السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

In these troubling times, especially with the ongoing conflict in Palestine and other parts of the world,we turn to the Quran for solace and guidance. Surat Al-Ma'arij (70:1-7) offers a powerful reminder about the certainty of justice and the inevitability of divine retribution.

70:1-2 "A challenger has demanded a punishment bound to come — for the disbelievers — to be averted by none —" Even in the face of arrogance and oppression, remember that the disbelievers who mock and challenge divine justice will not escape their fate. The punishment is certain and unstoppable.

70:3-4 "from Allah, Lord of pathways of heavenly ascent, through which the angels and the holy spirit will ascend to Him on a Day fifty thousand years in length." Allah is in control of all things, and the judgment day will come. This day, although seen as distant by some, is near and inevitable from Allah’s perspective. The suffering and struggles we face now are part of a larger divine plan.

70:5 "So endure this denial, O Prophet, with beautiful patience." Patience is essential. Despite the hardships, remain steadfast and patient in your faith. Trust in Allah's wisdom and timing. Beautiful patience means keeping hope and faith even when the situation seems dire.

70:6-7 "They truly see this Day as impossible, but We see it as inevitable." Many may dismiss the day of judgment as a myth or far-off event, but Allah assures us that it is certain. The mockery and denial of the arrogant do not alter the truth. Allah’s justice is coming, and it is closer than many think.

These verses emphasize something powerful, when you see the kuffar doing what they are doing today you might wonder why they are allowed to do something so evil. Allah tells us that judgement day feels so far for them so they are lost in their treachery and deceit thinking their invincible while Allah is outside of time as it is just his creation, he knows how truely close and inevitable the day of reckoning is. Remind yourselves of Allahs promise and stay Busy In Sha Allah.

For those troubled by the injustices in Palestine and other conflicts around the world, take comfort in these verses. While the oppressors may appear to triumph, their time is limited. Allah sees all and will bring justice. Until then, we must remain patient, steadfast, and trust in His divine promise. Remember, our struggles are seen by Allah, and He promises a day of justice and retribution for the wrongdoers. Have faith in His plan and continue to support and raise awareness for the oppressed. Stay strong and keep your faith firm. Allah’s justice is near.

May Allah guide us all and help our brothers and sisters in need around the world.

submitted by /u/would_ratherfortnite
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