TL,DR: I need help on my university application. Make dua for it to go well and for me to be accepted into a good program, and I will make dua for you during my hajj next summer.

All praise is due to Allah we praise and seek help and forgiveness from him.

Assalamu'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh brothers and sisters.

Do not worry, I will be short and try not to bore you with the details of my situation.

The long story short is that I am a grade 12 student living in Canada who is applying to universities. There is a big problem with one of my applications, with which I am applying to 4 different universities abroad. There is a very high chance that I will be going to one of these universities if I am accepted. The problem is that I needed 2 references from teachers, and long story short, I got 1, but I'm having trouble with the other one as 1 teacher is busy with personal problems, and another, as I realized long after asking and thinking that he would write my letter, hates me. And it's a very bad time to ask other teachers since it's the winter break and going right into exam season. I have asked other teachers, but none have replied to me yet, likely be because many won't be checking there school emails during holiday.

Idea is, I am going to Hajj next summer. I really need this university application to go well though. So here is the idea, I humbly request you, my brothers and sisters in faith, to make du'a for my university application to go well and for me to be accepted into a very good university by my standards, and in exchange, next summer, I will make dua in hajj for those who made dua for me (I will mention in my dua that I wish for the dua to only apply to those who made dua for me). Whether or not my university application goes well, I'll still make dua for y'all. I am fairly certain that I will be going to hajj next summer, and if I'm not, I will make lots of dua at home and make the intention of making dua for all of you when I eventually do go to hajj (again, very likely next summer).

Guys, it's a great deal. You just have to spend a little time and make dua for my university application to go well and for me to be accepted into a good university, and I'll make dua for you in hajj. In Hajj, guys. Even if the application doesnt go well, I'll still make dua for whoever made dua for me. And you know that the deal must be legit, since telling a lie or breaking a promise is a huge sin in Islam.

Please guys, I do really need this application to go well. If you guys have any specific duas you want me to make for you during hajj, you can comment them. Keep in mind that my dua then could very much help you with your problems now, as Allah is the first and the last, and time is not linear to him.

Assalamu'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.

submitted by /u/Universalight
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