June 2024

Because I saw a post today of some people saying how would a penguin be able to get there but I do not think it was said in the Quran that all animals with no exception were on the ship.

I just want to know how to defend Islam in conversation when someone who isn't Muslim asks these questions, because as a Muslim we should know our religion and faith well.

submitted by /u/Adventurous_Course88
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from Islam https://www.reddit.com/r/islam/comments/1dmtcsb/did_the_ship_of_nuh_عليه_السلام_have_a_pair_of/

Shaytan sweared he will misguide people and he does that by whispering to us thoughts to encourage us on doing sin I remain unconvinced that such thing exist I believe it's just my own mind that tells me those kind of thing.

submitted by /u/Appropriate_Fan_323
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from Islam https://ift.tt/omShskw

I am so stressed that my blood profile is changing. Even my body is changing because of the stress. I really trust Allah and believe that he will help me But everything has been so difficult. I was jobless for months and finally got a job I absolutely didn't want. But Allah gave it to me so accepted but this job is hell. I don't get to sleep or eat or even rest properly. My parents are old and sick and I can't bother them. My dad almost died (he is diabetic) because he came to help me with housing and got hypoglycemia. My mom and sister are mad at me for what happened and tbh I take responsibility for it. But now I have no support system, nobody to talk to. This job is hell but I am okay with because I know what I asked for will be fulfilled sooner or later by Allah I am posting this because I really need support and kind words because I literally have none right now. Please help

submitted by /u/DandyWalker101
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from Islam https://ift.tt/CtgZ4VM

So I am a muslim but I don't eat meat. I am not vegan as I eat chicken and prawns. The problem is that on eid ul azha and a week following it every meal has meat and I don't get to have proper meals. Also my relatives and friends criticize and mock me for not eating meat when I go to eid parties (dawats). I just want to eat meat but when it is in my mouth i feel disgusting and feel like vomitting. So i have two questions with which you can help me

1.Does this happen to anyone of you? 2.How can i start eating meat and don't feel gross. I just can't swallow it I feel weird. Plz help me because not eating meat bothers me a lot

submitted by /u/EpicStormYT
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from Islam https://ift.tt/eE1TiVL
Have I read this correctly?

Assalamu alaykum brothers and sisters, Can someone please clarify if I have understood this right? Is it saying it is not compulsory to recite surah faatiha in all rakaats? This makes no sense at all. Hope I have not made myself look dumb by my interpretation but that's what I understood from this. This is from a book called Taleemul Haq for anyone wondering. Please clarify this for me. Jazakallah Khair

submitted by /u/venime_shinobi
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from Islam https://ift.tt/qkXIl89

Some times im at my friends house and he says prayers before eating food at the table like thanking the father and Jesus. Is it haram to pray to Allah with them? I'll just put my hands together, thank Allah and say the dua before eating but not recite anything they say that doesn't fall align with my belifes.

submitted by /u/swagifydeluxe
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from Islam https://ift.tt/Zvp9l8f

According to a byzantine Historian, Tengrism was the dominant religion of the region ( althought others existed peacefully) . And that they did not worship anyone but Tengri, who created the sky and the lands, as well as sacrificing their horses, sheep and cows. Thus it should come as no surprise that Turks converted willingly into Islam. The Term Tengri is still used today to refer to Allah. Just like how Quran mentioned every nation had a prophet.

submitted by /u/somerandomguyyyyyyyy
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from Islam https://ift.tt/rJ7ZkBC

Hello, and I want to thank anyone for reading this. I know if anyone looks at my profile that it's no secret I am a Christian in my post history. However, I am looking better to understand other texts, specifically of the Abrahamic religions. Does anyone have any recommendations for a good English translation of the Quran? Obviously, a Book of Mormon is super easy for me to get in English already.

When it comes to English Bible translations, I tend to like ones a bit closer to the more literal translations (ESV, NASB) over the more paraphrased versions (NIV, NLT, The Message) and I could probably take an educated guess given how many Muslims exist all over the world and how many different languages and cultures use the Quran there's probably similar dynamics with different Qurans translated.

So yeah, if anyone has any recommendations for ones that I could get, I'd really appreciate it. The only rule I'd really have is that it cannot be crazy stupid expensive (the bane of my same quest for understanding the other Abrahamics is so far the Talmud and the out-of-this-world prices).

submitted by /u/thedevin242
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from Islam https://ift.tt/1uRnG2V

"Why me?!” I often find myself asking, has fate led me down this challenging road? It is a question that echoes in the chambers of my heart. But then, the answer becomes clear, like a beacon in the darkest of nights. It is you! You, who is chosen, not by mere chance, but by the divine power of Allah.

For Allah, in His infinite wisdom and boundless love, has a purpose for every tear that falls from your eyes. Each drop is a cleansing rain, washing away the stains of your past, erasing your sins, and purifying your soul. Every time you sigh with a heart full of pain. Every time you hold in the pain to make others feel good. Every time you raise your hands in supplication, it is not in vain; it is a precious moment etched into the Book of Deeds, a testament to your unwavering faith.

And when you summon the strength to endure, even when every fiber of your being screams in pain, know that you are ascending. Your patience becomes a rung on the ladder to higher ranks in Jannah, a celestial reward for your unwavering determination. It's through these moments of temporary sadness that Allah tests you, preparing to bestow upon you a happiness that knows no end, a bliss that will be your eternal companion.

In your moments of doubt, remember this: Allah loves you, beyond measure, beyond comprehension. He sees your struggles, your sacrifices, and your faith. He chose you not because you are free from trials but because He knows you can overcome them. So, embrace your journey with trust in His plan, for in the end, it is a path paved with love, redemption, and the promise of everlasting joy.

A path to Jannah.

So hang in there, everything will make sense my dear sister🖤🫂

Fi sabilillah🤍

submitted by /u/Humble-Impact-7761
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from Islam https://ift.tt/8t7P24E
can someone read this and confirm is it legit?

I googled a dua for making wishes come true in my native language and I found this, but they didn't list the source. Can someone confirm is it valid or not?

submitted by /u/koalacopy
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from Islam https://ift.tt/rBEGlqv

I am trying to find messages that I can send to my friends in Eid that are funny. I speak Arabic so there are A LOT of them in Arabic loll. Like telling them you want to end your relationship with them and then go to lower lines where they wouldn't be able to read it unless they enter the message where they find "JK Eid Mubarak". It doesn't sound funny in English but its soooo funny in Arabic:). Any suggestions for English ones?

submitted by /u/MoQ03
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from Islam https://ift.tt/TWB6oPq

Mufti Menk explains in this video that if you feel angry, sad, complain about something negative that happened to you it’s a punishment… What if you complained and cried and even said negative opinions about Allah (openly, not just in your mind) for like 12 hours but felt remorse and did istighfar later??? Is it still a punishment???

I am scared help JazakAllah


submitted by /u/FriendlyDelivery6765
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from Islam https://ift.tt/soU41WK

Hello everyone, hope this finds you well :)

I've had a question that I can't seem to find an answer to, so I've decided to see if any of you guys know/have an idea about this.

We all know the "uncanny vally", but it seems to suggest that humans developed this because there was an evolutionary reason to be afraid of something that looked human but wasn't.

But what is the Islamic take on this - is there even one? Why do we have this uncanny valley effect ingraved in us, like what is the reasoning behind this?

Thank you! :) <3

submitted by /u/FoxyThePirateHA
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from Islam https://ift.tt/rmaw45o

Assalamu alaykum everyone, I wanted to know what would the ruling be for qawwalis? I am specially asking for Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan’s qawwalis. I understand that the instruments which are used (tapla, which are two small drums and the other piano ish instrument which I don’t know what it is called) could be bad, that’s why I was asking if listening to qawwalis is allowed as they praise Allah but in a more instrumental way. Of course I would use some kind of AI to remove the Instruments are preserve just the vocals.

submitted by /u/Sylar1093
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from Islam https://ift.tt/mg3yB0I

I wish I could wear a hijab, do prayers and read the Quran and what not but I'm not Muslim and I currently feel quite comfortable in the religion I already practice and I don't really know what to do not to mention I believe my family and friends would be slightly unsupportive if I did a few Islamic practices so any advice for me?

submitted by /u/Beginning_Banana_654
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from Islam https://ift.tt/AwDknZ2

Recently, I began to pray my five daily prayers alhamdulilah. I noticed that good things were happening, my mental health got better, I started feeling in peace because I no longer had to question the meaning of life since I now know my purpose in this dunya. Additionally, Allah swt made my waking up to Fajr much easier.

Last night, during my sleep, I experienced a nightmare. I won't go into much detail, at first it felt like it was just a normal dream, but things progressively got worse. Then, I heard a beautiful and somewhat familiar voice reciting one Ayah (it was probably ماهر المعيقلي), I don't remember much of the ayah but I'm sure it ended with {لعلكم تعقلون}. As soon as I heard that, I woke up. I asked my mom about this, and apparently, Allah swt can protect you from nightmares with letting you hear ayat from the Qur'an!! I'm really happy to have experienced this, and I hope that you guys liked this story of mine and to strengthen your Iman more.

Sorry for my bad English.

submitted by /u/Maximum-Explorer6850
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from Islam https://ift.tt/VrTQH72

Salam, for the past 4 years I dedicated time to persue a degree that I'm not proud of anymore, I feel really bad about it, like I've wasted all of my potential away because of my reticense and fear of starting all over again, I failed and feel so behind in life.

My master thesis is due next year inshallah, but is it worth carrying on this path....for context, I used to be very performant at my subject of study since forever, really, but being competant at something doesn't automatically imply that it is suitable for someone, and I've just realised it this year.

I'm drowning in regret, everyday seems bleak, I need help from an islamic perspective, besides efforts from my side to change my situation, please how can I detach myself from the obcessive idea that I wasted my time away? It is in my thoughts CONSTANTLY.

How do we properly deal with regrets ??

submitted by /u/Eastern_Chipmunk_383
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from Islam https://ift.tt/tN0T2yv

Its like its getting worse every year, it wasnt even this bad 5-10 years ago. It literally now seems as if every woman in America under 30 and over 12 dresses with over ~80% of their body showing in the summer time. Shorts just under the crotch and tops exposing the belly is the norm now, even for kids. It's ridiculous how widespread, normalized and encouraged this indecency and immorality has become.

submitted by /u/Establishment22
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from Islam https://ift.tt/heylbUV

Hello all! So I’ve had the honor of getting to know some Afghanis through my job, and have become friends with some of them and am learning about their culture and therefore Islam as well. I’ve gotten books to learn more about Islam, as well as a Qur’an.

Some backstory on me; I grew up Christian because of my parents, then spent quite a long time being a self proclaimed atheist. I then had some life changes for the better and began going to a Christian church again. It didn’t sit right with me, and due to some circumstances pushed me farther away so I gave up on that entirely. Through my relationship with this Muslim community and learning more about Islam, I’m very intrigued by it all and it makes a lot of sense to me. Questions Christianity couldn’t answer for me are answered in Islam, and I find such a peace about Muslims in their nature and how good and kind Islam is.

Which brings me to my question..I still have a lot to learn, and it’s daunting learning Arabic and making sure I’m pronouncing things correctly. There are certain things I may not be able to do perfectly, okay maybe not do a lot, and so I’m not sure converting right now would be wise. One of my Muslim friends thought it’d be too much for me and I should learn more and be ready before converting. After reading a lot about Islam though, I’m worried to wait. It says if on your death bed or before death you try to convert it isn’t accepted. And we never know how much time we have left. Is it better to convert now and do my best and grow in Islam as I learn more and not risk dying before converting, or is it better to wait so I’m not sinning right off the bat becoming Muslim?

I really appreciate any advice, suggestions, information, help, etc! Clearly there is still a lot I need to learn. Thank you in advance!!

submitted by /u/mustlovedietcoke
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from Islam https://ift.tt/cwgGE4I

My iman is at an all time low, my grandma passed away last week, my mental health is horrible atm and my physical health is crap too.

I saw a tiktok video of a hadith stating that its makruh to marry a woman who is infertile. I am infertile due to chronic illness and have struggled with coming to terms with it. Already where I was feeling incredibly insecure about myself, this video popped up and I now feel so worthless. I can’t help but fear that men will not want to marry me because I am infertile and I am causing them to sin by doing so. I feel like I am a walking sin.

I feel so much anger and I just want to cry. Please help, I love Islam so much but this has really upset me.

submitted by /u/jhsmicdrop
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from Islam https://ift.tt/Erk0Gvw

Asscalamualikum brothers and sisters. This is just a thought I wanted to share. Isn't it crazy how when some famous person is alive like a famous musician whom people are dying to to to his concert, or some famous president or actor or some famous billionaire or some. When they are alive, people are dying to see them and visit them. But when they die, who goes to see them then? Like theirs famous people buried near where I live in chicago, but nobody visits the grave and see their fav artist and so on.

When they are alive people are like let's go hes having a concert! So they plan a trip, spend money and all. But when hes dead, nobody is like let's go visit his dead grave!

I mean its the same person.....

Iant it crazy how queen Elizabeth was so rich and famous and all, everyone knows her, got billions of dollars or pounds, got servants, planes, helicopters, food, nothing to worry about, but when shes dead, she is just another person in their graves man. None of that wealth is helping her, nor the fame. When we die, this is the reality.

But I'm sure we all think like I'm important. We want people to think about us, we want people to remember us, but tbh they wont. Think about it, someone u knows dies. You remmber them for a few weeks, for a few months, a year at max, but then life continues. Nobody remembers 24 7, that's just the fact.

So if I don't remmber people who died, why would others remmber you and me?

People spend their entire lives living life for others. Doing things that give them to benifit, only some in this life. Money, cars, women, houses, that's all man.

Tbh we have no excuse when we are dead if u think about it man. Why? Bec when u were born, on that day you got a notice. You found out that one day it's a guarantee that I will die one day.

Bro we knew from day one. Which excuse can we possibly give? Allah gonna be like you knew when u were born, u had the entire life to change!

It's like a teacher gives you a notice and tells u you have a exam.worth 70 percent of your entire grade in 4 weeks. The test has like 7 questions. U gonna come and u say on the test day, I forgot to study. Or u say ohh man it was so hard I coudent study for the test.

The teacher gonna be like i told u 30 days ago! U had time! If u dident understand, u had 4 weeks to ask me for help, but u dident!

Bro we have zero excuse. Let's be honest here. We dont have a excuse.

Lastly my brothers and sisters, let's be honest, I'm not good person, nor are u, in the sense we both sin. We all sin. But understand that Allah loves when people repent. U made a mistake? U feel like crap? It hurts inside? Good! Allah is their, just ask him for forgiveness. No matter how big of a sin u did, repent and say to him I wont do it again!

Remmber jannah is filled with sinners who repent! Hell is filled with sinners who were like noo the quran disent say music is haram, its filled with people who disbelieved in Allah, who made excuses for their sins.

Pick your boat.

Allah loves repentance, not when people give excuses and all. What's more easier, to say yes I did mess up and i did sin? Or to say no I dident mean that or make excuses?

It's easier to make excuses and harder to admit the sin. Nobody likes saying I messed up or I made a mistake. Allah loves when u admit and change ur ways.

May Allah guide us.

submitted by /u/heoeoeinzb78
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from Islam https://ift.tt/W1fLGzB

I have been learning a lot about Islam and I have a strong interest in understanding more since I was 16. I feel like I can identify with Islam in a couple things already because I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't party, I don't eat foods that Islam forbids and I’m dressing modestly etc. I’m also trying to pray. I know a lot already and I’m even able to read, write, and speak Arabic at a basic level and I’ve the Arabic Quran with no transliteration. I would love to hear more from you and about your knowledge of Islam. Please feel free to share anything you think is important or interesting about the religion, its practices, and its teachings. Thank you for reading my comment, may Allah bless you all ❤️

submitted by /u/Beginning-Rich-9478
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from Islam https://ift.tt/oDT7w29

Salaamu alaikum! My Arabic is not the strongest, but across Quran and Hadith, we have the words muslimeen and mumineen, used in similar contexts but translated differently. How do they differ in their meanings and uses? Are there different characteristics between the two?

submitted by /u/Sandstorm52
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from Islam https://ift.tt/G5UkA8u

Help me find the truth (currently Christian)

Hi I’ve been a Christian my whole life grew up with Christian parents. This year has been the hardest for me deciding should I fully follow Islam if any Muslims could give me word of advice on Islam being the true religion of God may you please respond.

submitted by /u/ConflictAmbitious419
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from Islam https://ift.tt/97vyhOS

I’m a 20yr old female I’m trying to come closer to deen. Also trying to dress modestly, wear the hijab( hasn’t happened yet sadly) and I’ve also cut ties almost with my only 3 non mahram” friends” I’ve deleted all my photos from social media like Instagram, Facebook etc. now I genuinely wanna know if I should remove around 100? Maybe male followers I have on Instagram. Even if I don’t post my photos. Is it haram or what please I’d be glad if you could help me. Thank you so much and pls keep me in your prayers so that Allah give me hidayah

submitted by /u/ForceSure4749
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from Islam https://ift.tt/cSPJd0H

Almost all Christian denominations have become sodomy worshippers more then god worshippers same can be said about most Judaism denominations (but the orthodox branch is good at staying true to their beliefs) Islam is probably the last real genuine mainstream Abrahamic religion out in this world (except again Orthodox Judaism whatever you think of them at least they still have their main values at heart)

submitted by /u/DutchEmpire556
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from Islam https://ift.tt/pB759rt

Interesting hadith.

Abu Ayyub narrated that a Bedouin came to the Prophet (s.a.w) and said:
"O Messenger of Allah, indeed, I love horses. Are there horses in Paradise?" The Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) said: "If you are admitted into Paradise, you shall be brought a horse of rubies with two wings, then you shall be carried on it, then it will fly with you wherever you want."

Grade: Hasan (Darussalam)

Reference : Jami` at-Tirmidhi 2544

submitted by /u/Creepy-Project38
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from Islam https://ift.tt/X3oKiLB

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh I'm a convert to Islam Alhamdulillah Allah guided me

I have a problem tho, when I became Muslim I didn't know a lot of things (like free mixing is Haram) still and I developed a crush on my friends cusin (non Muslim) and even tho I hadn't seen or talked to her in months I still like her to the point she's on my mind a lot I made dua to Allah to help me get her off my mind and he answered and helped me Alhamdulillah but I would still think about her time to time

I recently heard about her and even saw a photo of her and I know I probably shouldn't want to be with her I still do Sabahnallah

Can anyone give me advice In Sha Allah

May Allah bless you all Ameen

submitted by /u/Overall_Fish3751
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from Islam https://ift.tt/rqACGj7

Dear brothers and sisters,

This may be a stupid question, but I thought I would ask it here and hopefully someone could clarify it to me? I pray occasionally in turkish mosques when the salah ends the turkish imam says at the end "al-fatiha", then I see others doing a duah, but im not sure if one needs to recite a duah or the surah al fatiha?

submitted by /u/Few-Special2061
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from Islam https://ift.tt/8SW6mEl