I have been sitting at home since January and haven't got a job. I have applied to almost 40 posts yet nothing so far and most of them being rejection. Rejections made me so depressed and anxious. It's so competitive (400 applicants for 1 job). I wasn't a good Muslim, I wasn't even a Muslim even though I was born a Muslim till when I saw my Palestinian brothers and sisters suffering so much yet still remembering Allah. (This was in December)I cried for them and made dua yet I still didn't offer namaz I was lazy but recently the anxiety was so much I told myself that I need to return to Allah so I am praying daily since 15days. I am trying to get up for tahajjud and Fajr (My mum gets up for tahajjud everyday so its easy but I am still struggling). I feel anxious but saying dua and remembering Allah is by my side helps. I just want some motivational words from my brothers and sisters here in this difficult time. I know it's impossible for me but nothing is impossible for Allah.

submitted by /u/DandyWalker101
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