I’ve been learning bits of Arabic here and there to assist in communication with a teenager from Sudan, which is all well and good however I’m having a few issues helping him navigate his religion in these foreign lands.

Mushbooh food - can this be eaten??? Things like Mayonnaise seem to have no haram ingredients but food scanners come back with this “mushbooh” marker for a lot of things. Is this allowed or no?

Secondly, and I’ve noticed this with most of our asylum seeking kids, I’m a male so I don’t experience the issue personally but many of them are much more short, blunt and less likely to speak with women. Is this a cultural thing? I’m trying not to come across as ignorant here so perhaps it is a small sample size and I’m generalising.

And finally, other than finding local mosques and services they can access, we’ve bought them all new prayer robes and mats, support them in sport and supply them halal meat, is there anything else we can be doing as a team of staff to better meet the needs of these boys? One is Sudanese Arabic speaking and one is Afghani, Dari speaking.

submitted by /u/Most_Rooster3294
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