Asscalamualikum brothers and sisters. This is just a thought I wanted to share. Isn't it crazy how when some famous person is alive like a famous musician whom people are dying to to to his concert, or some famous president or actor or some famous billionaire or some. When they are alive, people are dying to see them and visit them. But when they die, who goes to see them then? Like theirs famous people buried near where I live in chicago, but nobody visits the grave and see their fav artist and so on.

When they are alive people are like let's go hes having a concert! So they plan a trip, spend money and all. But when hes dead, nobody is like let's go visit his dead grave!

I mean its the same person.....

Iant it crazy how queen Elizabeth was so rich and famous and all, everyone knows her, got billions of dollars or pounds, got servants, planes, helicopters, food, nothing to worry about, but when shes dead, she is just another person in their graves man. None of that wealth is helping her, nor the fame. When we die, this is the reality.

But I'm sure we all think like I'm important. We want people to think about us, we want people to remember us, but tbh they wont. Think about it, someone u knows dies. You remmber them for a few weeks, for a few months, a year at max, but then life continues. Nobody remembers 24 7, that's just the fact.

So if I don't remmber people who died, why would others remmber you and me?

People spend their entire lives living life for others. Doing things that give them to benifit, only some in this life. Money, cars, women, houses, that's all man.

Tbh we have no excuse when we are dead if u think about it man. Why? Bec when u were born, on that day you got a notice. You found out that one day it's a guarantee that I will die one day.

Bro we knew from day one. Which excuse can we possibly give? Allah gonna be like you knew when u were born, u had the entire life to change!

It's like a teacher gives you a notice and tells u you have a exam.worth 70 percent of your entire grade in 4 weeks. The test has like 7 questions. U gonna come and u say on the test day, I forgot to study. Or u say ohh man it was so hard I coudent study for the test.

The teacher gonna be like i told u 30 days ago! U had time! If u dident understand, u had 4 weeks to ask me for help, but u dident!

Bro we have zero excuse. Let's be honest here. We dont have a excuse.

Lastly my brothers and sisters, let's be honest, I'm not good person, nor are u, in the sense we both sin. We all sin. But understand that Allah loves when people repent. U made a mistake? U feel like crap? It hurts inside? Good! Allah is their, just ask him for forgiveness. No matter how big of a sin u did, repent and say to him I wont do it again!

Remmber jannah is filled with sinners who repent! Hell is filled with sinners who were like noo the quran disent say music is haram, its filled with people who disbelieved in Allah, who made excuses for their sins.

Pick your boat.

Allah loves repentance, not when people give excuses and all. What's more easier, to say yes I did mess up and i did sin? Or to say no I dident mean that or make excuses?

It's easier to make excuses and harder to admit the sin. Nobody likes saying I messed up or I made a mistake. Allah loves when u admit and change ur ways.

May Allah guide us.

submitted by /u/heoeoeinzb78
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