Hello all! So I’ve had the honor of getting to know some Afghanis through my job, and have become friends with some of them and am learning about their culture and therefore Islam as well. I’ve gotten books to learn more about Islam, as well as a Qur’an.

Some backstory on me; I grew up Christian because of my parents, then spent quite a long time being a self proclaimed atheist. I then had some life changes for the better and began going to a Christian church again. It didn’t sit right with me, and due to some circumstances pushed me farther away so I gave up on that entirely. Through my relationship with this Muslim community and learning more about Islam, I’m very intrigued by it all and it makes a lot of sense to me. Questions Christianity couldn’t answer for me are answered in Islam, and I find such a peace about Muslims in their nature and how good and kind Islam is.

Which brings me to my question..I still have a lot to learn, and it’s daunting learning Arabic and making sure I’m pronouncing things correctly. There are certain things I may not be able to do perfectly, okay maybe not do a lot, and so I’m not sure converting right now would be wise. One of my Muslim friends thought it’d be too much for me and I should learn more and be ready before converting. After reading a lot about Islam though, I’m worried to wait. It says if on your death bed or before death you try to convert it isn’t accepted. And we never know how much time we have left. Is it better to convert now and do my best and grow in Islam as I learn more and not risk dying before converting, or is it better to wait so I’m not sinning right off the bat becoming Muslim?

I really appreciate any advice, suggestions, information, help, etc! Clearly there is still a lot I need to learn. Thank you in advance!!

submitted by /u/mustlovedietcoke
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