July 2024

Hi all,

I have a Muslim partner but I myself am a Christian woman. I know ultimately, we should not be together but we are in love.

However, there is one big thing that keeps us arguing and that is speaking to men: My partner is not fond of me speaking to men which I have agreed to - there is no point in making small talk with men. However, in the workplace it has come to the point if I tell my partner I have said hi to a man and he has said hi back we have an argument about how I do not respect him. Contextually, some of these men have been attracted to me in the past, but in order to keep it civil if they say hi to me I will say hi back. But other than that I ignore all men and don’t even look at them to ensure that they know I’m not interested in speaking to them. This has gotten to the point that if we’re in a shop and a male shopkeeper says hi and I say hi back, he will start an argument with me.

He says as I am not seeking advice from Muslims, all the advice I receive about this is inadequate as they don’t know the context nor religion - so do you think I am wrong in my actions?

Before I was with my partner I did not engage with free mixing nor had male friends anyway, but I think speaking to men in work purely professionally or saying good morning is not a big issue - or is it? Admittedly before I did used to be friendly in terms of making small talk and asking them how their day was but I wasn’t outwardly flirtatious, more so polite.

In terms of everything else we do agree on our future; that we’ll raise our kids Muslim, I will make the journey to revert to Islam and we get along on a more personal level.

This part is affecting our relationship so much that I dread going to work everyday - what is your advice for this?

submitted by /u/bunnybells125
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from Islam https://ift.tt/VuN8GEy

a highschool friend committed suicide last night. he was a hafiz as well. i don’t know if he was struggling with severe mental illness where he would be excused as i know suicide is unforgivable. many different things i’ve read about the ruling of suicide and being forgiven. i’ve been praying and crying non stop still in disbelief.

submitted by /u/sc0rip0
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from Islam https://ift.tt/3FcliMO
In the blink of an eye, everything can change. submitted by /u/Good_Fee1679
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from Islam https://ift.tt/qTVIRUg

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

In these troubling times, especially with the ongoing conflict in Palestine and other parts of the world,we turn to the Quran for solace and guidance. Surat Al-Ma'arij (70:1-7) offers a powerful reminder about the certainty of justice and the inevitability of divine retribution.

70:1-2 "A challenger has demanded a punishment bound to come — for the disbelievers — to be averted by none —" Even in the face of arrogance and oppression, remember that the disbelievers who mock and challenge divine justice will not escape their fate. The punishment is certain and unstoppable.

70:3-4 "from Allah, Lord of pathways of heavenly ascent, through which the angels and the holy spirit will ascend to Him on a Day fifty thousand years in length." Allah is in control of all things, and the judgment day will come. This day, although seen as distant by some, is near and inevitable from Allah’s perspective. The suffering and struggles we face now are part of a larger divine plan.

70:5 "So endure this denial, O Prophet, with beautiful patience." Patience is essential. Despite the hardships, remain steadfast and patient in your faith. Trust in Allah's wisdom and timing. Beautiful patience means keeping hope and faith even when the situation seems dire.

70:6-7 "They truly see this Day as impossible, but We see it as inevitable." Many may dismiss the day of judgment as a myth or far-off event, but Allah assures us that it is certain. The mockery and denial of the arrogant do not alter the truth. Allah’s justice is coming, and it is closer than many think.

These verses emphasize something powerful, when you see the kuffar doing what they are doing today you might wonder why they are allowed to do something so evil. Allah tells us that judgement day feels so far for them so they are lost in their treachery and deceit thinking their invincible while Allah is outside of time as it is just his creation, he knows how truely close and inevitable the day of reckoning is. Remind yourselves of Allahs promise and stay Busy In Sha Allah.

For those troubled by the injustices in Palestine and other conflicts around the world, take comfort in these verses. While the oppressors may appear to triumph, their time is limited. Allah sees all and will bring justice. Until then, we must remain patient, steadfast, and trust in His divine promise. Remember, our struggles are seen by Allah, and He promises a day of justice and retribution for the wrongdoers. Have faith in His plan and continue to support and raise awareness for the oppressed. Stay strong and keep your faith firm. Allah’s justice is near.

May Allah guide us all and help our brothers and sisters in need around the world.

submitted by /u/would_ratherfortnite
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from Islam https://ift.tt/048KmWn

Hello Everyone,

Im looking for a comprehensive Arabic program that is preferably online and will allow me to gain fluency in Arabic as well as being able to understand texts like ahadeeth, Quran, etc.

I saw Badr Academy online and really liked the way they broke down their entire curriculum however there aren’t any online options and their located in the UK while in located in the US

Any recommendation is appreciated and thanks in advance,

submitted by /u/Remarkable-Treat-384
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from Islam https://ift.tt/aL3JjuX

Salam brothers and sisters,

I was forced by someone I thought was a friend to revert to Islam in March 2019 I am very aware this is not allowed in Islam but he terrified me, my family who are very Islamophobic sadly wouldn't ever accept me being Muslim so they don't know and I have a lot of very complex medical problems so going to the masjid is not possible for me sadly. I learnt everything myself, I used Youtube to learn to pray, I used to pray 5 times a day, read Quran (English), listened to Quran every night and was so happy but I found studying and learning about Islam very hard and I stopped praying as I kept getting so confused with learning, I had no idea what to learn next and got very overwhelmed but this was in 2021 and I don't pray 5 times a day anymore but of course dressing modestly is also extremely hard due to my family. Islam keeps pulling me back when I least expect it but I get into a cycle of being utterly confused in terms of learning, I found revert groups to be quite judgemental/rude and despite I haven't prayed since 2021 I have memorised it all and still remember how to pray (of course in Arabic).

Can anyone give me any advice please, any good books on Kindle to learn more about Islam as I want to start praying 5 times a day again, I want to be a good Muslim and when I am sad, anxious or have a lot going on Quran is the only thing that calms me which is the true power of the Quran.

Thank you may Allah bless you all

submitted by /u/shortlady204829
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from Islam https://ift.tt/C4lTYrv

Little bit of backstory, i am 15 years old now. When i was around 7 years old i had trouble sleeping, nightmares etcetera. And my grandma and my mother took me to some woman, apparently a witch to treat me for it. I was laid down on something and they put a piece of hot iron behind my head and covered my head with an red cloth. And they poured some water on the iron, and basically. The iron went from an “cube” to an “shard, sharp like a blade” And they said if it turned sharp looking, it means you have fears inside of you or something. And they did this multiple times to me as i was a kid. And they wrapped the piece of iron in a cloth and put it under my pillow. Please help me akhis and ukhtis i swear by Allah i am not making this up.

submitted by /u/Sad-Possible-9989
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from Islam https://ift.tt/0m8IJE9

Hey everyone! Yesterday while it was raining before fajar I was the only one awake in my house and I felt so lonely,miserable and scared. Every time i see thunderstorm/lightening it instantly reminds me of the day of judgement I don't know why, what's the connection but it does. So at that vulnerable moment of being scared I promised myself of starting praying (namaz) again. I immediately got up made a one week chart of all the five prayers and sticked it on my kitchen's wall to remind myself to pray each time I go to my kitchen. So, today was the first day and I felt so good while ticking all the 5 boxes of prayers. I just hope I'll be able to achieve my goal of praying all the 5 prayers this week. If anyone of you wants to join me in this one week challenge (setting small goals) it would be a great support or else just keep me in your prayers.

submitted by /u/Independent_Paint_55
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from Islam https://ift.tt/NVu8CsA

For context I’m big on boxing n I like to shadow box with my dad. Sometimes he plays back but most of the time he doesn’t take me serious and continues to be on his phone. Anyways I guess this day I didn’t calculate my punch and accidentally jabbed him in the face it was light.

Of course I was begging for his forgiveness n even took him out for lunch and we are good now but how can I ask allah for forgiveness because I know any type of disrespect to your parents is a major sin and I feel shameful.

submitted by /u/shynewrld
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from Islam https://ift.tt/uBrjx8s

Abu Dharr narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said, “You putting some of the water from your bucket in your brother’s bucket is sadaqah. You removing stones, thorns and bones from people’s path is sadaqah. You guiding a man in a place where there are no guides is sadaqah.” [Al-Adab Al-Mufrad]

submitted by /u/VastOtherwise6534
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from Islam https://ift.tt/TyumBk3

Assalamu alaikum,I really want to do martial arts, I have narrowed down the choices to mma and wrestling, I'm considering wrestling because it's a sport that I can actually perform and train with people in tournaments + the prophet and his companions wrestled, yet a major drawback being my (relatively) old age as it will be extremely hard for me to actually play in the highest level.

When it comes to mma, I can be a better all around fighter and at my age I have a very big chance of being great at the sport, with one major downside being that I can only spar with protection and cannot in any way shape or form do actual fights as it is haram.

submitted by /u/A-long-banana
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from Islam https://ift.tt/i0K7rcl
What is the ruling on this? submitted by /u/Ok-Tangerine-7557
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from Islam https://ift.tt/t1GQ9DA

So the legal minimum wage in where I live (Massachusetts) is 15 dollars and hour, however my boss is only paying me 13, is it haram if I even it out and take what is legally owed? (it doesn't make much of a difference for him since it only adds 9 dollars to my pay). I would also like to mention my boss is a Christian mechanic (I work in a gas station/convenience store/ mechanics) who regularly overcharges people.

submitted by /u/Minimum-Yogurt8053
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from Islam https://ift.tt/SpjlUnv

If you know who I am you can find out I live an incredibly awkward religious lifestyle almost to say I’d become a profit at some time. However I plan to live my life in also a more material way. Maybe that guy before me is dead.

I’m a half African from the USA. Need a clean slate, a new identity.

submitted by /u/JoshDrives
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from Islam https://ift.tt/SnQPaoG

salam everyone!! i was hoping someone might give advice on how to hold onto faith/iman when you are surrounded by people and shaytan constantly whispering that your faith is wrong. i believe and i just want to foster and strengthen and grow my belief in Allah SWT, His Book and His Messengers but im struggling when all i hear are the whispers of man and jinn. it's, like, i still believe but there will be moments where i feel overwhelmed and blinded and i can't stop thinking. so how do i not be affected but instead thrive in these environments. jazak Allah khairan

submitted by /u/imnottammi
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from Islam https://ift.tt/nhYHCKR

Salam all. I am in a bit of a dua rut. So, recently a specific desire has been put into me and I find myself making dua based on it. I word it like this because the desire is near to impossible so my logical brain would never, EVER desire this thing. I mean it's SO far fetched I feel silly when I make dua for it, I don't even know why I'm making dua for it. I'm not even sure I truly, truly want it. Like there are SO many obstacles that need to be overcome if it were to materialise. But now I just find myself continuously thinking and making dua for this specific thing. And I'm feeling like a crazy person because I STILL DONT KNOW WHY I KEEP MAKING DUA FOR IT. Has anyone ever found themselves in a similar position? Could this be something Allah swt wants for me and so he has put it in my heart to make dua for it? And due to it being so nearly impossible, Allah swt is testing my faith in his abilities as well as sabr? Also, because it is so silly and far fetched, I cannot really discuss this with friends like I normally do, so is Allah swt trying to make me rely on solely him for once? I'm so confused I've never felt this before. Whenever I made dua for something I was positive that I wanted this thing to happen, you know, like any normal person. But this is really different, the feeling attached to it feels right though, I will say that. That's the thing that makes me mention it in my duas. If anyone could give me any pieces of advice to make me feel less crazy would be wonderful 😭. Do I continue making this dua? I'm just very confused and feel like I'm going crazy

submitted by /u/Illustrious_Can_8115
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from Islam https://ift.tt/Jw6cLZF

I met this girl and I would like to keep it halal. The problem is that she comes from a non-religious muslim family however she is agnostic (which means a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God). At first I told her that it was a deal breaker but she told me she just does not have enough knowledge about religion and promised to learn because of me. After she did she decided that she does believe in “God” however she is not sure if she will ever fully commit and practice islam (through praying 5 times a day and stopping drinking alcohol…) and I know this is complicated as we are only allowed to marry people of the book. But is it allowed in this case because she does technically believe in God but just does not practice and maybe time can change that Allahu A’alam. Please give me advice.

submitted by /u/Mashhh01
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from Islam https://ift.tt/ASqk7wH

From the surah Adh-Dhariyat, in the 47th Verse, this is what is said:

We built the universe with ˹great˺ might, and We are certainly expanding ˹it˺.

Now, this verse quite clearly says that the universe is being expanded. The farthest back I could find any reference of a universe that is forever expanding is from 1922. According to Wikipedia, this was when "Alexander Friedmann used the Einstein field equations to provide theoretical evidence that the universe is expanding".

Logically, I cannot think of any scenario where with the existence of the Quran and more specifically this verse, Islam is false.

The only 2 ways I can see this verse as being possible to have been written are:

1- It was a total guess and a fluke, a stroke of luck.

2- The translation is a misinterpretation and the verse is talking about something else that could've been known by humans when the Quran was sent down.

Number 1 is honestly kind of laughable, I don't think I need to disprove it.

As for Number 2, Let's look at the verse itself, this time in Arabic.

"وَالسَّمَاءَ بَنَيْنَاهَا بِأَيْدٍ وَإِنَّا لَمُوسِعُونَ"

The last word, لَمُوسِعُونَ, Comes from the root word, وسع, which means expand or extend, and I say this as a native Arabic speaker.

Literally speaking, this sentence is 'We are broadening the sky.’ I would like to post a relevant part of tafsir from Tazkirul Quran, which talks about verse 51:47:

Literally ‘We are broadening the sky.’ This statement refers perhaps to that characteristic of the universe which has been only recently discovered, i.e. continuous expansion of the universe on all sides after the Big Bang.

I do not see any scenario where 'We are broadening the sky' can be interpreted differently. I would like to hear some counter-arguments because I really can't think of any way where 51:47 does not single-handedly prove Islam to be true.

submitted by /u/The_Best_Gamer64
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from Islam https://ift.tt/AjbTkSE

Hello! I am working on a uni project related to community relations between religious groups and public and private services like community events and workplace gatherings. Coming from a Christian background and living in the US, I've been trying to grasp the intricacies of Islam and several other local religious communities in my area but I've been struggling to understand the can and cannots. I've reached out to a local Mosque and have received limited correspondence but in the interim I've been researching to limited success. It seems like alcohol and pork are forbidden but it's unclear to me if that means anything that was made with those, for example. Does medicine count? Would a public vaccination campaign need to disclose alcohol in a solution or use an alternative disinfectant?
I understand that prayers occur multiple times a day but some sources say 5, some say 3, and some list more than that. Are these all required? If an event happened and one of these prayers came up, would it be delayed or skipped?
I have been trying to read the Quran for guidance on some of these but I have not made it very far through the text. Is there specific chapters (Surahs?) that detail these elements?
What are Hadith? I tried to reference these but some seem contradictory and I don't understand how to fit into the larger picture. Are these like sermons and sort of advice or are they binding?

I apologize if any of my language is offensive or inaccurate. Any insight would be appreciated!

submitted by /u/anl000
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from Islam https://ift.tt/zbLVfjc
do any dutch speakers know if these are halal? i know it's vegan i just wanna make sure
submitted by /u/noisyworldxzxz
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from Islam https://ift.tt/ErC3TVB

so ive always believed and will always believe in islam but sometimes I wonder what if Christianity or some random tribe is the way to go? I still believe and worship Allah swt when in desperate times but it's just a weird thoughts that comes up. I'm not thinking about switching religions at all just a thought

submitted by /u/2foq2
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from Islam https://ift.tt/5eYr2lC

I prayed asr and when reciting the Fatiha I felt like I omitted a letter

I wasn’t sure whether to keep going or go back to that part since I wasn’t so sure

At the time I wasn’t thinking about the fact that mere doubt doesn’t overcome certainty and had a bit of a pause and knew I wouldn’t be able to finish it on time

I slowly kept going due to lots of doubt and knew I was gonna be too late to finish the Fatiha anyways and I felt like I waited deliberately and now im unsure if my salah valid

submitted by /u/R1_2ruthless
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from Islam https://ift.tt/jq0YA7H

I wake up earlier than my parents for fajr so I’m like the alarm for them. Is it islamically permissible to do that because one of my friends told me I shouldn’t enter their bedroom while they are asleep? If this is true, can you please explain why? I mean I understand why it could be not okay but they are really old yk. 😭

submitted by /u/queenelizabethshorse
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from Islam https://ift.tt/5AWRuep

Salam. Dear all, I am from the art and design field and I am currently struggling to find a job. I used to teach, but I had to quit in September 2023 due to some office politics. Since then, I have been unable to secure a respectable job. Is there anything I can do Islamically to improve my situation, like enhancing my prayers? I am actively applying for jobs but have not received any responses. I am from Pakistan, so my options are limited. I also used to do a lot of freelancing, which was my primary source of income for the past seven years, with teaching as a side activity for fun. However, this year, freelancing opportunities have significantly declined, and I can now only survive on my savings until the end of this year. Did I do something wrong? Does Allah want me to rest? I am unsure, but any guidance would be appreciated.

"Tie your camel first, then put your trust in Allah."

I am fully aware of this and want to assure you all that I am praying six times a day and applying for jobs every day. I am not hopeless but would still like to know if I can do more to make things easier for me. Thanks in advance. May Allah bless us all and keep us steadfast in our faith.

submitted by /u/One-Prior-4377
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from Islam https://ift.tt/iStBvE3


I am currently fighting various major sin habits and I am struggling so much because I fall for my desires every single time and now I’m living through life with sm anxiety it’s driving me insane. I’m so frustrated with myself that I want to rip my insides out because of how much self hatred I feel. I don’t feel anything when I seek forgiveness. I know Allah is merciful but what about his wrath? I don’t feel like I’m being genuine because I know I’ll do the sins again. I have so many things I want to achieve in this dunya and I’m stressed about everything because apparently sins especially major ones can block duas so what’s the point I feel dead inside. Whenever I try to be good the words I utter feels so empty. Am I a lost cause?

submitted by /u/PositiveGreat4146
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from Islam https://ift.tt/G9y7Y4r

Hello, people. Recently, I have noticed that I am beginning to doubt my religion more often. I began to often ask questions like: “Why did Allah create us?”, “Why did Allah create this world?” ; “If Allah created us for worship, then why did He create at the same time many things that hinder prayer?” etc. I started to be more interested in other religions like christianity or judaism. How can I regain my faith and start praying?

submitted by /u/HONORAND
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from Islam https://ift.tt/4ICwQND

or only when you reverted, did shirk, did revert

if for example someone who is christian and did shirk with jesus etc and that tomorrow accepts islam
does he or she has to repent from shirk? because are all sins forgiven than or only the small sins?

submitted by /u/Plastic-Engineer9717
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from Islam https://ift.tt/PKOZsoI

I did ghusl and I’m not sure if I did it right 1) I made the intention 2) I washed my hands 3 times 3) I washed my private part 4) I did wudu or ablution 5) I washed my body 3 times my hair 6) I rinsed my nose and mouth with water and had the intention for ghusl 6) I used shampoo and soap to wash my whole body 2 more times

submitted by /u/TopInvestigator7822
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from Islam https://ift.tt/pqnr8Ob

Note: Ik this has very little to do with Islam(in terms of Aqida and Sharia) tho its one I'm interested to see answered to see if this is the true,bright side of Islam.

A common statment I've seen espoused by people who would discredit our religion is the fact that most of our scientific discoveries where just repackaging previous knowledge from other cultures and making it seem like we created it. Another version of the statement is that even without Islam, said discoveries would have happened, so How true are these statements?

submitted by /u/EggplantDesperate638
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from Islam https://ift.tt/z9y4RQ3

Salam alaikum. I recently reverted to Islam and I’ve been struggle with ocd and waswas. Before I reverted we’ve had dogs in the family in which I have no authority on telling my mom to get rid of firstly because she doesn’t know I’m Muslim and secondly because she will most likely ignore it and think I’m crazy and this makes me afraid because I know it is not permissible but it is completely out of my control and all of these situations are making me so anxious.

Secondly, I am sure that if they touch the dog they wash their hands but idk at what times they do that so must I wash the sink every single time I go to the bathroom this is causing me so much stress

submitted by /u/Fun-Barber5577
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from Islam https://ift.tt/3IRhQaw