One of The Du'as You Can Add Into Your Daily Du'as. During Sajda, Before Salam, During Ruku', After Salah & Anytime You Can Find The Time To Be Intimate With Allah 'Azzawajalla

Du'a Seeking Refuge From The Declined of Favour From Allah SWT

The Messenger of Allah said:

“Whoever wishes that Allah would respond to him during hardship and grief, then let him supplicate plentifully when at ease.”
[Jami` at-Tirmidhi : 3382] (Hasan)

The Messenger of Allah also said:

“The supplication, is worship.”
[Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3372] (Sahih)

We are collecting goodness upon goodness when we make du'a during times of ease & especially hardship.

When we increase our du'a, we increase & improve our worship.
When our worship increases, we receive other blessings even before our du'a is answered.
For du'as that is not answered, we will receive much needed goodness from it during Akhirah.
Or Allah will protect us from an evil & we might not even realise it.
When we patiently wait for our du'a to be answered, Allah loves us for it (Ali 'Imran : 146).

May Allah SWT make us amongst the patient & the people that He loves.

submitted by /u/wsssixteen
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