Recently, I began to pray my five daily prayers alhamdulilah. I noticed that good things were happening, my mental health got better, I started feeling in peace because I no longer had to question the meaning of life since I now know my purpose in this dunya. Additionally, Allah swt made my waking up to Fajr much easier.

Last night, during my sleep, I experienced a nightmare. I won't go into much detail, at first it felt like it was just a normal dream, but things progressively got worse. Then, I heard a beautiful and somewhat familiar voice reciting one Ayah (it was probably ماهر المعيقلي), I don't remember much of the ayah but I'm sure it ended with {لعلكم تعقلون}. As soon as I heard that, I woke up. I asked my mom about this, and apparently, Allah swt can protect you from nightmares with letting you hear ayat from the Qur'an!! I'm really happy to have experienced this, and I hope that you guys liked this story of mine and to strengthen your Iman more.

Sorry for my bad English.

submitted by /u/Maximum-Explorer6850
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