Q.Urine. How to avoid drops after urinating?

One should urinate in the crouched sitting position and not while standing.

If needed. You should perform istibra:

Place toilet paper on your private part and take several steps whereby the urine drops leak out onto the toilet paper, jump a few times if needed. Then sit back, after that:

Men: Use the middle finger and / or index finger of your left hand and press upon the urethra starting from the scrotum and moving forward towards the penis forcing any urine drops.

Women: Lightly press on the pubis with the fingertips of your left hand while coughing

Wash after that the private parts, dry it with a paper.

Gayatul-Muna Sharh Safinatu Naja p137

Q.What if some urine got on your clothes?

المعوفات هي: رشاش البول البسيط الذي لا يدركه الطرف المعتدل

The splashes of urine that cannot be seen with the average eye are excused

Mu'tamad fi Madhabi Shafii p.84

Q.Passing wind, what if I'm not sure?

من تيقن الطهارة وشك في الحدث حكم ببقائه على الطهارة

Whoever is sure that he has wudu, but then starts doubting whether his wudu was broken or not, he still has his wudu.

Majmu' Sharh al-Muhazzab 3/837

Sounds in the stomach from metabolism are nothing

Q.How to remove najas?

There are two types of najas:

1 Physical Najas 2 Non-physical najas

Physical najas has three characteristics: ¹taste, ²smell, ³color. To eliminate this type of contamination, be sure to first remove the visible part and then pour water over it. If after this the color or smell still remains, it is excused. Taste isn't excused

Non-physical najas (no taste, no smell, no colour), is eliminated by simply pouring water over the area. Or by placing the item in a container of water.

Sharh Yaqutu Nafis p.117

Q.Can najas be removed without using water?

و في مذهب أبي حنيفة الشمس تطهر والنار تطهر فاذا ازيلت النجاسة...طهر المحل

In the Hanafi madhab the Sun removes najas, and the fire removes najas. And if the najas disappeared (even without water) the place is (considered) clean.

Sharh Yaqutu Nafis p.120

You can purify a place by using wet wipes or napkins or some other liquids by following the Hanafi madhab in this case when needed

Q. During wudu or ghusl I always doubt whether water reached every part

ويكفي ظن عمومه أي الماء على البشرة والشعر وإن لم يتيقنه، فلا يجب تيقن عمومه بل يكفي غلبة الظن به فيه كالوضوء.

It is enough (during ghusl) to have the assumption that the water has reached all parts of the body and hair, even if there is no firm certainty about this. (Moreover) complete certainty is not necessary here; it is enough for the assumption to prevail (that water reached every part). The same rule applies to ablution (wudu).

Fathul Muin p.44

Q.Sometimes I'm starting doubt if I washed everything after I've done wudu

أما الشك بعد الفراغ فلا يؤثر

Doubt after finishing wudu doesn't count

Fathul Muin p. 56

Q.What if I put my clothes with najas into container. Wouldn't it make the water najas?

واختار كثيرون من أئمتنا مذهب مالك: أن الماء لا ينجس مطلقا إلا بالتغير

Many late imams chose the position of the Maliki madhab: that water doesn't become najas unless its characteristics were changed (after contact with najas)

Fathul Muin p.44

Q.Sometimes I unintentionally imagine Allah in some physical form, how to fight it?

فكل ما خطر ببالك فالله على خلاف ذلك

Whatever comes into your mind, Allah is different from it

Ghayat al-Muna p.74

Q.What to do when waswasa occurs during the prayer?

فتعوذ بالله منه واتفل عن يسارك ثلاثا

(Take a pause) turn your head to the left, ask Allah to protect you from Shaytan and dry spit slightly three times

Fatawa al-Fiqhiya 2/327

Q. What helps against waswasa?

Ibn Hajar al-Haytami رحمه الله said

له دواء نافع وهو الإعراض عنها جملة كافية، وإن كان في النفس من التردد ما كان فإنه متى لم يلتفت لذلك لم يثبت، بل يذهب بعد زمن قليل، كما جرب ذلك الموفقون، وأما من أصغى إليها وعمل بقضيتها فإنها لا تزال تزداد به حتى تخرجه إلى حيز المجانين، بل وأقبح منهم، كما شاهدناه في كثيرين ممن ابتلوا بها وأصغوا إليها وإلى شيطانها.

There is an effective method against waswasa, and this is distance and complete abandonment of doubts, whatever they may be. If a person does not pay attention to them, and they do not strengthen in his heart, then after a while they will disappear on their own, as happened with those whom Allah helped. If a person begins to listen to doubts and act in accordance with them, then doubts will not cease to intensify in him until they drive him to madness and worse, as we have seen in many of those who suffered from them and followed them.

داء الوسوسة أن يعتقد أن ذلك خاطر شيطاني، وأن إبليس هو الذي أورده عليه، وأن يقاتله فيكون له ثواب المجاهد

The means of getting rid of waswasa is to convince yourself that the waswasa are from Satan, and that it is Iblis that incites him, and he fights against him, and for this the person will receive the reward of fighting for his faith, because he is fighting the enemy of Allah

وقال ابن أبي الحواري... شكوت إلى الداراني الوسوسة فقال: إذا أردت قطعه فمتى أحسست به فافرح فإذا فرحت انقطع عنك فإنه ليس شيء أبغض إلى الشيطان من سرور المؤمن

Ibn Abi al-Khiwari said: “I complained about waswasa to Imam ad-Darini, and he replied: “If you want to get rid of the waswasa, rejoice immediately after you felt them. Because when you rejoice, they will leave you, so as there is nothing more hated by Satan than the joy of a believer“

ونقل النووي عن بعض العلماء أنه يستحب لمن بلي بالوسواس في الوضوء أو الصلاة أن يقول: لا إله إلا الله

Imam an-Nawawi narrated from some ulama it's recommended if someone encounters waswasa to say: La Ilaha illa Allah

Fatawa Fiqhiya al-Kubra 2/327

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