Assalamu Alaikum. A bit background about myself, I was born in Europe to South Asian parents who are Sunni and practicing Muslims. I respect and love everyone regardless of their identity, religion or ethnicity and have no problem with whatever their personal beliefs are.

Today, I came across an unfortunate dilemma. Both of my best friends belong to Ahmadiya faith while I belong to Sunni as I said before. My father discovered it today and didn't find it amusing. There is a little unpleasant atmosphere now and I don't know how to proceed.

Both of my friends are good people and have pure hearts to say the least. I like to be around them and have rarely felt my faith to be in danger as we don't bring our differences up. Some people might argue that Ahmadis are not Muslims, etc. but what is your opinion about it considering they also follow Islamic teachings.

Looking forward to hear your views and your support.

submitted by /u/Zah1d1
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