May 2024

I lost my job and got into depression, i want to use my time productively, so I want to build an Islamic App (for iPhone and Android). It will be a free app with a clean design and no ads or trackers.

Will start with a clean Prayer Times app first then will add Quran and Translations, Hadith and Translation, How to Pray etc later on or will keep it as a clean Prayer Times only app as the users suggest here.

I would like to build this app here, as in with suggestions from you people and then update you with the progress.

Now the question time, what is something you would like to see in a Prayer Time App ?

Should I add a morning Alarm with a new Hadith everyday feature ? (Waking up with a hadith and its translation on the screen ?)

And also please suggest a good name for the App.

submitted by /u/Droidroidroid
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from Islam

I have recently started taking oral contraceptives due to health reasons. It has been about 2 weeks since I started my pills, and I have been spotting everyday since. I have read that it will take a while to subside as my body gets used to the hormones.

I am not sure whether I can pray or not even with this type of brown/bloody discharge. I did do ghusl once and even prayed a prayer but did not continue the next day since I noticed that I had spotting again.

Ive read that the time for ghusl after menses is after seeing the white/watery discharge. I am not sure what to do in my situation. Do I continue not praying until these side effects pass?

Thank you

submitted by /u/thisisananonymousacc
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from Islam

So am I crazy or is this even real.We get good news but it didn't happened I don't sad about nothing happened.Actually I'm very happy and exiting about our family future.Allah is giving us some hints but I don't know what to do about this. This this happening 2 months now.Nothing changed but I'm really grateful about this🤍 insha'Allah I hope something will come with good and great things.

submitted by /u/Stunning-Lack-1187
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from Islam


I am from Kolkata, India writing this one with heavy heart and shaking fingers. I am 24 while I was pursuing grads I took job and started helping my parents even though they never ask for any support but Allah Swt gifted me with this opportunity. Today i earn Allhamdulliah very nice and i m in a good position plus point it is work from home and Allah pak made me a “zariya” for my brother side income too which is also very good. But while I was doing job and going to college regularly only one person helped me to achieve everything I have today. I met him in school when I was in 12 and till today it’s been 5 years I am in love with him. We have only talked thru whatsapp bcoz covid started he then he started earning and I started earning Allhamdulliah both of us did not indulge into anything except talking(ik it is haraam too). My parents specially my father got a rishta from family and he has accepted it without my consent i told him I want you to meet someone i like for Allah’s sake just once please at least look but he went all mad abused me and took my laptop my job called my tl forcefully put my resignation. I talked and begged to my mom, brother, sister to help me but none of them are helping and telling me to marry The person I dont want to marry. The boy i like is religious, earning halal, respectful his family is giving assurance my giving 2 of there own property in my name but my father does not even want to hear his name let alone getting me married to him

He is crying calling me ungrateful and a bitch cursing me to die single telling me to kill myself thinking about culture and society my brother told me don’t show your face, they took away my income . They are telling me That i am doing haraam for making them cry and breaking their heart and i will be cursed by allah. They also told me they will KILL THEMSELVE if I dont marry the they chose for me, I am only crying I am unable to eat in past 3 days I lost my weight my job my eyes is numb my body is numb

Please i request no one to curse my parents bcoz i love them but please help me please i need but sort of support of what should i do

submitted by /u/Cultural_Set9180
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from Islam

the bitter truth of the middle eastern borders:
video is in arabic but english translated!

jazakum Allah khairan

submitted by /u/Fluid_Motor3971
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from Islam

i’m currently in the process of reverting to Islam, i haven’t taken my shahada yet because i want to at least finish the Quran once and understand it to the best of my knowledge. but i’m just really confused on the timeline that i should follow, like, should i start praying after i take my shahada? or should i start anytime so i can get used to it and establish a routine.

any advice is welcome! thank you

submitted by /u/Minimum_Pin3760
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from Islam

I was born Christian and practiced until I was 25. I converted to Islam a few years later and it’s been another few since then. I have a four year old who I have raised Muslim so far. I’ve read to him the Quran and all that. I got him some coloring books and paper to draw on. He mainly draws animals and the crescent and the star, but today I noticed he drew a photo of Muhammad… I should be really mad right? To whom is my anger directed at? My son or Crayola?

submitted by /u/1in21millionx1000
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from Islam

Salam to my brothers and sisters in Islam I am going through a faith crisis and I need some advice. I have some stuff I’m going through, and I’m struggling really hard to even believe in Allah. Why does he give me so much suffering and no help? All my life, since the age of 8-9, I’ve been balding badly. I’ve also got bad teeth, and a huge head, and am skinny fat. My highest education is a high school diploma (which honestly isn’t even right, my parents took me out and did a bad job “homeschooling me”, as both of them never graduated college themselves but were so scared I’d get a girlfriend or something, which is so ridiculous, given how disgusting and ugly I am) , and I’ve never been able to get through college so I’m currently a drop out with a dead end job that I work at home from. I also take care of my parents and whatever I earn mostly goes to helping them and paying rent, since I can’t afford to move out in my area, so I don’t have a place to live on my own. So I can’t do things like pay for a dentist to fix my teeth, work out to improve my body or get healthy food needed for that, or to pay for implants for my head. I don’t have any friends , and I have no way of trying to find a wife on my own. My parents have tried arrange marriage but I don’t blame all the proposals getting rejected, who’d want a pathetic loser like me? It’s gotten to the point my parents have given up and told me I’m on my own, to go look myself. It just really sucks because I’ve had such a high sexual drive and I’ve resorted to mastrubation and porn to cope with my loneliness. I stopped for about a year now but now I’m just angry and sexually frustrated all the time. I do some bad things on this app too, so before someone goes through my comment history and points it out, yes, I still try haram avenues to outlet some of my frustrations I also have many health conditions, like diabetes and high blood pressure, and enlarged kidneys, to name a few. So medically I’m screwed too I stopped praying, stopped reading Quran, stopped making duas I’m scared I’m losing my faith faster and faster with each passing day. Why did Allah do this to me? Why do I have to go through this? And yes, I try to look towards people who have less than me, it doesn’t help me feel better in anyway. It just makes me angrier and more doubtful. And yes, I’ve heard of the story of Julayb, but that doesn’t make me feel better either. He had the prophet on his side to vouch for him and change his life so he could marry the beautiful woman he did. Who do I have? No one. My plea is this Am I too far gone? If looking at people less fortunate than me and hearing the story of julayb not help me feel any better, should I just give up on believing in Islam, since I’m ungrateful for going through so much?

Sorry for the jumbled mess, my minds a mess and I just need to know if I should even bother calling myself a Muslim, since I’m always angry at Allah and nothing I try helps me Thank you for taking the time to read this and may Allah bless you all.

submitted by /u/LonelyGlaceon
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from Islam

In isha salah when i turn my head to the right to say tasleem i made a mistake and i rectified and after i turn my head fully to the left and i said tasleem.. and after i realised that i did something wrong and i dont know what to do now.

So is my salah valid or not?

Should i repeat salah?

submitted by /u/Used_Contribution_65
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from Islam
This world is temporary, pls don’t fall for it!

Having an Islamic lifestyle is soo soo peaceful. This western lifestyle, or idk modern lifestyle is ew. You never feel comfortable. Ask yourself, don’t comment it below it’s between you and ALLAH, would you be happy if ALLAH asked the angels to take your soul now? May Allah guide us all to the straight path and make us yearn for getting closer to him SWT.

وَسَارِعُوٓاْ إِلَىٰ مَغْفِرَةٍۢ مِّن رَّبِّكُمْ وَجَنَّةٍ عَرْضُهَا ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتُ وَٱلْأَرْضُ أُعِدَّتْ لِلْمُتَّقِينَ Translation: And hasten to the for-giveness of your Lord and to a Paradise as vast as the heavens and the earth, prepared for the God-fearing.

submitted by /u/rozaaxo
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from Islam

Since last year my life seems unbearable and pointless. Though I'm blessed in numerous ways. I have my parents, I have a good paying job, I have a roof over my head and I get to eat food everyday. Still I feel really empty inside.

I drifted away from Allah after my relationship ended because it was the best thing that ever happened in my life after a really long time. I am still not being able to let go of the fact that that person left me. I kept asking Allah why did he bring this person into my life if his ultimate intention was to take him away. I lost myself after that.

After the breakup I got a really high paying job and I accepted it. At that time I stopped believing overall so I accepted a job at a bank which I now know is haram. It's been having a toll on my mental health as well as the job pays almost three times a normal entry level job. I planned on leaving the job in September but I became an Assistant Manager for which I decided to stick around till December them quit for the experience as an Assistant Manager in my CV. This decision itself is making me suffer as well because I don't even want to stay here but this world that we live in doesn't allow us to do things because we felt like it. I have to make sure I'm keeping backup for next time I'm applying to jobs and the experience seems credible enough. So i decided to make myself suffer extra 4 months.

I have been praying to Allah everyday to help me but after my relationship ended and I entered the job, life seems quite meaningless. I have just been passing days with nothing forward to look to. I don't even feel like working anymore. I want to just stay at home and cry to myself because idek what I'm feeling and why I'm feeling this way.

submitted by /u/whatshesaidyo
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from Islam

Sorry my english is not perfect.

Last year, I paid my zakat on February 2023. I haven't paid my zakat yet this year.

So here my question:

Do I have to base on the total amount I had on February 2024 or my current total amount (May 2024) to calculate my zakat for this year ?


submitted by /u/Cream-lce
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from Islam

Salam everyone, i feel bad for making this post but i need some reassurance. I’m a faithful practicing Muslim, I do my five daily prayers, fast when I need to and live by the laws of Allah as much as I can. However, due to several life challenges and months of making duas for things to get better with yet no results, I’m starting to doubt the legitimacy of Islam. I know this is wrong but I cant help it. Could anyone please give me tangible proof that Allah indeed exists? That islam is the truth and that the Quran wasn’t written by a human.

submitted by /u/ThrowRAcurtisti
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from Islam

Salam. I was thinking about writing an ebook about a topic in islam. I have the idea but the thing is i am not a writer nor passed through this experience before. Also don’t know the basics, so what do you recommend?

Note that i want to write it in English

submitted by /u/PoolEnvironmental898
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from Islam

I go to high school and my mother works there meaning she also has lessons with students my age/class. Someone told me that someone in their class(they informed me who it is) was making sexual comments when she went to pick something up. This really distresses me. Is it permissible to use violance against such people if there is evidence and could you quote Quran or hadiths in your answer

Jazakallah khairan

submitted by /u/Gloomy-Reindeer-2776
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from Islam
infinity war secret insult

I saw an Ali Dawah video talking about this secret insult in the infinity war movie, is this true, do the words correspond and is the translation correct?

submitted by /u/Icy_Entertainment173
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from Islam

Assalamu Aleykum

So I went to the mosque again yesterday after a long time and when I just said the Dua as I entered I got really dizzy and almost fainted Even during prayer I felt bad it's not the first time this has happened to me I haven't prayed that often lately, maybe that has something to do with it?

can any of you tell me what this is?

submitted by /u/National-Sir-7784
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from Islam

I read that our prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him never criticized food and from what I was told it was food that was usually given to him that we shouldn't complain about so my question is does that count for food that you buy as well like out of a restaurant ECT I get it if it's in like your mom or guest of some sort and you're getting the food for free but does that apply to if you buy food as well?

submitted by /u/Lucky_Candidate_4066
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from Islam

I reverted during the beginning of this year, after a year of research about Islam, and making the informed decision to revert- Alhumdulilah it’s been my best decision I’ve ever made.

However, I feel as if after learning about the religion, and reverting and all, the evil eye affects me greatly.

I’m rather young, but I have been blessed with a fortunate life- not too long ago I was leaving work with my fathers car, and couldn’t help but notice that a few of my coworkers had this look on their face of jealousy.

Later that day, I got into an accident- and I was led to suspicion this was the doing of the evil eye. This was not the first time this has happened- as the time before, I nearly got into an accident after many people seen the car I was driving and grabbing envious attention that I did not want.

Before researching about Islam, I would notice these things but it would have never affected me the way it has been as of late.

Alhumdulilah, I have left both incidents without a scratch, but it leaves me wondering why this is my reality now.

PS. I have spoken with my local Imam, and told me that I should recite Ayatul Kursi after Fajr, and Maghreb and read the last 3 chapters of the Qu’ran before I sleep for protection against the evils in this Dunya- I have since integrated that into my daily practice.

submitted by /u/ShootBurners
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from Islam

I’ve been learning bits of Arabic here and there to assist in communication with a teenager from Sudan, which is all well and good however I’m having a few issues helping him navigate his religion in these foreign lands.

Mushbooh food - can this be eaten??? Things like Mayonnaise seem to have no haram ingredients but food scanners come back with this “mushbooh” marker for a lot of things. Is this allowed or no?

Secondly, and I’ve noticed this with most of our asylum seeking kids, I’m a male so I don’t experience the issue personally but many of them are much more short, blunt and less likely to speak with women. Is this a cultural thing? I’m trying not to come across as ignorant here so perhaps it is a small sample size and I’m generalising.

And finally, other than finding local mosques and services they can access, we’ve bought them all new prayer robes and mats, support them in sport and supply them halal meat, is there anything else we can be doing as a team of staff to better meet the needs of these boys? One is Sudanese Arabic speaking and one is Afghani, Dari speaking.

submitted by /u/Most_Rooster3294
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from Islam
One of The Du'as You Can Add Into Your Daily Du'as. During Sajda, Before Salam, During Ruku', After Salah & Anytime You Can Find The Time To Be Intimate With Allah 'Azzawajalla

Du'a Seeking Refuge From The Declined of Favour From Allah SWT

The Messenger of Allah said:

“Whoever wishes that Allah would respond to him during hardship and grief, then let him supplicate plentifully when at ease.”
[Jami` at-Tirmidhi : 3382] (Hasan)

The Messenger of Allah also said:

“The supplication, is worship.”
[Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3372] (Sahih)

We are collecting goodness upon goodness when we make du'a during times of ease & especially hardship.

When we increase our du'a, we increase & improve our worship.
When our worship increases, we receive other blessings even before our du'a is answered.
For du'as that is not answered, we will receive much needed goodness from it during Akhirah.
Or Allah will protect us from an evil & we might not even realise it.
When we patiently wait for our du'a to be answered, Allah loves us for it (Ali 'Imran : 146).

May Allah SWT make us amongst the patient & the people that He loves.

submitted by /u/wsssixteen
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from Islam

I felt as though i am becoming more arrogant day by day

I just entered collage and allahuakbar Its tough

I have this module that mainly teaches us to program And yes, no one like programming except me So the boys in my class always ask me question Wallah, i love to help them, however, at some point i get frustrated Because, the things i taught them last week were forgotten It doesnt look like they put in effort too which adds into my stress But at the same time, Im thinking too

Am i becoming more and more arrogant because my friends see me as a role model? I love helping people...but this time, it feels like a chore At some point i forget that im a student too with the amount of questions i get

Is allah testing me? Am i really arrogant? If so, how do i decrease my ego.

submitted by /u/Ecstatic_Bread_842
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from Islam
Prophet Musa (PBUH) and Al-Khidr, (5:30) Important comment submitted by /u/Moksha994
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from Islam
Oldest Quran recitation from 1885 submitted by /u/Khorya
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from Islam

I have been sitting at home since January and haven't got a job. I have applied to almost 40 posts yet nothing so far and most of them being rejection. Rejections made me so depressed and anxious. It's so competitive (400 applicants for 1 job). I wasn't a good Muslim, I wasn't even a Muslim even though I was born a Muslim till when I saw my Palestinian brothers and sisters suffering so much yet still remembering Allah. (This was in December)I cried for them and made dua yet I still didn't offer namaz I was lazy but recently the anxiety was so much I told myself that I need to return to Allah so I am praying daily since 15days. I am trying to get up for tahajjud and Fajr (My mum gets up for tahajjud everyday so its easy but I am still struggling). I feel anxious but saying dua and remembering Allah is by my side helps. I just want some motivational words from my brothers and sisters here in this difficult time. I know it's impossible for me but nothing is impossible for Allah.

submitted by /u/DandyWalker101
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from Islam

Salaam brothers and sisters. A while ago I did a prayer towards whatever God there was to guide me towards the truth because I have been going through a horrible time. I now have been feeling closer to Allah and would like to get closer to Him. Does anyone have any advice on how to start? ❤️

submitted by /u/Secure-Technology516
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from Islam

salam everyone , i've been struggling with being consistent with prayer especially after life got tough & i ended up being mentally diagnosed , so m just wondering how one would manage by still performing the 5 duties even when we re low and lacking on energy and willpower , cause any act of forcing oneself potentially contributes in worsening one's case

submitted by /u/Beryllium_Phosphorus
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from Islam

Assalamwalekum. I have been liste to assim al hakeem's opinion about parental abuse and he says to just bear it. But I ask, Is there a limit to this abuse or a son/daughter just have to bear it whether it affects their mental health and physical health and may also cause them severe waswas about islam?

submitted by /u/Acer91
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from Islam

Salam everyone,

I was playing with my tasbih beads and it made me think about the number of times we say a particular dikhr.

Like 33 times, 100 times, salawat etc

Is there a specific reason why these numbers where mentioned? Is there any significance or meaning behind it?


submitted by /u/Good-Difference-486
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from Islam

Salam Im half slavic and half arabic so I have always struggled with finding whats my path. Its a long journey and a long story. For instance, my slavic family encouraged me to be christian catholic - which I once was but it didnt really resonate with me. Then I struggled with atheism and was SO lost, my soul literally cried for help but didnt know where to find peace.

I always felt like my arabic background is much stronger, my family from Egypt is much more supportive and loving, caring, they really are Allah servants in every way. I always admired this about them.

I know some arabic basics, can do the accent well (I love it haha, the most beautiful language to ever exist in my opinion).

Recently I started learning how to pray properly and I know it will take me some time(I only know Surah Al Fatiha).

I still dont know much about Islam but Im willing to learn more. I have issue with recognizing the meaning of some islamic words like Dua, Adhkar, and so on, I think you get what Im saying. My arabic father is kind of guiding me so Im not alone but I need some sort of wise community because my country is mostly atheist/catholic and I dont really meet muslims here.

There is one thing Im really confused about - sins are punished, yeah right. So Im going through a really hard time (final exams, people leaving me, feeling like Im doing too little progress in Islam)

I try to listen ONLY to Quran lately and somewhere between my islamic content I watch on instagram there was this girl that popped up. She made a song, with a really strong demonic energy sang with beautiful deceiving voice. I started listening to it on loop and Im afraid of whats happened. Something whispered to me to keep listening to it. Now I have like red eyes, dilated pupils, I feel anger and disgust, rage. It feels like I’ve received something bad from this music. The thing is, I did this consciously but I feel like addicted to this one song. I really dont want to use Islam as an excuse to commit such sins, what to pray in order to strengthen the bond with Allah? I need to get out of this state. I still know very little about how it all works and mostly rely on what I feel in my heart. Thanks for any kind of responses.

submitted by /u/sleepherbsrgood
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from Islam

During Ramadan I’ve prayed made duas etc. after Ramadan my faith is getting weak and I need help regaining it back. Why does it happen? How can I make my faith stronger again. I feel like something bad might happen to me soon how can I ask Allah to forgive me and guide me back to him

submitted by /u/Mysterious_Slip_4694
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from Islam

I'm having this problem for a quite while now. Especially since when puberty started and facial and body hairs started to grow on my body. I really feel uncomfortable the way I look and whenever I see girls I feel like I wish I were more like them. I can't even look myself on the mirror or take any pictures because of the fear of getting triggered . I'm feeling pretty lost because of it. I sometimes have the urge to start hrt or get bottom surgery but I don't wanna cause it's haram.

submitted by /u/DearPromotion4486
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from Islam
37—’Aṣ-Ṣāffāt/Those Who Rank Themselves in Order: 1-5 submitted by /u/mylordtakemeaway
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from Islamṣṣāffātthose_who_rank_themselves_in_order_15/

Can someone explain this hadith please?

There was revealed: 'Not equal are those believers who sit (at home) and those who strive and fight in the Cause of Allah.' (4.95) The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "Call Zaid for me and let him bring the board, the inkpot and the scapula bone (or the scapula bone and the ink pot)."' Then he said, "Write: 'Not equal are those Believers who sit..", and at that time `Amr bin Um Maktum, the blind man was sitting behind the Prophet (ﷺ) . He said, "O Allah's Apostle! What is your order For me (as regards the above Verse) as I am a blind man?" So, instead of the above Verse, the following Verse was revealed: 'Not equal are those believers who sit (at home) except those who are disabled (by injury or are blind or lame etc.) and those who strive and fight in the cause of Allah.' (4.95)

Why didn't Allah just reveal the verse first instead of changing it?

submitted by /u/SnooPaintings6709
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from Islam

I sometimes find old questions among from previous Muslims that turned exmuslims and this has been a reccuring pattern here to be honest, and most of the general conscious here is that exmuslims became such from either bad parenting or negative Islamic influences but from what I see, it's also question alot of the Islamic ruling and such. I have doubts as well but like it's not that serious to the point of leaving religion completely but what do people think about this and how do you counter act this(because I don't really see reason you can, you either believe and continue to find reasoning for that or want to disbelieve and continue to disagree with that.)

submitted by /u/NoActivity3231
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from Islam

asalm alykum everyone so i really need some answers to this issue that i have so this morning i was sleeping then i woke up midway (i wasn't 100% concious) and felt something wet in my pants while half asleep thinking it was semen i continued sleeping and thought abt taking a shower when i wake up the issue is when i woke up i found that there was nothing and there were no traces +the fact that i didn't have a wet dream should i perform ghusl or not for the possibility that maybe it dried off ? even tho there was no traces no nothing ?

submitted by /u/yassir-larri
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from Islam

Assalamualaikum Am from India have completed my Engineering and am a working professional.I have been looking for online Courses/Degrees to learn the Quran Language for many years and even know Iou for longer period but I take a step back to Enroll always Now have finally decided to enroll this year but I need Guidance doing this course in IOU or any other better options available.Any alumni From IOU would be great help for how’s the course will it benefit me for understanding Arabic and know Quran better and everything about the course would help me In Sha Allah

submitted by /u/Individual-Monk2656
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from Islam

Bismillah ir Rehmanir raheem, La Illaha il Allah Muhammadur Rasoolallah sallallahu alaihi wasallam.

Assalamualaikum, I heard opinion of the scholars, they say it is impermissible to pray inside a masjid with grave within it's walls. I agree with that. but I dont know if it's in the backyard of the masjid. In North India it's very prevalent and I've seen a lot of these. I've been praying Jummah in this masjid from quite of some time, the Imam sahab seems nice person and he is not into grave worshipping as of my knowledge, it is our city's one of biggest jummah mosque, It has a grave in the direction of Qibla in the backyard of mosque, I don't know if it's permissible, makrooh or haram to pray there. Jazakallah

submitted by /u/SahajYd
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from Islam

I've seen countless posts here by people interested in Islam or new reverts asking the same information about basics of prayer in Islam or online channels to learn more about Islam etc. Sadly some of those posts also get ignored. Could it be that with the help of the mods a post is made and pinned up just for reverts or people interested in Islam which answers all their basic questions? Inshallah it'll be a huge help to a large number of people.

submitted by /u/w13rd_u53r
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from Islam