Salam, for the past 4 years I dedicated time to persue a degree that I'm not proud of anymore, I feel really bad about it, like I've wasted all of my potential away because of my reticense and fear of starting all over again, I failed and feel so behind in life.

My master thesis is due next year inshallah, but is it worth carrying on this path....for context, I used to be very performant at my subject of study since forever, really, but being competant at something doesn't automatically imply that it is suitable for someone, and I've just realised it this year.

I'm drowning in regret, everyday seems bleak, I need help from an islamic perspective, besides efforts from my side to change my situation, please how can I detach myself from the obcessive idea that I wasted my time away? It is in my thoughts CONSTANTLY.

How do we properly deal with regrets ??

submitted by /u/Eastern_Chipmunk_383
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