December 2019

The Holy Qur'an; Al-Baqarah (The Cow) 2:113

وَقَالَتِ ٱلۡيَهُودُ لَيۡسَتِ ٱلنَّصَٰرَىٰ عَلَىٰ شَيۡءٖ وَقَالَتِ ٱلنَّصَٰرَىٰ لَيۡسَتِ ٱلۡيَهُودُ عَلَىٰ شَيۡءٖ وَهُمۡ يَتۡلُونَ ٱلۡكِتَٰبَۗ كَذَٰلِكَ قَالَ ٱلَّذِينَ لَا يَعۡلَمُونَ مِثۡلَ قَوۡلِهِمۡۚ فَٱللَّهُ يَحۡكُمُ بَيۡنَهُمۡ يَوۡمَ ٱلۡقِيَٰمَةِ فِيمَا كَانُواْ فِيهِ يَخۡتَلِفُونَ

The Jews say "The Christians have nothing [true] to stand on," and the Christians say, "The Jews have nothing to stand on," although they [both] recite the Scripture. Thus the polytheists speak the same as their words. But Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning that over which they used to differ.

submitted by /u/vinghtdix
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from Islam

Please join and contribute to the subreddit NorthAmericanMuslims. The purpose is for the community to self help to become strong and a consequential part of the main stream USA.

This was inspired by the Muslim Planet and Muslim Voice projects. You can read more at

submitted by /u/whisper2045
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from Islam

This had nothing to do with Islam by the way. This has more to do with Muslims.

This was actually bothering me in the morning and I had a whole essay that I wanted to write but I don’t have the energy to rant.

This year, I got myself involved in a lot of Islamic subreddits and pages - from discussions on religious forums to following religious pages. I don’t know how to say it but it’s just taken a big mental toll on me. Like, before this - I was just a normal dude who minded his own business and then I found start doing this and find out that everything I’m doing is wrong? Like what? I don’t know how to write this but ill just state it in bullet points.

  1. Don’t be friends with the kafir - I don’t know about y’all but I have a lot of non-Muslim friends. I was basically told that while I have to treat non-Muslims friendly - you shouldn’t be friends with them. For me, I have a lot of non-Muslim friends and in fact, I have more non-Muslim friends than I do Muslim (obviously, I live in the USA). The reasoning is that they want to lead you astray but I don’t think this is the 7th century where non-Muslims want to deceive you by acting like friends and then destroy your religion. If anything, my friends and I literally talk about random things like cars, basketball games, etc. Also, they helped be more firm in my religion since they respect my belief and in some cases support them (religious conversations with your non-Muslim friends >>>>) as opposed to Muslims who either are haram police or are the liberal police. It’s weird being friends with non-Muslims for all these years then told you are doing wrong.

  2. So many small things are makrooh or bad to do - For example, I was told that even using the urinals is bad. Now let’s be clear, using the urinals is NOT HARAM. However, it apparently is makrooh/dislike and that this is the part that really got me - it can be the cause of grave punishment in the grave. However, it is only a grave punishment if you are careless and splash everywhere and fail to clean yourself up. For me, I have contamination OCD and if anything - standing while using the restroom is actually the cleanest option (and I make sure to wipe my private parts with damp toilet paper after I am done). Now I know the Mufti was just advising - however it just didn’t rub on me the correct way. The way I was told made it seem as if it was haram, when it wasn’t. Back to the main idea, if something is haram - then alright. However for things that are makrooh, please advice us Muslims in a better way. I know that Islam is a way of life but there are times when you are just nitpicking things. If you want to give advice - instead of saying “you shouldn’t be doing ____ or _”, they should say “it is better to do _ and _” or “okay you can do _ - but make sure to also do ______”. But seriously, what’s next? You shouldn’t be driving cars for it is better to ride a camel because the Prophet Muhammad PBUH did so? Come on man.

  3. Apparently so many more things are haram. Like voting - a lot of people say it is shirk. This really hit me cause we had local elections in my city and I was full on in election mode trying to convince my friends and family to vote. Then you are just going to tell me that Democracy is haram and all that? Like bro, I don’t even care about federal politics, I’m talking about local elections. Local elections are very important because they directly affect you in life - from having the city fix the potholes to flood prevention to property taxes. If you want to abstain from voting for federal politics because you believe everything else is bad and Shura is the only proper way, then go for it - not my problem. Then I had people telling me that even taxes are haram, like what? How else are you going to pay city employers and how else are you going to build and maintain all these infrastructure. Now whether taxes is haram or not, I don’t know - and I refuse to speak about this anymore because I am not a qualified scholar Also, I don’t know if people realize but since when is being patriotic haram? I understand nationalism is haram because the idea of nationalism in of itself is already very, very bad - just look at Hitler Germany or today’s China or India. However, people try to take things a step up and say even patriotism is bad and the only thing good is a united Islamic caliph or whatever. Like huh? First of all, I look at the majority of the Islamic world today and I don’t even want to touch it with a 10 feet pole lol. Only a few Islamic countries are actually doing well.

  4. Why do Muslims glorify poverty? - I remember posting pictures of infrastructure and basically giving brief descriptions cause I was bored. You know, since so many Muslim countries are 3rd world places where people don’t even have a decent quality of life - maybe post something nice and show that there are nice things in the Islamic world? Then I got hit with a bunch of negative comments talking about how its a waste of money or showy off or whatever? Now I don’t necessarily have a problem with this - rather I have a problem with the glorification of poverty by Muslims. I remember seeing a post on Twitter showing a picture of a small mosque in Afghanistan without a roof and saying “simplicity at its best, a humble mosque in Afghanistan” and it was literally a concrete structure without a roof. Then someone called them out (first time I’ve seen this happen tbh) and they get hit by Muslim Twitter with the “its barakah” and all that to justify such poor conditions. Yes, those people have strong imaan and getting great rewards. Though I’m sure they didn’t ask for those conditions and if given the chance, will immediately switch situations with someone else to have a better quality of life. These people are literally living in poverty and there are people literally glorifying it? Fun fact, being humble doesn’t mean being poor. We should not be neglecting the dunya as we don’t neglect the afterlife. I hate when people say deen>dunya but fail to mention that we should not neglect the dunya. Another time, I saw this post about a mosque in the UK being completely rebuilt. You actually had people saying that the old building was better and that the new one is not good bla bla - like what?! If you didn’t know it was a mosque, you’d think it was an abandoned factory! This is such a regressive mentality held by many.

  5. Why can’t people just like others be? Like, I am Sunni myself and I have no problem with Shias. They don’t bother me and I don’t bother them. So why do people, on both sides like to attack each other? Not only a Sunni/Shia thing but also certain groups. In fact, I think 90% of the wars and violence in the Islamic world can be solved if people can just learn to leave each other alone. Now for the persecution of Muslims in India/ China/Myanmar and a few others .. I am not an expert so I can’t speak on that. However, I think it is better for leaders of the Islamic world to grow a spine against this obvious oppression.

I had more to say but I think that is enough. I don’t know why but I just cared to much, from now on I’ll refrain from caring. Y’all do whatever you want - I don’t care.

Shoutout to everyone that helped me be a better Muslim on here. I know one of them is /u/AbuAdderall and /u/Huz647 and more. There were tons of y’all but I’m sorry if I couldn’t mention you at the top of my mind.

2020 I’m just going to focus on myself - including actually praying fajr, re teaching myself the Quran with proper tajweed, memorizing more Surahs so that I don’t go back to the same 3 surahs for my prayers (lol), continue charity, abstain from sin, etc. I make dua that other Muslims who want to are able to strengthen their imaan.

I also hope all the non-Muslims I know will eventually know that Islam is the perfect religion and convert yea? 🤪

I’ll probably just browse /r/Izlam once in a while. Though in reality I just get off of Reddit for 2020 and focus on my studies.

Anyways, thanks again guys.

submitted by /u/SultanOilMoney
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from Islam

IMBB and Rati Beauty wishes all its readers and subscribers a very Happy and Prosperous New Year 2020! May all your wishes, dreams, and aspirations come true this year!

Happy New Year 2020

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More on this here:“i-don’t-know”-is-half-of-knowledge/

One of the most learned scholars in our entire religion was very hesitant to give definite answers on issues and took it very seriously. And yet we come online or in conversation giving very definitive answers, arguing back and forth, going on downvoting frenzies etc. I am often guilty and reading of the humbleness and cautiousness of our great scholars has been a somber reminder for me recently. Do we really want to stand in front of Allah and say we gave people fatwas without knowledge or argued harshly about something in the deen based on limited research?

submitted by /u/TooMuchPizza393
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from Islam

I know many countries in the Islamic world make homosexuality punishable by death, others with lesser punishments or social scrutiny.

The only thing I know about transgender issues and Islam is that Iran has one of the most progressive and at the same time bigoted statements on it. They essentially pay these people to transition properly if they refuse to "be straight" so that they don't have to deal with another minority group asking for rights,

submitted by /u/BillNyeTheCommieGoi
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from Islam

This list may surprise you.

  1. Watching tv

  2. Watching violent, negative or scary movies

  3. Avoiding time spent in nature, just spending time outdoors

  4. Avoiding strenuous physical exercise or exertion

  5. Being interested in what other people think about you or how they judge you. This is none of your business.

  6. Not practising some form of mental discipline and thought control so you are not the master of your mind and it runs all over the place

  7. Bad diet

  8. Being in the company of negative people

  9. Not doing the things you really long to do, whatever these may be, whether big or small.

  10. Pretending you are not creative and not engaging in any creative activities that you really enjoy

  11. Trying to please anyone else but yourself, as you will definitely fail.

  12. Avoiding dealing with the big issues in your life such as what you are scared or anxious about, or unfulfilled desires.

  13. Staying too long in a relationship that has become unhappy, where you have lost love and respect for each other.

  14. Indulging in drink, drugs or food as a way of self medicating or numbing emotional pain. Just deal with the pain instead.

  15. Too much or not enough routine and structure, depending on what works for you individually.

  16. Rejecting Allah’s existence.

submitted by /u/TheMercifulKnight
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from Islam

Although there is a difference of opinion on covering the face, there is a consensus on the fact that a woman must cover the hair when in public. It is a matter of consensus that the four madhabs and even the unorthodox madhabs all stated. No mujtahid ever disagreed on it. The one who does not believe it is mandatory is a kafir according to consensus, because believing a sin to not be a sin is kufr. And there is no difference of opinion on the subject to save one from that. If a woman doesn’t wear the hijab but still believes it to be mandatory, she is safe from kufr. Otherwise, she has gone against an agreed upon sin and is thus a kafir by consensus.

Imam Abu Hanifah, one of the great authorities of creed concerning the salaf, said: “We do not declare any Muslim a disbeliever because of a sin, however grave, 𝐮𝐧𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐦 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞." [Fiqh Al akbar]

The hadith above is only one of the evidences of how the salaf understood the ayat of the hijab. The ijma’ (consensus) on the subject, however, is sufficient. So the next time you come upon a person who doesn’t believe the hijab is mandatory, it is upon you to inform them of their disbelief in the Religion of Allah.

Yet some people have “realized” 1400 years later that it is actually not an obligation, that the mujtahids were wrong. So according to their logic, their 21st century innovated opinion is correct, while Imam Malik, who learned from 900 of the Medinan salaf, 300 of whom were tabi’een (students of the companions), was wrong. Similarly, Imam Abu Hanifah, who met sahaba and studied under the elder tabi’een of kufa and many of the descendants of the Prophet ﷺ, including his great grandsons Zaid Ibn Ali and Jafar Ibn Muhammad, was wrong.

As you can see, the claim is bogus. May Allah help us against these innovators who have plagued us.

submitted by /u/Yusman26
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from Islam

Quick question - I want to buy this wallet I've seen online but the interior design on the fabric has the Eye of Providence logo on it (Pyramid with an eye) I was just wondering if this is forbidden in Islam? Edit - If so can i use a permanent marker to cover it up?

submitted by /u/raywilliam639
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from Islam

In this post, I am sharing my views on Maybelline Superstay Ink Crayon 25 Stay Exceptional. Read on for more details on this lip crayon.

Maybelline Superstay Ink Crayon Stay Exceptional packagingMaybelline Superstay Ink Crayon Stay Exceptional Review appeared first on


Assalamu Alaikum. A bit background about myself, I was born in Europe to South Asian parents who are Sunni and practicing Muslims. I respect and love everyone regardless of their identity, religion or ethnicity and have no problem with whatever their personal beliefs are.

Today, I came across an unfortunate dilemma. Both of my best friends belong to Ahmadiya faith while I belong to Sunni as I said before. My father discovered it today and didn't find it amusing. There is a little unpleasant atmosphere now and I don't know how to proceed.

Both of my friends are good people and have pure hearts to say the least. I like to be around them and have rarely felt my faith to be in danger as we don't bring our differences up. Some people might argue that Ahmadis are not Muslims, etc. but what is your opinion about it considering they also follow Islamic teachings.

Looking forward to hear your views and your support.

submitted by /u/Zah1d1
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from Islam

Ok so after the let’s ignore the story of Adam and basically adopt evolution and “I don’t believe in Islam” but I’m Muslims thread.

I think we’re getting the point where this subreddit is going past the mainstream beliefs of Islam. Yes my own actions and posts on other subreddits are questionable, but this is at the end a Muslim subreddit. And I think threads past the consensus of scholars need to be taken more seriously.

When someone searches Islam and they find this subreddit. They’re going to judge it by the basis of the thread here.

And if someone rejects Islam on the basis of opinions that aren’t even mainstream? I think that will negate any good that’s come from this subreddit.

Point blank I’ve been a subscriber for multiple years. I’ve lost 2 iPhones and the Reddit accounts linked to them. But the more people added on the more it’s become “heres bad news of the day” (which let’s be fair after a certain point will be to much but we also can’t ignore the bad stuff in the world) and “here’s a fringe opinion 1 scholar has but no one else does”.

If it’s not part of the mainstream 4 madhabs or the equivalent there’s should be a sticked comment saying so. Otherwise it’s not a good reflection on the deen. And I’ll do more harm then good.

I could be wrong. What’s your opinions. This is a subreddit based on votes.

submitted by /u/readysetworldhit
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from Islam

Hello. My name is Sophia, i am a european atheist.

A lot of horrofic stories about the mistreatment of fellow humans by islamic believers circulate on the internet and in news (and probaly old books too). Throughout the past week i read up on Islam, the Qu'ran and the pre-islamic/pagan history of south-western asia/the near and middle east.

Now, this is just my opinion, i mean no harm by what i am about to say but...

I am of the opinion that the head chopping/domestic violence problem is *NOT* due to Islam but people. Us humans. And culture, too, i suppose.

Correct me if i am wrong but nowhere in the Qu'ran is it stated that a man must beat his wife or kill his daughter. And nowhere does it explicitly say that "The unbelievers must be decapitated and brutalized". In fact, i think the Qu'ran says something along the lines of "If your Christian and Jewish brothers and sisters are under attack you must come and help them"/"You must defend synagogues and churches".

I think that the problem is illiteracy (the inability to read) and a general lack of public education in the "rural" near and middle east. It's basically the Bible prior to public litirecay all over again - When the bible was painstackingly written down by monks, in latin of course, and no one but the clergly could read or understand latin. People can be told all sorts of things and they will believe it because they don't know better!

Respectfully, Sophia. Happy new years eve, my fellow humans :)

Before anyone says "Well, what do YOU have to fear?" I'm bi and i have a girlfriend, i'm pretty sure that the Saudis would stone me >->

submitted by /u/EQUES_LUNAE
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from Islam

Recent convert here, so there still many aspects of the faith that are unclear to me.

For instance. what exactly are the CONFIRMED methods of practising Jihad? I have heard muslims argue that everything from simply wearing a Hijab to more difficult things like spreading the message of islam (Dawah?) is Jihad, and so I am a bit unsure what is and is not counted as a form of Jihad. For example, I have been taking some time almost every day the last to weeks to practise Quran recitation. Is that counted as Jihad or not?

Long story short: I just want to get a CLEAR understanding, based on reliable Hadith and the Quran, of what is CONFIRMED by scholars to count as Jihad and what is not. I just don't trust my own judgment, and (I'll admit) not always the judgment of my fellow brothers and sisters. Unless it is based on clear evidence ofcourse.

(BTW, sorry if my username offends anybody. I made it many years ago, long before my conversion. I tried making a new account, but my question was not submitted for some reason, so I'll just do it from here.)

submitted by /u/happy_satan999
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from Islam

Salaam brothers and sisters. So recently, I have been facing some issues within Islam. I am a 13 year old girl looking to convert to Islam (inshaAllah). I have been learning about Islam for two years now. I think my mother knows I want to convert, even though I haven’t flat out told her. But I hint towards it, and everyone tells me “you’re too young to make those decisions.” Or “you don’t even know about Islam.” (Which I’d like to think I would after two years.)

Also recently, I have been hearing about some things Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did like wife beating, beheading people, etc. some of this may not be true, but regardless, it’s a very daunting concept to a 13 year old female that Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) had multiple wives and would beat them. If anyone has something to say about these claims please, reach out and let me know.

Also, the niqab has been popping up for me recently. Since I do live in America, you never see a woman in a niqab. I know that wearing one is not required but it is sunnah. Only grown women (usually) wear these but once again, it’s daunting for a 13 year old girl. I feel like it takes away anything the woman has looks-wise, and I feel like it is slightly over the top though I do understand it. I hope this doesn’t offend anyone, if it does I am very very sorry.

Any help would be Greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/OliviaOsborneMunoz
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from Islam

Salaam everyone. Firstly, this is coming from my own experience and my understanding communicated to me by a few people of knowledge. It's in no way scholarly so keep that in mind. For several months, I suffered from severe waswas that always had me feeling that my food and clothes were not pure and that I had committed kufr or shirk and left the fold of the religion. It was really taking over my life and leading me to suffer at work, school, and in my personal life, but more importantly having devastating impacts on my deen. Here is what helped me in getting out of this horrible situation:

  1. Stay away from sin as much as possible. This was really the most helpful of all things by Allah's grace. The more we commit sin, the more we are blackening our heart and leaving ourselves vulnerable to spiritual attack. Eliminate sins from your lives as well as useless entertainment as much as possible.
  2. Continue to research the deen and cultivate a love for Islam in your heart. Waswas will often frustrate people to the point where you just want to give up and not pray anymore or be a practicing Muslim anymore because it seems so hard. Remind yourself of why you love being a Muslim regularly so that no matter how intense the waswas give, you know in your heart that Insha Allah you will pray, fast, worship anyway because you love and fear Allah.
  3. Make a lot of sincere, heart-pouring dua for the solution to this problem.
  4. Avoid fatwa shopping. I think a common issue with waswas is to never feel satisfied with one scholarly opinion and to keep searching again and again in fear of taking the wrong opinion. Go to one person of knowledge and ask them to give you the opinion that would be most cautious for your case (as it is important to avoid doubtful matters as the Prophet (s.a.w.) taught us, but unfortunately this is something waswas can exploit when you're on your own). Then once they've given you the answer, stop trying to do your own research online and texting every Muslim you know. Waswas can make you feel like you are a scholar and know better than scholars that permit things or are not concerned with the matters we are in purity. Astughfirullah, this is of course a form of arrogance and extremism in the religion that we must avoid. So, unless you are somebody of sufficient knowledge to actually come at your own scholarly conclusions, which is very few of us, don't fish around constantly for answers in a frenzy.
  5. Don't be afraid to seek medical help for OCD if warranted.
  6. Spend time often with other Muslims. This is most relevant for reverts or people disconnected from their families in some way or living away from home etc. Stay in touch with the community. Have Muslims over to your house for dinner regularly and go to their houses etc. Just going through personal lives of eating and praying etc. with other Muslims was very helpful I found in order to help me establish an Islamic routine with normalcy again.
submitted by /u/MelinaBB
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from Islam
We have no humanity for Muslims from other countries, says BJP’s national secretary. submitted by /u/Edward_zigma
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from Islam

So I was Catholic but took shahadah about a month and a half ago. Anyway, I tend to start singing hymns randomly. It is so hard to stop but they are often really bad (i.e use trinitarian formulas, are worshiping Isa and Maryam, etc). Besides, if I understand correctly singing is wrong anyway? How can I stop? Has anyone else encountered this or a similar problem?

submitted by /u/deanpoetry02
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from Islam

In this post, I am going to review I am going to review Jouer Long Wear Lip Cream Liquid Lipstick Aubergine. Read on for more details on this liquid lipstick.

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TL,DR: I need help on my university application. Make dua for it to go well and for me to be accepted into a good program, and I will make dua for you during my hajj next summer.

All praise is due to Allah we praise and seek help and forgiveness from him.

Assalamu'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh brothers and sisters.

Do not worry, I will be short and try not to bore you with the details of my situation.

The long story short is that I am a grade 12 student living in Canada who is applying to universities. There is a big problem with one of my applications, with which I am applying to 4 different universities abroad. There is a very high chance that I will be going to one of these universities if I am accepted. The problem is that I needed 2 references from teachers, and long story short, I got 1, but I'm having trouble with the other one as 1 teacher is busy with personal problems, and another, as I realized long after asking and thinking that he would write my letter, hates me. And it's a very bad time to ask other teachers since it's the winter break and going right into exam season. I have asked other teachers, but none have replied to me yet, likely be because many won't be checking there school emails during holiday.

Idea is, I am going to Hajj next summer. I really need this university application to go well though. So here is the idea, I humbly request you, my brothers and sisters in faith, to make du'a for my university application to go well and for me to be accepted into a very good university by my standards, and in exchange, next summer, I will make dua in hajj for those who made dua for me (I will mention in my dua that I wish for the dua to only apply to those who made dua for me). Whether or not my university application goes well, I'll still make dua for y'all. I am fairly certain that I will be going to hajj next summer, and if I'm not, I will make lots of dua at home and make the intention of making dua for all of you when I eventually do go to hajj (again, very likely next summer).

Guys, it's a great deal. You just have to spend a little time and make dua for my university application to go well and for me to be accepted into a good university, and I'll make dua for you in hajj. In Hajj, guys. Even if the application doesnt go well, I'll still make dua for whoever made dua for me. And you know that the deal must be legit, since telling a lie or breaking a promise is a huge sin in Islam.

Please guys, I do really need this application to go well. If you guys have any specific duas you want me to make for you during hajj, you can comment them. Keep in mind that my dua then could very much help you with your problems now, as Allah is the first and the last, and time is not linear to him.

Assalamu'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

submitted by /u/Universalight
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from Islam

Morphe is a brand that’s well known for their brushes and eyeshadow palettes. They also have lip products which are quite underrated. I wanted to try their lipsticks for quite long and recently hauled some lipsticks from them. In this post, I am reviewing Morphe Matte Liquid Lipstick Nibble.

Morphe Matte Liquid Lipstick Nibble tubeMorphe Matte Liquid Lipstick Nibble Review appeared first on


The Holy Qur'an; Al-Baqarah (The Cow) 2:107-109

أَلَمۡ تَعۡلَمۡ أَنَّ ٱللَّهَ لَهُۥ مُلۡكُ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلۡأَرۡضِۗ وَمَا لَكُم مِّن دُونِ ٱللَّهِ مِن وَلِيّٖ وَلَا نَصِيرٍ

Do you not know that to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and [that] you have not besides Allah any protector or any helper?

أَمۡ تُرِيدُونَ أَن تَسۡـَٔلُواْ رَسُولَكُمۡ كَمَا سُئِلَ مُوسَىٰ مِن قَبۡلُۗ وَمَن يَتَبَدَّلِ ٱلۡكُفۡرَ بِٱلۡإِيمَٰنِ فَقَدۡ ضَلَّ سَوَآءَ ٱلسَّبِيلِ

Or do you intend to ask your Messenger as Moses was asked before? And whoever exchanges faith for disbelief has certainly strayed from the soundness of the way.

وَدَّ كَثِيرٞ مِّنۡ أَهۡلِ ٱلۡكِتَٰبِ لَوۡ يَرُدُّونَكُم مِّنۢ بَعۡدِ إِيمَٰنِكُمۡ كُفَّارًا حَسَدٗا مِّنۡ عِندِ أَنفُسِهِم مِّنۢ بَعۡدِ مَا تَبَيَّنَ لَهُمُ ٱلۡحَقُّۖ فَٱعۡفُواْ وَٱصۡفَحُواْ حَتَّىٰ يَأۡتِيَ ٱللَّهُ بِأَمۡرِهِۦٓۗ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيۡءٖ قَدِيرٞ

Many of the People of the Scripture wish they could turn you back to disbelief after you have believed, out of envy from themselves [even] after the truth has become clear to them. So pardon and overlook until Allah delivers His command. Indeed, Allah is over all things competent.

submitted by /u/vinghtdix
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from Islam

hey, everyone.

I'm sorry if this sounds offensive.

So I converted to Islam about 2.5 months ago. It was going great for the first 1.5 months but now I feel as though I'm losing faith and getting lost in what's true and what's not. I see so much about the Prophet (PBUH) being a bad person, and I see even more about Islam being unfair to certain communities. I love being in this religion but I'm just unsure of my future in it...

I'm just really concerned about my fate in Islam. My family is unsupportive, most people nowadays are unsupportive of the religion and I don't feel as if the religion really accepts me. I feel as though I haven't done my part in Islam and as I dig deeper into the religion, I'm not sure what to think about it anymore. I'm really lost. (and before anyone says 'pray', please know that I'm trying to find my place and I really don't need people trying to "help" me find the "right" way to go)

Thanks for reading this. I don't know what the point of it was, really.

Have a nice day!

submitted by /u/figure_skating_bagel
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from Islam

The prophets favourite fragrance notes were apparently Musk and Ambergris.

I’m partial to Oud + Musk + Myrrh (or frankincense), I really like Arabic smells. I’ve never smelled ambergris before (as far as I know), but I’d be interested in a fragrance containing some. Is there anything it smells similar to so I have a better idea?

I’m looking for a fragrance that combines ambergris with musk + Oud + and myrrh/resin.


submitted by /u/CaptainHoof
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from Islam