question about Islam and showed me a few verses out of context, “kill the disbelievers” and I explained to her how this is taken out of context and she should read the full Surah to understand. She said that growing up she always thought that Muslims were allowed to kill people and then she said that “my religion isn’t as aggressive as she thought”. This bothered me a little, I know at the end of the day I cant change everyone’s mindset but sometimes it bothers me that some people will look at me and think violence or terrorism. I am Assyrian from Iraq, my whole community has a negative mindset upon Islam including my parents. I love Islam and it makes me want to cry thinking about the mockery against Allah SWT and the Quran. I try to ignore it and reason it with “at the end of the day I’m in the right”, but I want everyone to realize what Islam truly is.

submitted by /u/Haunting-Split3477
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from Islam
Who is the person giving this sermon?

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

submitted by /u/Sea_Key8724
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from Islam

Will Allah punish those who make fun of you? Like for example for where you live or what you look like? And what If their non Muslims? Would Allah forgive them if they never heard of Islam or would he also let us get justice by either getting some of their good deeds or transferring our bad deeds to them?

submitted by /u/-_NPC_
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from Islam

Selamünaleyküm , I’m a teenager , 18, and I know you’re not meant to disclose your sins but I was in a haram relationship and it ended about 5 months ago due to its nature of being haram. Ever since then I’ve felt very lonely and I’m longing for the feeling of companionship, I know it’s not the time for it since I’m so young but this feeling is terrible and nearly every moment I live I long for someone to live that moment with and it’s having a long of negative impacts on my wellbeing , I keep myself very busy with school, gym and other sports and I pray 5 times a day and read the Quran occasionally but this hole inside of me is pitless and I don’t know how to handle it.

Thank you for your help

submitted by /u/Maktrades68
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from Islam

Hi so i just wanted to ask something on here. So last Ramadan i made a dua in prostration while praying taraweeh at the masjid i also asked for a a specific sign from Allah that my dua was answered. The sign was that if in the next rakat the Imam recited Surah Nas my dua was accepted and in he next rakah thats excatlly what happened. The problem here is the exact opposite of what i asked for is happening now. I dont know what to think of this because its not the first time this happened. If anyone knows what this means please tell me.

submitted by /u/InterestingRoad5162
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from Islam

So i always had tension when i reverted from family and recently they were threathening me with kicking me out of my home , which is okay because they cant recieve the truth and i want to make hijrah because im living in a kafir place so any advice ? i just need somewhere to live and work

submitted by /u/Crnogoracsakosova
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from Islam

If you want a quick summary: I was asked to leave the masjid to make room for the kids class since I was the only one present in the masjid

For context:

I just walked through 2 blocks worth of construction sites in 94° miami heat because I wanted to get support from an Imam about a bad familial dispute.

And if nothing else, I wanted atleast the comfort of resting my mind in the peaceful house of God.

But when I arrived, I sat for awhile in the empty masjid, and was asked by a sister if I was waiting for someone. I told her I wanted to speak to the imam and she said he wasn't here but I could catch him tomorrow in jummah.

I was sat in a chair calming myself from the bad familial situation, when the sister came back and asked me to "please leave the masjid, there's no one else here and we're going to have school for the kids."

I said alright and left.

I'm aware that for practicality the masjid needs to be closed at night. But it's 3pm and I was told to leave because.....there wasnt enough people to justify keeping the salah space open?

The building has a whole classroom and space for the children activities they do, so I'm just shocked that they gently kicked me out because "There isn't anyone else here and we wanna do school for the kids"

Is that ok? Am I unreasonable to be upset by this?

submitted by /u/ThisChoice6144
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from Islam

As-salamu aleykum wa rahmatullah,

I recently reverted back to Islam, alhamdulillah, after seeing that not only the epistemology of this dunya is incomplete within itself (next to that, neither proper definitions of naturalism nor consciousness the kuffar can bring), but the Tauhid is absolute truth and Muhammad, salallahu aleyhi wa salam, was truthful with signs and miracles, and a book which is undoubtable, with what is written in surah al ikhlas as a unique and once-in-history definition of god that has never been seen before.

The above anxiety is troubling me a lot, I have strong existential and death based anxiety, by Allah it hurts so much.

I keep envisioning how I could lose my health and no one would help me, I'd be rid of provision, and also how lucky I am to be born in this timeline, where there is medicine that could treat my ailments.

Is it my relatively weak imaan from my recent reversion?

Ya Allah grant me shifa, this is so terrible, amin.

submitted by /u/tadakuzka
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from Islam

Q.Urine. How to avoid drops after urinating?

One should urinate in the crouched sitting position and not while standing.

If needed. You should perform istibra:

Place toilet paper on your private part and take several steps whereby the urine drops leak out onto the toilet paper, jump a few times if needed. Then sit back, after that:

Men: Use the middle finger and / or index finger of your left hand and press upon the urethra starting from the scrotum and moving forward towards the penis forcing any urine drops.

Women: Lightly press on the pubis with the fingertips of your left hand while coughing

Wash after that the private parts, dry it with a paper.

Gayatul-Muna Sharh Safinatu Naja p137

Q.What if some urine got on your clothes?

المعوفات هي: رشاش البول البسيط الذي لا يدركه الطرف المعتدل

The splashes of urine that cannot be seen with the average eye are excused

Mu'tamad fi Madhabi Shafii p.84

Q.Passing wind, what if I'm not sure?

من تيقن الطهارة وشك في الحدث حكم ببقائه على الطهارة

Whoever is sure that he has wudu, but then starts doubting whether his wudu was broken or not, he still has his wudu.

Majmu' Sharh al-Muhazzab 3/837

Sounds in the stomach from metabolism are nothing

Q.How to remove najas?

There are two types of najas:

1 Physical Najas 2 Non-physical najas

Physical najas has three characteristics: ¹taste, ²smell, ³color. To eliminate this type of contamination, be sure to first remove the visible part and then pour water over it. If after this the color or smell still remains, it is excused. Taste isn't excused

Non-physical najas (no taste, no smell, no colour), is eliminated by simply pouring water over the area. Or by placing the item in a container of water.

Sharh Yaqutu Nafis p.117

Q.Can najas be removed without using water?

و في مذهب أبي حنيفة الشمس تطهر والنار تطهر فاذا ازيلت النجاسة...طهر المحل

In the Hanafi madhab the Sun removes najas, and the fire removes najas. And if the najas disappeared (even without water) the place is (considered) clean.

Sharh Yaqutu Nafis p.120

You can purify a place by using wet wipes or napkins or some other liquids by following the Hanafi madhab in this case when needed

Q. During wudu or ghusl I always doubt whether water reached every part

ويكفي ظن عمومه أي الماء على البشرة والشعر وإن لم يتيقنه، فلا يجب تيقن عمومه بل يكفي غلبة الظن به فيه كالوضوء.

It is enough (during ghusl) to have the assumption that the water has reached all parts of the body and hair, even if there is no firm certainty about this. (Moreover) complete certainty is not necessary here; it is enough for the assumption to prevail (that water reached every part). The same rule applies to ablution (wudu).

Fathul Muin p.44

Q.Sometimes I'm starting doubt if I washed everything after I've done wudu

أما الشك بعد الفراغ فلا يؤثر

Doubt after finishing wudu doesn't count

Fathul Muin p. 56

Q.What if I put my clothes with najas into container. Wouldn't it make the water najas?

واختار كثيرون من أئمتنا مذهب مالك: أن الماء لا ينجس مطلقا إلا بالتغير

Many late imams chose the position of the Maliki madhab: that water doesn't become najas unless its characteristics were changed (after contact with najas)

Fathul Muin p.44

Q.Sometimes I unintentionally imagine Allah in some physical form, how to fight it?

فكل ما خطر ببالك فالله على خلاف ذلك

Whatever comes into your mind, Allah is different from it

Ghayat al-Muna p.74

Q.What to do when waswasa occurs during the prayer?

فتعوذ بالله منه واتفل عن يسارك ثلاثا

(Take a pause) turn your head to the left, ask Allah to protect you from Shaytan and dry spit slightly three times

Fatawa al-Fiqhiya 2/327

Q. What helps against waswasa?

Ibn Hajar al-Haytami رحمه الله said

له دواء نافع وهو الإعراض عنها جملة كافية، وإن كان في النفس من التردد ما كان فإنه متى لم يلتفت لذلك لم يثبت، بل يذهب بعد زمن قليل، كما جرب ذلك الموفقون، وأما من أصغى إليها وعمل بقضيتها فإنها لا تزال تزداد به حتى تخرجه إلى حيز المجانين، بل وأقبح منهم، كما شاهدناه في كثيرين ممن ابتلوا بها وأصغوا إليها وإلى شيطانها.

There is an effective method against waswasa, and this is distance and complete abandonment of doubts, whatever they may be. If a person does not pay attention to them, and they do not strengthen in his heart, then after a while they will disappear on their own, as happened with those whom Allah helped. If a person begins to listen to doubts and act in accordance with them, then doubts will not cease to intensify in him until they drive him to madness and worse, as we have seen in many of those who suffered from them and followed them.

داء الوسوسة أن يعتقد أن ذلك خاطر شيطاني، وأن إبليس هو الذي أورده عليه، وأن يقاتله فيكون له ثواب المجاهد

The means of getting rid of waswasa is to convince yourself that the waswasa are from Satan, and that it is Iblis that incites him, and he fights against him, and for this the person will receive the reward of fighting for his faith, because he is fighting the enemy of Allah

وقال ابن أبي الحواري... شكوت إلى الداراني الوسوسة فقال: إذا أردت قطعه فمتى أحسست به فافرح فإذا فرحت انقطع عنك فإنه ليس شيء أبغض إلى الشيطان من سرور المؤمن

Ibn Abi al-Khiwari said: “I complained about waswasa to Imam ad-Darini, and he replied: “If you want to get rid of the waswasa, rejoice immediately after you felt them. Because when you rejoice, they will leave you, so as there is nothing more hated by Satan than the joy of a believer“

ونقل النووي عن بعض العلماء أنه يستحب لمن بلي بالوسواس في الوضوء أو الصلاة أن يقول: لا إله إلا الله

Imam an-Nawawi narrated from some ulama it's recommended if someone encounters waswasa to say: La Ilaha illa Allah

Fatawa Fiqhiya al-Kubra 2/327

submitted by /u/wopkidopz
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from Islam

So this is going to be a nasty story, I apologize in advance. A year ago, I had a huge argument with a sister who hated me and wasn't exactly fair with her words (I'd prefer not to disclose the reasons, it was pretty stupid), we've cut all ties since. During that argument she said something hurtful which still affects my life today, and I strongly suspect she put the evil eye on me. Even back then, she would deny it and wouldn't let me use the water after her wudu to remove it (I asked, it didn't end well), now I've lost all contact with her (praise be to Allah) but it means I have no idea how to undo what she said (it was really a horrible thing to say and it's showing its consequences). Are there any options, any means to get rid of the effects, without contacting her, and also without asking for ruqyah (I need to fix my life in this world, but not at the cost of missing out on being included in the seventy thousand admitted to Jannah without reckoning)? JazakumuLlahu khayran

submitted by /u/ummhamzat180
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from Islam

(I've posted this in the Hijabis subreddit as well. I just thought that having a wider audience including brothers would give me a wider insight of my thoughts)

What I'm going to say may just be me. I don't know. Maybe somebody else will get what I'm trying to say but whatever.

I just feel disjointed and an empty shell as the days go by. Today has especially been a trigger of such thoughts. From the age of 14, I became l more mindful of death. Essentially, the meaningless of the dunya and it really breaks me to pieces everyday.

I still have dreams that I wish to fulfil but knowing that one day I'll have to get married, I don't know, I just subconsciously think that once that day comes, I'll practically have lost myself mentally.

I always thought like this since I was 4. My memories are quite vivid so maybe, such mindset might have been an outcome of how my parents portrayed themselves to me.

It has nearly been three years since then. I pray all my five daily prayers, I'm able to dress modestly and show those around me that I am a muslim woman well-versed in education as I am role model for my school. I don't touch non-mahrams and made every male teacher around understand that and yeah.

What I'm basically trying to say is that, I try to always better my Imaan day by day and somehow, I just feel more and more detached from everybody around me. Even my family and friends.

Whenever I talk to them, I just see a burning corpse, knowing that most of my friends will die as non-muslims and it pains me. And those are also my childhood friends who I cherished so much out of innocence, ignorance and naivety in the past 6 years without them.

I pretty much accepted that I will die and I kind of want it to be early. I don't want to but at the same time I do. Inner turmoil in that sense. I want it to happen before I fully lose myself.

I'm just tired. The more I follow Islam, the more isolated I become. I talk to myself and pray to Allah to make things easy for me but in the end, I just want to forget and be forgotten.

There's obviously many other events in my life which I will not dive in to which do play a role in what I'm currently feeling. One of them being transferring to another country at 10 yrs old and today, after 6 years, having come back.

The want to meet those who I lived with when I was younger weakened as I got older and became more practising.

So yeah, if anybody has something they could which could make feel better, I'd really appreciate it.

submitted by /u/Unique_Task
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from Islam

I feel like I struggle a lot mentally for a my age (early 20s), I constantly worry about many things and feel overwhelmed by my thoughts most of the time , then I'd think that most of this will not matter few decades later ( when I die ) and I should worry about what I prepared for it? And what God planned for me and us as humans is In Jannah .

What's the point of chasing the goods in dunya then suffering for eternity.

What I struggle with mostly is the wavering between these good thoughts and facing the temptations I have . But then here where I struggle with doing acts of worship .

Hopefully all this comes to an end soon where balance myself.

submitted by /u/Sweetly-flavored
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from Islam

So basically, I work as a recruiter. So There is an offer for ATT for grades and under grades.

Look, I saw on google "There's a company there called "ATT" don't get near it if you're looking for a job. Save your time and find a better place to work at.

  • a note from someone who worked there." a month ago

So like what do i do?

submitted by /u/No-Sentence3
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from Islam
A Battle Over a Farm, a Mosque and the Moral High Ground submitted by /u/Boringhusky
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from Islam

Hi everyone,

I come from a Turkish Alevi background, and recently, my uncle told me that the concept of "namaz" (prayer) as understood in Sunni Islam is not present in the Quran. He explained that the term "salat" in the Quran has been misinterpreted and should be understood as "prostration" (sajda) instead. This has left me quite confused about the correct way to perform prayers.

Additionally, as Alevis, we do not observe the Ramadan fast; instead, we fast during the month of Muharram and also observe fasts for the 12 Imams. These differences in practice add to my confusion about Islamic worship.

My uncle also explained the concept of reincarnation to me, which has further contributed to my thoughts on this topic. Can someone provide more insights or clarify these differences in interpretation and practice? How do other Alevis reconcile these differences, and what is the mainstream Islamic perspective on this?

submitted by /u/crojadio
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from Islamünni_islam/