Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh I'm a convert to Islam Alhamdulillah Allah guided me

I have a problem tho, when I became Muslim I didn't know a lot of things (like free mixing is Haram) still and I developed a crush on my friends cusin (non Muslim) and even tho I hadn't seen or talked to her in months I still like her to the point she's on my mind a lot I made dua to Allah to help me get her off my mind and he answered and helped me Alhamdulillah but I would still think about her time to time

I recently heard about her and even saw a photo of her and I know I probably shouldn't want to be with her I still do Sabahnallah

Can anyone give me advice In Sha Allah

May Allah bless you all Ameen

submitted by /u/Overall_Fish3751
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