Hello, and I want to thank anyone for reading this. I know if anyone looks at my profile that it's no secret I am a Christian in my post history. However, I am looking better to understand other texts, specifically of the Abrahamic religions. Does anyone have any recommendations for a good English translation of the Quran? Obviously, a Book of Mormon is super easy for me to get in English already.

When it comes to English Bible translations, I tend to like ones a bit closer to the more literal translations (ESV, NASB) over the more paraphrased versions (NIV, NLT, The Message) and I could probably take an educated guess given how many Muslims exist all over the world and how many different languages and cultures use the Quran there's probably similar dynamics with different Qurans translated.

So yeah, if anyone has any recommendations for ones that I could get, I'd really appreciate it. The only rule I'd really have is that it cannot be crazy stupid expensive (the bane of my same quest for understanding the other Abrahamics is so far the Talmud and the out-of-this-world prices).

submitted by /u/thedevin242
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