Bismillah ir Rehmanir raheem, La Illaha il Allah Muhammadur Rasoolallah sallallahu alaihi wasallam.

Assalamualaikum, I heard opinion of the scholars, they say it is impermissible to pray inside a masjid with grave within it's walls. I agree with that. but I dont know if it's in the backyard of the masjid. In North India it's very prevalent and I've seen a lot of these. I've been praying Jummah in this masjid from quite of some time, the Imam sahab seems nice person and he is not into grave worshipping as of my knowledge, it is our city's one of biggest jummah mosque, It has a grave in the direction of Qibla in the backyard of mosque, I don't know if it's permissible, makrooh or haram to pray there. Jazakallah

submitted by /u/SahajYd
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